Amazon Raises Minimum Wage to $15 for All U.S. Employees

0 mention of Bernard by Jeff Bezos.
As far as socialised medicine the lobbyists wouldn't allow it. I personally know a Canadian Dr. who practices up the road. He left Canada for one reason. He could make triple here. Plus he has 3 nurse practitioners as well. On average well over 7000 patients are seen a month. No benefits to his workers. In this medical mess we live in he is a bit cheaper so sees lots of cash patients. $65 office visits. $150 for labs. He's getting rich. He's been here around 20 years.
Interesting, he's getting rich off of abusing the exploitative American system that jacks up drug prices and procedures because our government can't legally negotiate with pharmaceutical companies..
Interesting, he's getting rich off of abusing the exploitative American system that jacks up drug prices and procedures because our government can't legally negotiate with pharmaceutical companies..
No they wont negotiate because pharmaceutical companies are big money lobbyist
I didn't say Sanders started the movement, he even admits as much himself..

I said he popularized it, and without him popularizing it, Amazon and Bezos would not have raised their minimum wage
No you didnt you said he made it happen he didnt the media did. Hes never going to be president he is not some messiah like figure, he only deserves credit for helping it along many others carried the torch much further and they deserve the credit because they faught and lost careers some committed suicide and risked everything, he has a platform it's ok to give credit where credits due but this is not a Sanders victory
No you didnt you said he made it happen he didnt the media did. Hes never going to be president he is not some messiah like figure, he only deserves credit for helping it along many others carried the torch much further and they deserve the credit because they faught and lost careers some committed suicide and risked everything, he has a platform it's ok to give credit where credits due but this is not a Sanders victory
Without Sanders, this would not have happened

Sanders put pressure on the media to put this issue in the spotlight. The fight for $15 movement has been around for a few years, they've done great work advancing the cause. But what I've learned throughout observing this process is that you need someone to lead it. Sanders has been that champion since the 1960s. This guy has spent his entire life fighting to protect and secure benefits for average Americans.
I dont like Trump either but you cant just lie like that or be that biased about your candidate.
Thats the problem today in America everyone is so far to the left or right they cant see the truth it's just sides now not taking America forward its I win you lose
Bullshit, from the left we have the social justice warriors and politically correct, black lives matter and on the right its xenophobic racists I got mine fuck everyone else, no Medical care if your poor crap all saying my side is more righteous
To be honest I wish a new centrist party would emerge and scuttle both sides, because all you on the left and right make me want to vomit. You are destroying your own country.
Without Sanders, this would not have happened

Sanders put pressure on the media to put this issue in the spotlight. The fight for $15 movement has been around for a few years, they've done great work advancing the cause. But what I've learned throughout observing this process is that you need someone to lead it. Sanders has been that champion since the 1960s. This guy has spent his entire life fighting to protect and secure benefits for average Americans.
Hes too far to the left and so are you
Without Sanders, this would not have happened

Sanders put pressure on the media to put this issue in the spotlight. The fight for $15 movement has been around for a few years, they've done great work advancing the cause. But what I've learned throughout observing this process is that you need someone to lead it. Sanders has been that champion since the 1960s. This guy has spent his entire life fighting to protect and secure benefits for average Americans.
That's a lie and you know it! He used the platform for political gain and you ate it like a fat kid eats cake
In a tweet, without alluding to capitulation to Bernard. In fact, it looks like he's responding to praise from the desperate old guy who will take anything he can get and try to turn it into evidence that he is politically relevant. Maybe now Bernard will follow in the example that Jeff Bezos has set and see that his campaign staffers are paid a living wage if he decides to make a another failure of a run for president.
In a tweet, without alluding to capitulation to Bernard. In fact, it looks like he's responding to praise from the desperate old guy who will take anything he can get and try to turn it into evidence that he is politically relevant.
I can tell which side of the fence you are on too. When all the Mexicans are gone enjoy paying 20 a punnet for strawberries
I actually immigrated to Australia 20 years ago,
my grandson was born at 26 weeks 2 and a half months ago, 14 weeks premature my daughter has no insurance but this child was cared for in the best way 24 hours a day with cutting edge medical technology he is coming home next week and you know what not a dollar will come out of her pocket, it's called socialistic medicine and it's not a dirty word, we all pay for the benefit of society as a whole For these situations because it's right and healthcare is a fundamental human right. The right for a transgender to use my daughter's toilet is not a right but a social justice warriors unjust demand on society. See we can sit on both sides and still be right I dont have to be a Democrat or Republican to make those decisions for myself.