Ursus marijanus
How was he wrong if the Japanese were looking for the same armistice that Truman ignored for months, then signed?
They wanted to surrender, yet you're asserting they were hard headed and needed a double nuking to surrender. The terms they wanted ultimately were the terms agreed upon. Therefore the delay had absolutely no purpose other than demonstrating our power which is a pretty way of saying terror.
They finally wanted to surrender on the morning of the twelfth.
Previously, they did not offer surrender.
They kept stalling for a negotiated settlement.
That is not surrender.
That article you linked contained a tremendous flaw: it portrayed acceding to a negotiated settlement (not surrender) as "reasonable".
The war had been conducted in such a way that the choice had been reduced to the non-negotiable binary:
1) submit
2) be wiped out.
No amount of revisionism will mask that harsh central dilemma of the late Pacific war. What the bombs allowed us to do was minimize the progress toward obtaining outcome #2.
But a negotiated, non-surrender outcome was not in the cards any more. And to suppose its "reasonability" at our remove is a subtle sort of prejudice, imposing the mores of our times upon ones in which you&I did not live. Jmo. cn