400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Well-Known Member
Since I'm doing my bagseed grow, I'm curious about your 'redbull' one that you're doing. It sounds like it may be the same strain I'm running right now (the guy called it 'Grand Daddy Red'). I'd love to see pics and compare when you harvest to see if this is the same stuff I have.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, it was pretty good smoke.. really smooth, earthy. had red hairs everywhere, littered with them.

shouldn't be too long till I start seeing buds :]


Well-Known Member
Same here... Mine was nice and mellow, but no couchlock (unless you smoked about 5g on your own). I bought mine as high end mids, but full of seeds (I'm guessing large scale outdoor grow). I would really love to identify this strain, because I'm thinking without the seed this would hit as hard as decent hydro.

BTW thanks for the call on the water and pot size - I looked closed and my roots are already trying to escape the planters, and these are sucking up water much faster now. You might have saved a few plants for me on that one. +rep coming your way


Well-Known Member
cool veg set-up, those tents are really a conveinient tool....just set up and grow! glad you didn't take your seedling out of 12-12 i was curious to see how your experiment would grow


Well-Known Member
Haha yea, this tent is pretty cool for the most part!

I've been doing some thinking and measuring and this tent is cooler than I thought.
Worst comes to worst, I could always turn this thing on its side, and have three feet of height instead of two. Also having a little trouble keeping the temperature stable without an inline fan exhausting hot air and pulling cold air in, but I just keep it open all the way and for the most part is stays below 85, so i'm not too worried at the moment.
No sprouts yet for the seeds, depressing. I just keep spraying them with a mister bottle whenever I see the top soil dry out a little bit.

Yea, I figured your plants would suck up all that room in no time, I'm happy I had something useful to tell you lol.

I was thinking about switching the seedling back to veg, just for the simple fact its growing so damn well.. thick fingers, great color green.
But I don't care how big or small she is, I'm going to make her produce her goods!

Anyways, Hindu Kush and Seedling got water + nutes + Molasses today.
Hindu kush seems to be picking up a lot.. probably because I didnt water it for like 7-8 days, and still even then it feels like I shouldnt water it when I pick it up, and it is still somewhat moist 2-3 inches down.
It's weird though, cause if you can see in the pictures the hindu has some leaves that are yellow and they look like some kind of deficiency, but, the only place that the hindu is having problems are on its two tops... all the undergrowth is coming in beautiful.. weird.

Anyways I got new pictures of them all, will post them in a sec.


Well-Known Member
Not the greatest of pictures, not a lot of closeups and the hindu kush isn't here nor the seedling.
But atleast it's something :p

Desert Dream, reached about 37 inches from soil to tip.

Master Bubba, about 20 inches to 22 inches tall.

Northern Lights, about 24-26 inches tall.

What I wake up to every morning :]

Oh and I opened my tent a little bit ago, and saw my hindu kush toppled over.
upon further inspection, it literally fell off it's books and VHS's and landed perfectly on its bottom inbetween all the other plants without any damage to anything.
Except a bunch of water to clean up.....
I think it's toying with me, since I want it to die so bad.


Well-Known Member
Alotaball I found like 2 very small black flies crawling up the stem of the budsite i'm having troubles with, the branch's top's pistils are turning orangish and the leaves that come out of the top are dying like twisting black.. dont see any other damage, only things i've found out about this is that the plant either got polinated or hermied, or pests.

I got a mason jar with apple juice + saran wrap and holes poked into it on the bottom of my tent and another one with apple juice and molasses to see which they like more.
I also poured like a half inch to an inch of perelite ontop of all the plants, heard this helps...

worried now, didnt want to see pests this late in the game... ugh.

anything else you would add, forgot to ask that part... like they are very small black fly looking things they didnt fly away when i went near them they just crawled on my finger and i killed them, but the branch is getting moderately worse, i first noticed it yesterday. should I cut it off?


Active Member
They look really good man, proud you got everything down so quickly. It's always a worry when someone starts growing. Maybe they will get to frustrated or whatever. Glad you stuck with it, your ladies are beautiful. Especially the Northern Lights. Wish I had some of those genetics, to make my Lantern's Light strain. JEalOUs!!!


Well-Known Member
Read up and I guess the larvae is the problem, i'm going to be giving all the plants normal water tomorrow most likely, should I mix some neem in the water to kill the larvae?

if so, how much?


Well-Known Member
Your shit is lookin good steeZz. Sorry to hear about the fly issue. I have zero experience with neem oil so hopefully I don't have any issues with bugs. The other day I bitch slapped one of my kush plants and an earwig fell out. He attempted to scurry away, but I stomped his punk ass lol. I'm just glad it was the only one.

I noticed that when I started using molasses I would get ants in my room. Not a lot, maybe like 10. The sugar somehow attracted them.. They were chilling under one of the drain pans not doing a whole lot, until I smashed them. Stay away from my plants. I don't fuck around haha


Active Member
There are pesticides you can put in your water that will kill the larvae. I have a big bottle of it, if you wanna come get some. I will check the label when I get home let you know it's info to help in your venture.


Well-Known Member
Picture of the exact batch of bud I got the seedling from.
Now you can probably compaire it with the stuff you got.


Well-Known Member
steeZz, I have gnats also but mine came from the FF OF soil. They've been in my garden since day one. There isn't a good amount of them so I haven't worried much about them. If you have them that would be my guess as to where they came from. No clue about the larvae though.


Well-Known Member
I read that putting a small piece of potato skin on the top of your soil helps with gnats. When you water your plants the p skin will open up small pores on and trap the gnat eggs from getting out. I've had this huge potato sitting on my kitchen counter for about a week. Still deciding if I'm going to give it a try. The gnats aren't out of control so I haven't tried it yet.

Edit: Post #500 lol damn I talk to much


I was also have gnats for first time in my life,and a great thing is Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis-BTI,with this product and with neem-oil i was destroy them,also after that i get Thrips and for them i was use garlic with chilli spray-very good thing,i didnt belive that is gone be so efficient, but it is.Yellow traps for fungus gnats and blue for thrips,and a pests dont have chance against your beauties.Hope this will help you.Greets from Mir.


Active Member
I was also have gnats for first time in my life,and a great thing is Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis-BTI,with this product and with neem-oil i was destroy them,also after that i get Thrips and for them i was use garlic with chilli spray-very good thing,i didnt belive that is gone be so efficient, but it is.Yellow traps for fungus gnats and blue for thrips,and a pests dont have chance against your beauties.Hope this will help you.Greets from Mir.
I think that is what I was talking about before. My stuff is called Physus20 or something it's 11 bucks at BV Hydro.