Well-Known Member
I would slap your friend lol! that's just a couple bacteria species and endo myco fungi, and lots of absorbant basically.
Good news being that OG Biowar can surely be kiboshed in the future then and be less expensive to replace than 170 a kg quite easily, I guess one has to pay for their marketing and packaging more than anything!!
One of our preferred fly frass manufcturers is about 15x cheaper, actually and has all that but myco.. you can buy a pound of that and myco and own both seperate, which I think is better, for just $35.
They had its product tested by a US lab that does microbial analysis and they found colonies of nitrifying bacteria, phosphorus solublizers, pseudomonas, cellulose degraders, chitin utilizers, and heterotrophic bacteria (that's by functional group, not identifying every single species) in various amounts.
Awesome things is one can amass their own bacteria via simply making labs and doing their worm farming, all your fulvic and humic acids will come naturally with that, too, so you wont have to buy those either, ever, if going fresh ..
So in summary, all you really need is a little mineral and meal kit, I can help you find one for under $20 and that will have all the foods needed to do a water only grow (essentialy, minus a bit of malted barley top-feeding, which comes with the kit)..
Meaning you're very close to rocking.. Just need to build some precious castings and that initial base medium..
Maybe I'll try to sell it back to my friend hahaha it was not cheap. I think they send free shit to growers on Instagram to promote their products. I don't need the fly frass and myco you mentioned either? Just a mineral and meal kit and the stuff listed below it? Amazing. Let me know what you find! If you know of any reputable/cheap sources for the materials I'd love to hear em! Thanks again man I'll have to repay you for your help