America, the only country to use nuclear weapons. Did they save lives?

No, just're welcome.

For a guy who wouldn't even be alive today of it weren't for us, you sure are ungrateful.
Ok so what? I never said who and who didn't do the "bulk" of the fighting, did I?

No reason to call me a shit head if YOU didn't understand what I meant, we saved the world.

Again, you're welcome.

What role did you play, again?

We didn't do shit. Our ancestors did.

It's retarded to take credit for something you didn't have any part in, as it is with sports teams winning.
Don't do that, you know exactly what I meant.

Taking credit for past actions before you were born is dumb

Do you take credit for prohibition & slavery, too?

No, right?

It would be equally as dumb for someone to hold those against you.

See what I'm saying?
What you meant is STUPID, for the third time.

What you meant holds no weight in who you are or what YOU did.

done nothing, so stop taking credit for what YOU'VE not accomplished.

If you're a hero because of WW2, you're a villain because of slavery.

So stfu.
Gotta take the good with the bad. Breaking news, every country has had them, derp.

If you take credit for the successes of WW2, you must take responsibility for Americas pitfalls, as well.

You weren't even born when WW2 took place, you, personally had no part in it. To accept credit for it means you accept credit for slavery, prohibition, womens suffrage, the opposition to planes and automobiles as well as electricity.

Stop being an idiot in favor of your pride. YOU, YOU yourself, didn't DO SHIT. You have no right to take credit or accept responsibility for what you personally had no role in. Have you, in your few decades of existence, made major milestones in international acceptance or agreement, in personal independence? No. So stfu. You're not a diplomat. You're not any kind of representative. You're not a Senator or Congressmen. STFU. YOU didn't do shit. Stop taking credit for things your ancestors might have done. Unless you do something of significance, stfu. Stop taking credit for past actions, they hold no weight nor provide any bearing. IMO, it's actually embarrassing dummies like yourself would stand up and support such actions, not having been any role in them what so ever.

Why don't I just stand up and support the state indoctrination of religion? Or the national supremacy of Avatar?

This isn't your own personal Myspace​, stop taking credit for shit you had nothing to do with. It diminishes it's own credibility in the eyes of others.
You're getting waaaaaaaay to technical, would it please you if I take out "we" and put in "US" instead? You know I meant we as a whole and you took it way too seriously and literally.
'We' still implies action. 'They' would probably be better. They, them, those..

As we, still, had nothing to do with it.

I don't think it's too literal. What if some German came along and told you "you're welcome, we created that [Volkswagen]"? Or some Italian came along and said "I make the coolest cars in the world! [Ferrari]...

I would think "we created the Volkswagen" as what I and most people use it as, I automatically assume he just meant as a whole, because he's German, wouldn't give it a second thought.

Now of the Italian said "I make the coolest cars" I automatically assume he's taking credit and not anyone else.

It's just slang man, English is known for that kind of stuff.
I disagree, I think it comes from some sort of weird entitlement. We grow up in American schools with an American-centric viewpoint thinking America is the biggest, the baddest, the best. Check this doc;,_Stronger,_Faster*