Advanced Nutrients has class....

Before I received the vid, I didn't even know who Big Mike was. I have used BIG BUD powder and it did make a difference, although I felt my nursery fert was just as good and cheaper, but I know most folks can't get their hands on what I can.

But yes, he seems to get folks quite emotional.
If Big Mike says it, then it's gotta be good. After all, it's his moral obligation kiddies. ;)
i know a few dozen members of the old advanced site that would disagree with you. i'll guess that 80%+ of the old members think he's a tool, and this is just a scheme. it's nothing new though. what's that old Christmas movie where the santa tells people where to get toys cheaper? businesses only care about the bottom line, not the customers. if you think they care about you (for anything other than your money) you're mistaken!
I just wanna see facts that this AN nutrient stuff doesnt "Work". If it doesnt, this would be the biggest hype in ANY industry that I've ever seen. Even if it does "Work", I guess thats all it would do is "Work", since the wave around here now is only giving your plant what it needs. What defines work around here is, "Getting all the right elements to your plants". So really, if the cannabis plant only looks for what it can eat, then most decent nutrient foods on the market will "Work". I see on the back of this AN bottle all the elements that my plants need for a green, sucessful life. The problem here is, that the elements are broken into a couple diffrent bottles. Make what you will of that. I like it, Ive been useing the same bottles for a year now(I like hot soil). Big Mike relies on all of the people on his payroll to tell him about how well his products are working and testing out. I would assume just like all of us in life, we want to make the "The Man"happy so, we tell'em what they want ti hear. Big Mike really really believes his products are good so hes doin a sales pitch. Its almost like he beleives he has a cure for cancer or something.LOL. Lets just say, when my bottles are done I might try something else. Not that I dont have great results already, its just that Im opened minded to new developments.
heehee, WOW, does "Big Mike" also recommend all of the products that Advanced Nutrients copied?? :lol: :lol:

Like I've always said, when AN says they have 3 scientists on their staff, those guys must have majored in Marketing! :lol:

Used car salesman is perfect.


Its kind of funny how a few hydro businesses stopped carrying his product.

Then he cries on a brand new video that just came out claiming that he needs OUR help.

Ahhh Bullshit. He charges ALOT of money for his products so that he can continue living the goodlife.

He's panicking, and you can hear it in his voice.

And alot of people think he's so cool..BIG MIKE!... give me a break. He's an out of shape couch potato with an enlarged hypothalamus with a heart condition.

That guy doesn't do NOTHING for me.

Tall Goober Mike... who cares!!!?

Drop your prices, and we'll see what we can do for you. In other words, GET REAL and treat your customers like real people. I wouldn buy anything from him. Thats how i feel. :hump:
A lot of what I thought about the video at first has pretty much been said and elaborated.

"Big Mike" is just a salesman with a new angle attempting to fool the stereotypical "stoners" and "growers" into trusting him when he under estimated our intelligence.

It's almost an insult imo.

I was suprised to see uncle ben so worked up, lol.
Its kind of funny how a few hydro businesses stopped carrying his product.

Then he cries on a brand new video that just came out claiming that he needs OUR help.

Ahhh Bullshit. He charges ALOT of money for his products so that he can continue living the goodlife.

He's panicking, and you can hear it in his voice.

And alot of people think he's so cool..BIG MIKE!... give me a break. He's an out of shape couch potato with an enlarged hypothalamus with a heart condition.

That guy doesn't do NOTHING for me.

Tall Goober Mike... who cares!!!?

Drop your prices, and we'll see what we can do for you. In other words, GET REAL and treat your customers like real people. I wouldn buy anything from him. Thats how i feel. :hump:

after i use all my AN ill go on strike with u bru cuz that shit is hella pricey...everybody should just stop using it and they'll drop the prices..AN has some good shit tho..i get better buds when i use AN then when i use buds fill out better and have more trichs..but there's plenty of other good lines out there..that video got edited tho and he's reading a Q card i bet..sounded like he just wants to make more money..i bet he worked a deal out with that product he was promoting
And sometimes ... it's just what it appears to be.... turning his customers onto the best product. Yes, it's smart to do ... horrors!

He must be up to something...:lol:

Like good business instincts?
Personally, the only thing I think more deplorable than someone trying to sell a product that doesn't live up to the promises of the salesperson, is ENVY. People want to hate on Big Mike for this and that, fat, couch potato, rich bastard, whatever. I have no problem with those who've found a way to make a living for themselves and gain wealth doing so. The problem with wealth is, the more of it you have, the more wisdom and spiritual guidance (IMO) you need. Using that wealth to not only help you, but others as well is not as easy as it sounds. Of course, this is only true if you have a conscience and a sense of morality.
I have no problem with those who've found a way to make a living for themselves and gain wealth doing so.

