Well-Known Member
ok i got the problem solved! chicks dildo's/pocket rocket. dudes pocket pussy/ blowup doll
This guy, Kenneth Knippel of Wausau, Wi, was an offspring of rape. His mom was raped by her brother and since she was young was forced to keep it.
He grew up to sexually assault over a dozen women and left one for dead after raping her with a crowbar.
ok i got the problem solved! chicks dildo's/pocket rocket. dudes pocket pussy/ blowup doll
That's the whole debate. Your opinion is not the deciding factor. Also, in a partial birth abortion, the baby is 90% outside the mothers body when it's killed (sometimes illegal organ harvesting is done at this stage). That's when all goes as planned. Sometimes the baby is completely outside the mother's body when it's killed. This is still MURDER under U.S. law, but no abortionist has been prosecuted for it. After all, we don't want do anything that might interfere with a woman's sacred right to be irresponsible. It might make it harder to get laid. And we sure don't want to have to support the children that are the result of OUR irresponsible behavior.Lol, it ain't a person till it's born. In the mean time it is part of the mother.
hey it solves unwantedness,Somehow that lacks the raw edgy appeal of unplanned unprotected sex with a living breathing member of the other plumbing plan. cn
so what if you weren't here.
in all honesty.
so what if none of us were here.
your body, your right. until you DEMAND child support.
Is that why she sold me to Gypsies?your mom took care of you and owned you
That's the whole debate. Your opinion is not the deciding factor. Also, in a partial birth abortion, the baby is 90% outside the mothers body when it's killed (sometimes illegal organ harvesting is done at this stage). That's when all goes as planned. Sometimes the baby is completely outside the mother's body when it's killed. This is still MURDER under U.S. law, but no abortionist has been prosecuted for it. After all, we don't want do anything that might interfere with a woman's sacred right to be irresponsible. It might make it harder to get laid. And we sure don't want to have to support the children that are the result of OUR irresponsible behavior.
Let's not forget that the righties are trying to stop the use of some birth control pills that allow an egg to be fertilized, but not be allowed to implant. If I remember correctly they account for about 30 to 40 percent of all birth control pills. But, that might not be the correct number.
Not every ejaculation deserves a name.
hey it solves unwantedness,
True. If I was a rape victim that was impregnated I wouldn't take the chance though and that right should never be taken away from a woman if ever in that situation.
Not always but it does happen very often Mental issues that cause people to do these things are usualy passed on.
And abortion would have taken 1 "life", compared to the dozens this "person" was allowed to take, wait it was his birth right and destiny right??? lmfao
I say we start chopping off hands and shit, jail is prep school for criminals, fuck these horrible sex offenders we should burn off all their fun parts and force them to watch really good porn for eternity!!!
Ya child support, not April supportIf he wants equal parental rights he can pay the peanuts in child support the government not me asks for, if he was a real man we would be together and he would be paying much more anyways lmfao , raising a child is not about money, it's about love, a loving parent will always provide what a child needs, not wants.
Children of divorced parents are spoiled and demanding, hell they can spend 1 week at mom and next at dads, i've seen it work then child support is not needed.
One thing I've noticed is how you feel afterwards isn't really mentioned very often. I am pro-choice, and my gf and I decided to terminate a pregnancy. I would probably still do it if I could go back, but it is probably the most messed up thing I've ever experienced. I'll never, ever, ever forget it.
On the other hand, I'm not pro life in any way. I think it's wrong that every person in the world is, by default, saved, or forced to live (depending on the situation). The human race is over populating the world because we simply don't have survival anymore. While I don't want people to die, or die myself, there needs to be laws of nature. Due to our higher development we found ways to circumvent these rules, and in the long run it will be the death of all human, all other animals/ living things on the planet, and the planet itself. Simply put, the human race is greedy, and is most likely the worst thing to ever happen to the Earth. We will single-handedly destroy our world.
Of course this would be very difficult for the sperm donor(male) to deal with, I don't think i ever said otherwise , but it comes down to who's body the fetus is growing in when abortion is in question. Would u let someone decide what u can and can't do with ur body? How about this (just a random exemple lol) u meet ur dream girl and ends she is knocked up, 2months the man she was with forces her to have the child because he wants it, but she claims he was very abusive and she had to get away for her safety, how would this make u feel as a male? (if u are one lol sorry assuming) I know pretty extreme exemple lmfao but I very curious as to why men think they have equal if not more say over a womens body??????? U don't own it, u just donated sperm, if u did not want children then u could have taken all sorts of measures to try and prevent this, but if it does happen i feel a mans rights only come into play as equal parent after the child is born. When the bun is brewing inside me IT BELONGS TO ME!!! lol
i say we start screen fetuses in the womb and never let the problems start to begin with.
still lovin' this logic.![]()