400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. Looks like Steeze's are gonna look as good if not better in the next month or so ... STEEZ.. can I take some credit if your harvest goes well for helping you out lol.. but if you fuck up.. its your fault.. deal ? lol jk


Well-Known Member
hahahaha thats down, you practically grew these plants I just did what you said.
not to sound cocky man but I don't think i'm going to fuck up.
girls are perkier then i've ever seen them before after todays watering.
and the master bubba doubled in bud size, and the desert dream just crystalized all her leaves today... im fucking astonished right now ill have pictures in the morning...:shock:
no signs of nute burn either, and i pumped them up more than last time..
i'll keep you guys posted :]

thank you AlohaKid.
one thing of advice I can give you is read, read and read.
it pays off in the long run, as you can tell.


Active Member
Great grow Steez. I am right there with you guys - 22 days into flower on my first grow. Heres to a good crop!


Well-Known Member
hahahaha thats down, you practically grew these plants I just did what you said.
not to sound cocky man but I don't think i'm going to fuck up.
girls are perkier then i've ever seen them before after todays watering.
and the master bubba doubled in bud size, and the desert dream just crystalized all her leaves today... im fucking astonished right now ill have pictures in the morning...:shock:
no signs of nute burn either, and i pumped them up more than last time..
i'll keep you guys posted :]

thank you AlohaKid.
one thing of advice I can give you is read, read and read.
it pays off in the long run, as you can tell.
It pays to have a pro like alotaball helping you out too! haha I had someone like that at the beginning but they bailed on me for some reason. Fuck'um. I got this!! Reading a ton and talking with you guys has helped me through all of this. If I were in socal I'd definitely be hooking up with you fellas.


Well-Known Member
I got new toys, will update with pictures later.

you guys are going to love it.

and i'm not religious, but alotaball is probably the closest thing to god i have.


Well-Known Member
I'll give you guys a hint on what I got.

Let's just say my brothers 3 seeds are germinating alongside a silver skunk seed.

gonna take pictures now.


Well-Known Member
Heres my new setup, Secret Jardin Dark Propagator 2x3x2 nice little tent was pretty fkin easy to setup.
Sunleaves High-Output T5's Pioneer IV jr. 4 2foot tubes, total watts 96, total lumens 8000, color temp (kelvins): 6500k

Got my 3 Oaksterdam OG seeds plus a Silver Skunk seed germinating in shot glasses... new setup to keep updates more frequent :]
If you're new to the thread theres newest pics on page 5


going to elaborate more on what i'm going to be doing.
i'm simply going to be growing out these seeds into mothers and they are going to be my main strain.
so, time to go back to the books and refresh my memory on the whole seedling to mom process and sexing and whatnot.
tent is kind of small height wise so i'm going to be doing some major topping lsting and whatnot.
big smile on my face all day, i was going to just get panda film and a CFL... but then the girlfriend saw this.
and the rest is history.




Well-Known Member
First seed has cracked, taproot didn't come out but it was cracked.
Went into a 20-30% Perelite / FFoF soil + Beer cup with a ziplock bag for humidity.
still waiting for the other three.

Redbull seedling, 12/12 from seed has shown its first white hairs.
pretty confident its female :]

just out of curiousity...is it now too late to take the redbull seedling out of the flowering room and put it into the 24/0 [or 18/6 havent decided yet] baby room?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you can re-veg anything. It may take a few weeks to transition back over to veg but it will eventually happen. There are people that re-veg their plants after they harvest the entire thing. I don't see how what you're doing is much different.


Well-Known Member
just out of curiousity...is it now too late to take the redbull seedling out of the flowering room and put it into the 24/0 [or 18/6 havent decided yet] baby room?
I would pull it out right now.. it will reveg.. it will prob just stop growing for a week or 2.. and it might have a couple funky leaves.. but she will get back on track


Well-Known Member
I thought about it, not going to.. its an experiment you know?

Only asked cause the girlfriend wanted to and I wasn't sure.


Well-Known Member
The three oaksterdam OG seeds my brother gave me all cracked, they were pretty big ass seeds too.

The Silver Skunk didnt crack but I put it in anyways and told it that it was time to be a seed.
hopefully they will be different when i wake up tomorrow morning.