It's the Tammy Faye's and Jimmy Baker's of the world I hate. Advanced Shysters falls into that kind of deceptive, unethical group marketing to the sucker crowd. He has no class, unlike say...... Jack Peters, who made it on his own without having to resort to any of the hype or sales gimmicks while offering better one-in-all products at a fraction of the price.

Having said that, it's hard to beat Rootone-F for inducing rooting action on cuttings. It's cheap and since it contains a fungicide to prohibit rot, very effective.

It's the Tammy Faye's and Jimmy Baker's of the world I hate. Advanced Shysters falls into that kind of deceptive, unethical group marketing to the sucker crowd. He has no class, unlike say...... Jack Peters, who made it on his own without having to resort to any of the hype or sales gimmicks plus offering better one-in-all products at a fraction of the price.


This bullshit banter has nothing to do with the op. Instead of hearing opinion and conjecture on why AN is better or worse or snake oil or whatever, it would have been nice to hear more about H&G's Root Excelerator. Seriously I think that this could have been a good thread for RIU patrons to have posted their own experiances with H&G's Root Excelerator.
Maybe then some of us who wanted to know if it was good or not could have gained a little knowledge from others on here that have experience witht the product.
Instead the AN haters and AN lovers come out and hijack the thread. You ASSHOLES turned it into another flame/love AN fest. Get over it.

Can all of you haters and fanboys let it go for just one Fing thread. I don't give a rats ass about your hate for or love of BIG MIKE or AN. I clicked on the post to see what it was about. The OP laid it out very clearly. Then the rest of you hijacked the thread and turned into another BS fest.

Like we don't know that UB detests AN. Check it out UB I know you "hate" AN. Do you think that with your experience and background you could have instead added something helpful about H&G's Root Excelerator. Or maybe just maybe you could have recgonized that this post wasn't about AN.

Do you think that could have used your knowledge to help inform less knowlegable readers about how auxins and other hormones are used to encourage root development and discourage foilage growth.

OP, I appologize for ranting in your thread. I thought that I may gain some insight from the thread, but I find myself reading another F'd up thread about how crappy AN is.

I gained no knowledge other than what was afforded by the op and the video that "big Mike" presented. I still have no better information on H&G's Root Excelerator, and none of you posted any relevant expertice, knowledge, or insight about the product.

I did confirm one thing though; some of you will "search and destroy" any thread that even mentions AN, even if it's not about their product.

So now that the thread is sufficiently side tracked and generally F'ed, does anyone else want to share their knowledge about H&G's Root Excelerator?
I agree. Roots excelerator is the best rooting hormone on the market currently. I've been cloning/vegging with it for a year now and recommend it every time I'm asked. Also 1mil/g is ALL you need! Drip clean by H&G is another MUST HAVE product. If used properly it will eliminate all possibility of nute lockout/buildup and will cut your flush time in half. And it lasts forever. You only need .4ml/Gal.
Or maybe just maybe you could have recgonized that this post wasn't about AN.
The thread title is Advanced nutes has class! :wall:

How does that foot taste?

The video in question is clearly motivated by profit and not a moral obligation to his customers.

Perhaps a thread titled "Roots Ex. by H&G reviewed" would get the discussion that you want.
I still have no better information on H&G's Root Excelerator, and none of you posted any relevant expertice, knowledge, or insight about the product.

Ahhhhhh, hate to clue you in, but the thread isn't about H&G's Root Excelerator. The title of the thread is "Advance Nutrients has class......"

1. The thread should have never been started in the Advanced Gardening forum, it simply doesn't belong here,

2. Do you grow? If you do, then rather than take the anecdotal evidence of a bunch of stoners or a sales pitch as fact, recommend you buy an assortment of products and see for yourself. You can also root in plain water ya know. ;)

....and finally...

3. That fat ass, puffy black eyed ex used car salesman wouldn't know "class" if it bit 'em the ass.

Rootone-F is simply the best rooting agent on the market! You only need a dusting! It makes big, fat roots! Lot's of them!
Perhaps a thread titled "Roots Ex. by H&G reviewed" would get the discussion that you want.
Agreed, the title could have been different. I did a search for for rooting hormone, a bunch of stuff popped. This was close to the top and one of the threads I clicked on. I was hoping for insight instead I got this.

Ahhhhhh, hate to clue you in, but the thread isn't about H&G's Root Excelerator. The title of the thread is "Advance Nutrients has class......"

The thread could have been about H&G's Root Excelerator or root hormones in general but I guess with AN in the title we have to start a hate fest? However I do agree that the title could have been different, most could.

