America, the only country to use nuclear weapons. Did they save lives?

Pray sir, do tell, who is the number one most belligerent nation on the planet so far in the 21st Century?

I'll tell you one thing, it's not the US over here (see what I did there?)

Sorry but that was bugging me.

You asked a question and I answered it, Japan or Germany would be ruling the world if they would've bombed us and we surrendered, would you like that dictatership instead? Oh right, you wouldn't be alive if it weren't for us.

You're welcome, and yes we are cocky but for good reasons. It's the reason why your flag bows down to us at the Olympics and we're the ONLY country to never bow our flag to anyone at any Olympics, we're just that badass.
Sorry but that was bugging me.

You asked a question and I answered it, Japan or Germany would be ruling the world if they would've bombed us and we surrendered, would you like that dictatership instead? Oh right, you wouldn't be alive if it weren't for us.

You're welcome, and yes we are cocky but for good reasons. It's the reason why your flag bows down to us at the Olympics and we're the ONLY country to never bow our flag to anyone at any Olympics, we're just that badass.
Our flag bows to noone shithead, and we bow to no flag.

We also don't salute our officers in the armed forces.

We're not into that sort of dick-head-ary over here.

And the most belligerent nation on the planet so far in the 21st Century is CLEARLY the United States of America...yet Iran and North Korea are the dangerous ones who deserve sanctions.

Cool story bro.
During the Olympics I said, derp, look it up, your flag and many others bow their flag during the opening of the > OLYMPICS <.

We aren't scared of Iran or North Korea, you really think they could touch us? They're only dangerous over there and if they ever bomb your puny little country, don't be frighten...we'll jump in and save your ass...AGAIN.

*Sigh* so hard being this popular.
66,000 from Fat Man on Nagasaki, 130,000-150,000 from Little Boy on Hiroshima (190,000-216,000 total)

Did it save lives compared to an invasion of the Japanese mainland?

The way I see it.....When the US used nuclear it saved many american lives.......Now in russia and japan, they both had nuclear power plants that could of killed way more people than the US ever has....I haven't looked up the amount of deaths....but the US could be behind those countries in the amount of people that have been killed by nuclear.....I really don't know which is worse....the bomb or the power plants...............................nitro...
Our flag bows to noone shithead, and we bow to no flag.

We also don't salute our officers in the armed forces.

We're not into that sort of dick-head-ary over here.

And the most belligerent nation on the planet so far in the 21st Century is CLEARLY the United States of America...yet Iran and North Korea are the dangerous ones who deserve sanctions.

Cool story bro.

Well, someone has to come in and clear up the mess. Who is that? Ireland? Who saved your family from having to speak German? You don't know a lot about the history of why the rest of the world stepped back from this job, do you? In the 21stt Century??? These last 12 years of your shortsight? Was Ireland attacked in the 21st. Does Ireland maintain world peace?

You don't even know what belligerence is. We haven't a need to turn it on you. You can rest under our safeguards and just be happy some other nation is doing the heavy lifting. :)
I just want to point out that the fire bombing of Tokyo (over the 2 weeks prior) cost more Japanese lives than the 2 nukes combined...... just something to remember!
I just want to point out that the fire bombing of Tokyo (over the 2 weeks prior) cost more Japanese lives than the 2 nukes combined...... just something to remember!

Immediate casualties, yes. But delayed casualties from radiation eventually doubled the death toll of the two bombs. cn
I wonder if Japan had nuked the shit out of the US how many lives it would've saved in the following 75 years?

You need to develop a scenario. How would Japan have made the nukes? Delivered them? What damage pattern would have what effect on the war in the Pacific? When I try, I run into a solid "cannot have happened".

The other worthwhile thing would be to tabulate the total lives lost according to whatever unspecified policy of the USA you think is deadly now but would not be if we had a few glassy war monuments in our inner cities. cn
Actually shit heads, the red army did the bulk of the fighting against Germany in WW2. As much as you want to believe in some bull shit about the western front, the eastern front was where the Nazi war machine got it's shit pushed in.
^ Makes sense...

Actually shit heads, the red army did the bulk of the fighting against Germany in WW2. As much as you want to believe in some bull shit about the western front, the eastern front was where the Nazi war machine got it's shit pushed in.

If my aunt had balls I'm pretty sure she would be my uncle.

So you're saying if America never got involved, Britian wouldn't have lost and Hitler still wouldn't have won? Is that why they were begging us for help?

P.S. Derp.
Harrekin, Trolling, Doer and whom ever else the cap fits.

^ Makes sense...

So you're saying if America never got involved, Britian wouldn't have lost and Hitler still wouldn't have won? Is that why they were begging us for help?

P.S. Derp.

Thanks for the derp, it is actually a better description of what you're trying to say than the way you interpreted my argument.

No actually, I wasn't saying, "if America never got involved, Britian wouldn't have lost and Hitler still wouldn't have won?".

That isn't at all what I was saying actually. What I was saying was, "Actually shit heads, the red army did the bulk of the fighting against Germany in WW2."

If you can't tell the difference, what this means is, a far greater number of Nazi units were positioned on the eastern front, against the red army, than there were on the western front, against the rest of the allied forces.
Ok so what? I never said who and who didn't do the "bulk" of the fighting, did I?

No reason to call me a shit head if YOU didn't understand what I meant, we saved the world.

Again, you're welcome.