Amazon Raises Minimum Wage to $15 for All U.S. Employees

I dont like Trump either but you cant just lie like that or be that biased about your candidate.
Thats the problem today in America everyone is so far to the left or right they cant see the truth it's just sides now not taking America forward its I win you lose
If I asked you questions about policy based on the actual issues, chances are good you would side with the progressive position. Would you be interested in taking that test?
Bullshit, from the left we have the social justice warriors and politically correct, black lives matter and on the right its xenophobic racists I got mine fuck everyone else, no Medical care if your poor crap all saying my side is more righteous

To be honest I wish a new centrist party would emerge and scuttle both sides, because all you on the left and right make me want to vomit. You are destroying your own country.
Centrism, moderation, that's a bullshit political philosophy. Nobody in America supports abortion and the war on drugs. Nobody in America opposes capital punishment and birth control..

Everyone leans one way or the other, and based on polls, based on the issues, most Americans lean progressive

I think your problem is in labeling. I think, like most Americans, you're mislabeling what you believe to be "the left", and misidentifying with what you believe to be "the right", based on propaganda you've seen

I dont like Trump either but you cant just lie like that or be that biased about your candidate.
Thats the problem today in America everyone is so far to the left or right they cant see the truth
What did I lie about?

Based on what policy Sanders supports, where is he "too far to the left"?

Bullshit, from the left we have the social justice warriors and politically correct, black lives matter and on the right its xenophobic racists I got mine fuck everyone else, no Medical care if your poor crap all saying my side is more righteous
That's not coming from the Sanders wing of the Democratic party, that's coming from the moderate/centrist/establishment wing of the Democratic party; the Clinton supporters. Because they have no actual popular policy positions to fall back on and support
To be honest I wish a new centrist party would emerge and scuttle both sides, because all you on the left and right make me want to vomit. You are destroying your own country.
Again, when you describe "the left", I think you're completely misidentifying who you're describing. Sanders and his supporters actually oppose the things you're condemning him/them for. So I think it would be fair to reassess what you're angry about and re appropriate the judgment elsewhere where it actually belongs
Hes too far to the left and so are you
How? What political policies do Sanders or I support that you believe are "too far left"?
He used the platform for political gain
What evidence supports that?
In a tweet, without alluding to capitulation to Bernard.
Sanders criticized Bezos and Amazon for months
Bezos and Amazon fought back
Sanders and Khanna introduced the Stop BEZOS Act
Bezos and Amazon capitulate


OK... Like I told your friend, Fogdog, your opinion about the reality of the situation is irrelevant. You're free to believe whatever you want and ignore reality if it makes you feel better. I couldn't care less. The results of the upcoming elections will reveal who is right, and I'm a pretty patient guy..

it's called socialistic medicine and it's not a dirty word, we all pay for the benefit of society as a whole For these situations because it's right and healthcare is a fundamental human right.
The right for a transgender to use my daughter's toilet is not a right but a social justice warriors unjust demand on society.
See we can sit on both sides and still be right I dont have to be a Democrat or Republican to make those decisions for myself.
I suppose it depends on the issue.. You're absolutely wrong about people using the bathroom of their choice, you seem to be right about universal medical coverage. I think there are some traditional conservative or libertarian opinions that are more correct than what the current Democratic party supports, a perfect example would be the war on drugs. But when it comes to fundamental rights, liberty, tax/economy, etc., one side is objectively better than the other simply based on historical evidence; more Republican presidents/administrations/congress have increased the debt/deficit than Democratic ones. That's a fact.
Sanders hasn't really gotten anything done. Well, except for getting some post offices renamed. You'd give him credit for every good thing. The fact is, you're giving Bernard credit for convincing Bezos to pay more than he was legally obligated to pay his employees (they deserve it) even though BERNARD DIDN'T EVEN PAY HIS OWN CAMPAIGN STAFFERS $15 PER HOUR.
Sanders hasn't really gotten anything done. Well, except for getting some post offices renamed. You'd give him credit for every good thing. The fact is, you're giving Bernard credit for convincing Bezos to pay more than he was legally obligated to pay his employees (they deserve it) even though BERNARD DIDN'T EVEN PAY HIS OWN CAMPAIGN STAFFERS $15 PER HOUR.
You right wing trolls are gross
Sanders hasn't really gotten anything done. Well, except for getting some post offices renamed. You'd give him credit for every good thing. The fact is, you're giving Bernard credit for convincing Bezos to pay more than he was legally obligated to pay his employees (they deserve it) even though BERNARD DIDN'T EVEN PAY HIS OWN CAMPAIGN STAFFERS $15 PER HOUR.
Except raising the wages of hundreds of thousands of Disney and Amazon employees