1. The thread should have never been started in the Advanced Gardening forum, it simply doesn't belong here,
The thread could have been about ADVANCED rooting hormones and products that will help people clone. In that respect I would think it is in the right place.
Rootone-F is simply the best rooting agent on the market! You only need a dusting! It makes big, fat roots! Lot's of them!
Could you have maby put that in the second post on this thread instead of starting all this? Could you explain why? You are a knowledgable horticulturist are you not? I've read some of your stuff and believe it to be sound advice.
However when you keep playing the same tired ass rant; let's just say that it gets old and leave it at that.

2. Do you grow? If you do, then rather than take the anecdotal evidence of a bunch of stoners or a sales pitch as fact,!
I have a nursery and we start early (as you well know UB) for the spring wholesale. I rutinely use the web to enhance my knowledge base and to keep current.
Recommend you buy an assortment of products and see for yourself. You can also root in plain water ya know. ;) !
Damn man why even give advice if that's your attitude. How did you first learn about extracting hormones from willow branches to use as a rooting agent, or grafting healthy robust rose root balls with beautiful rose flowers?

No I do not take unsubtantiated conjecture at face value, but if I read it from enough sources (substantiated or not) I believe that I can form a reasonable assumption. From there I will decide wether to try something or not. I believe that this is a little better than shooting in the dark and buying everything to try.

You want others to learn from your mistakes or do you perfer that they just "Recommend you buy an assortment of products and see for yourself.". So all this AN hating and your advice is to "you buy an assortment of products and see for yourself.", isn't that one of your reasons for hating AN UB?

jeebuscheebus, Uncle Ben, and everyone else i'm not (and was not) trying to pick a fight I simply became frustrated after three pages of the same old same old, from the same old people.
Agreed, the title could have been different. I did a search for for rooting hormone, a bunch of stuff popped. This was close to the top and one of the threads I clicked on. I was hoping for insight instead I got this.

The thread could have been about H&G's Root Excelerator or root hormones in general but I guess with AN in the title we have to start a hate fest? However I do agree that the title could have been different, most could.

The thread could have been about ADVANCED rooting hormones and products that will help people clone. In that respect I would think it is in the right place.

Could you have maby put that in the second post on this thread instead of starting all this? Could you explain why? You are a knowledgable horticulturist are you not? I've read some of your stuff and believe it to be sound advice.
However when you keep playing the same tired ass rant; let's just say that it gets old and leave it at that.

I have a nursery and we start early (as you well know UB) for the spring wholesale. I rutinely use the web to enhance my knowledge base and to keep current.

Damn man why even give advice if that's your attitude. How did you first learn about extracting hormones from willow branches to use as a rooting agent, or grafting healthy robust rose root balls with beautiful rose flowers?

No I do not take unsubtantiated conjecture at face value, but if I read it from enough sources (substantiated or not) I believe that I can form a reasonable assumption. From there I will decide wether to try something or not. I believe that this is a little better than shooting in the dark and buying everything to try.

You want others to learn from your mistakes or do you perfer that they just "Recommend you buy an assortment of products and see for yourself.". So all this AN hating and your advice is to "you buy an assortment of products and see for yourself.", isn't that one of your reasons for hating AN UB?

jeebuscheebus, Uncle Ben, and everyone else i'm not (and was not) trying to pick a fight I simply became frustrated after three pages of the same old same old, from the same old people.

For someone who whines so much about people bitching and moaning, you sure do your share of it.

You spend multiple posts whining that this thread 'could have been' about the pros and cons of rooting hormones, yet you offer zero information on the subject.

Oh the irony.
For someone who whines so much about people bitching and moaning, you sure do your share of it.

You spend multiple posts whining that this thread 'could have been' about the pros and cons of rooting hormones, yet you offer zero information on the subject.

Oh the irony.

I know, what a bitch.
I know it is easy to get a thread deflected and that is what has happened here.

The main idea of this thread was simply for me to tip my hat to a company willing to admit it had been bested by a competitors product.... that's all. Any other conclusion is being interpreted by you, not I.

I simply found it REFRESHING to see the mea culpa by AN.... it's unusual.

It took no time at all to bring out the cynics of human nature.... and that is a direct reflection upon the person posting, not the owner of AN.
I'm 100% sure that I have only a fraction of the growing experience of MANY on this thread, but I can say that I've been using Roots Excelurator since I switched to hydro last year. At first I only used it in my reservoirs from veg to a couple weeks into flowering. The H&G site stated it was NOT for cuttings. Later I said what the hell and tried it in my cloner and it worked wonders. The price is steep, but it lasts forever at the recommended dilution rate.

As far as Big Mike's endorsement, yeah it's nice to see someone say "somebody did it better" and back that up with action. Of course he could have any number of motives for doing so.