advanced nutes

I called the AN technical support and he told me not to run cal/mag and that it will mess up my pH. He said to follow the calculator exactly. So I guess I need to run a shitload of ppms for my clones.
So I just did a res change for the clones at 1 ml/l of sensi grow a + b with 10 drops total of h2o2 in 7.5 gallons and no cal mag. Starting pH 5.65' 323 ppm
just curious why you would say that when the current pH allows for the uptake of no nutes from my understanding

Ive found if u add calmag to ph perfect stuff sensi grow with RO water ph sit at around 6.3/6.4 for first few days then come down. I never used H202 thou.

Keep your rez temps at 68/70f an u wont need that H202

PS have you even got roots yet on these clones? as if you havent 1ml a Litre is to much u dont need any base nutrients in there at all.
I do have roots. My pH finally stayed stable when I left the cal mag out. The AN rep said there is plenty in the grow formula and I don't need it. PH holding at 5.63. I will try it with just the base nutes for now.
Personally I would switch to a 3 part ph balanced system. You have to watch when talking to any reps. Their studies are done on a few strains and are complete for the strains they research. Not all strains are equal. Watch carefully I have found that most of these nutrient lines will need calcium or magnesium at some point in flower with some of these monster strains. When it happens give them a jolt of juice(cal/mag) and they will finish with vigor. JAS
The clones are definitely starting to take off. They are a little light green and drinking a little more water than nutes, but barely. Ppms rose to 330 from 313 in 3 days. PH is stable still. Think I need anymore supplements other than the sensi grow base a + b.
Depending on strain, it may be all you need. When I set someone up, I always leave them with a bottle of cal/mag. I don't recommend additives or enzymes until the grower has a good handle on his set up and even then I tell them to research products don't just buy. Keep your res stable and maybe buy a litre of cal/mag and only use it if you see a problem...JAS
yes id agree too chiesel strain an running atm needs extra too without it run in to problems, Sensi A&B should be fine i always use B-52 as well in Veg.

Well I bought cal mag and tried using it, but I could not keep my pH stable with cal mag. It would drop rapidly. I call the AN rep and he said to get rid of cal mag. Think I was using too much?
It can play with your ph for sure and I would only use it if you have an issue. Start with 1/4 strength and see how it affects your res. I have a gentleman that lets his tap water sit overnight with the cal/mag already in it 24hrs. before he mixes, drain to waste though. Personally if they are telling you not to use then I would research another line because most of the nutrient lines will need calcium at one point or another. JAS
Use RO Water too?

As said when would go up to 6.3/6.4 for day or two then drop back down.

I have digital ppm500 meter an everyday the ppm go down by 10/20 each day.

Also the amount of water / nutrient solution is also dropping a lot each day too.

Just have find that happy medium where taking the nuts an water.

I put those pics up so could see where these plants can take.

In my experience 600 ppm is the highest I go in the veg period. No need pushing them anymore unless I have massive plants.
Also I said don't worry about PH to much if using AN PH perfect base nutes.

I know I couldn't deal with it my self always wanted to PH it back down. But even at PH 6.4 plants grow fine.
The plants are growing, but also light green. Does this mean I should raise ppm or is it needing a supplement? I am currently using distiller water with 0 ppm starting
They tell everyone it has more than enough calcium in it, but it doesnt, im sure they also told you to bump your ppm and that would take care of it, but it wont. They say that because as you have found out, cal/mag fucks with the ph, when they figure out a way to mix it in without it affecting ph, you can guarantee they will suggest it. I had the same issue, ended up mixing a gram of calcium nitrate into a gallon of water and dissolving it before I add my nutes, ph balanced at 5.8 and the problem was solved. If your plants are light green and your ppm is dropping your not feeding enough, your giving them just enough to survive but not enough to thrive.