You exude desperation
Seems like a millionaire with multiple mansions like bernie can afford it
Seems like Sanders got one of the biggest corporations in America to pay their workers a seemingly living wage simply by shaming the absolute fuck out of the owner. All while Republicans control congress and the Presidency..

Also seems like Bernie Sanders is pretty good at getting shit done despite moderate objections that he can't. Seems like he got a $15 minimum wage passed without going through a Republican congress..

..Also seems like Democratic voters/workers appreciate it..

Seems like you're worried you might be proved wrong again :/
Seems like Sanders got one of the biggest corporations in America to pay their workers a seemingly living wage simply by shaming the absolute fuck out of the owner. All while Republicans control congress and the Presidency..

Also seems like Bernie Sanders is pretty good at getting shit done despite moderate objections that he can't. Seems like he got a $15 minimum wage passed without going through a Republican congress..

..Also seems like Democratic voters/workers appreciate it..

Seems like you're worried you might be proved wrong again :/
You didn’t answer the question
600,000 Amazon Employees just benefited from what Sanders just did. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands t hat will benefit as a result.

You're simply against valid solutions that affect real change in middle class wages. That's the only explanation to the callousness of a response to the living conditions of poor and middle class people living in America.
Then why do you deride it here when Sanders, activists, and workers accomplish it?

64 progressives have won primaries. Democrats will take the House this year, they might even beat the Republicans 57 seat grab in 2010 because Trump is so bad, it looks like a bloodbath. But because of moderate Democrats and the moderate philosophy of winning red states, Democrats might lose Florida and North Dakota, Missouri is still a question. Given the previous chart posted, it's clear progressives in red states would come out to vote for more progressive candidates. Hopefully Nelson and Heitkamp can hang on, but I'm not holding my breath. If either of them lose, and Democrats fail to pick up Arizona, Nevada, and Tennessee, Republicans will still control the Senate.

I expect Democrats to take control of the house and levy impeachment charges against Trump. Unless Democrats take control of the senate, those charges, I expect, will be met with deaf ears and Trump will remain president until 2020, when he will face the most popular politician in the country and lose in dramatic fashion.
I just don't think Sanders is all that good a prospect for the presidency. We agree on most policies except the one where every Democrat in every district must adhere to the Sanders set of policies. That healthcare bill, for example it's still an unfinished piece of legislation two years after it was written. You say it's great, I say it's a facade. I agree that universal access to good health care is important, so important that I think Bernie's bill is frivolous in a bad way.

While I won't bemoan people getting a raise, I think this is a pretty minor deal compared to how many this doesn't affect. Good for Bezos, good for the people working in his empire, but it's not really much more than a drop of water in an ocean.

I am glad that you have relaxed your standard for "progressive". By earlier standards, there are only 6 or 10 Progressive(TM) candidates -- those that were listed on the "Our Revolution" site as their candidates earlier this summer. Now there are 64. Imagine that. Many more Democrats than that consistently vote for progressive issues but you have your own flexible standards. How can one argue with that?
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Amazon is still a shit place to work for and their warehouses smell like piss because the employees aren't given their mandadory restroom breaks, thus vilolating the law. Go capitalism!

No one should work there for $30/hr under those conditions. But that's the "great" thing about capitalism, it answers the question, "what's the various market values where you are willing to give up basic human dignities?"

Amazon is still a shit place to work for and their warehouses smell like piss because the employees aren't given their mandadory restroom breaks, thus vilolating the law. Go capitalism!

No one should work there for $30/hr under those conditions. But that's the "great" thing about capitalism, it answers the question, "what's the various market values where you are willing to give up basic human dignities?"

they should unionize