advanced nutes

Have you been doing a lot of reading with your two week old account? I'm just wondering when you'd have time with your ten posts per day.
I have come to the conclusion that this Dbag is a An rep, He is hugging UB's balls in all his threads trying to start shit with him. That SCREAMS AN REP.
I dnt give a shit abput what nutes are better if u have a life outside growing and weed forums ph perfect is the move. I fnt have all the bottles sensi a&b BB, and BC, nvr look at my ph plants are.fuckin great at 5ml gal. Some of u dudes need to grab some golf clubs and get a hobby this shit is ridiculous that this thread actually gets ppl upset. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.
I dnt give a shit abput what nutes are better if u have a life outside growing and weed forums ph perfect is the move. I fnt have all the bottles sensi a&b BB, and BC, nvr look at my ph plants are.fuckin great at 5ml gal. Some of u dudes need to grab some golf clubs and get a hobby this shit is ridiculous that this thread actually gets ppl upset. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

what golf clubs you got bet mine are better ;)
Nike pro combos with c-taper shafts. vokkey wedges S400s. Rbz driver miyazaki black shaft R11 3 wood miyazaki balck shaft ping hybrid stockshaft and scotty cameron putter. lol add that up tell me how much my bags worth lol
Lol u hater i golf for a living. But even still how cheap r u if u cnt buy nice shit for urself? So if i had a 20k old school car is that stupid too? I hate cheap ass ppl we have one life livej it the fuck up.
not a hater am one the believers had great results with AN. I know where coming from thou so really annoying idiots that think they know everything around here ;)
Serioous tho all nutes work it just depends on how gullible u are. If i could mix and have a consistent ph and nvr have to deal with thaat shit i would use any brand. AN is shady as fuck tho but i have lots of shit to do so it is what it is.
U probably aren't a good athlete clearly lol I'm a football basketball. basefull track and field and golf guy so hearing that hater shit is comedy lol.
Budman ur from euro so i can understand the ppl that sank ur economy all plaay the rich sport and shit on guys like u so it makes sense why u say things out ur ass.
Budman ur from euro so i can understand the ppl that sank ur economy all plaay the rich sport and shit on guys like u so it makes sense why u say things out ur ass.

The joke is that the 'club house' is called the 'wankers club'...common phrase.
I just bought AN sensi grow. I put 2 new clones into bubble buckets and set them to 300 ppm. There is sensi grow a + b, cal mag+, and h2o2. After adding the nutes the pH was 5.62 so I didn't add any pH down. 18 hours later the ppm is 318 and the pH is 4.7. What am I doing wrong? How do I keep the pH higher?
I did, but have also run a few trials since then so I should probably redo it. Do I just pH down distiller water to 5.5? How long do I soak them?

--wish they never discontinued this stuff~ its pretty much concentrated bokashi & sugar(s)~ wonder why they pulled the plug..