Another Critical Blow to ObamaCare

Sorry little mr grammar and spell checker dude.

We are is a plural, you should have said, my wife and I are.

If you are asking me if our net worth is over $1million, yes it is and has been for more than fifteen years.
The biggest difference between my net worth and yours is the fact I didn't marry into it, I earned every single penny of it, mooch.

It's a good feeling when your families net worth is over $1m... It is something i'm proud of...
It's a good feeling when your families net worth is over $1m... It is something i'm proud of...

It is but it's never enough if you know what I mean, we lost a ton of money between 2006 and 2011, it got pretty scarey.

Plus, living in California I'lll have to work a while longer until retirement and move out of state to live comfortably.

Documents Reveal Obamacare Website Couldn’t Handle More Than 1,100 Users Day Before Launch

WASHINGTON (CBS DC/AP) — Documents released by the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee show that a test on a day before its Oct. 1 launch revealed that the website could not handle more than 1,100 simultaneous users. “Currently we are able to reach 1100 users before response time gets too high,” the report indicates.

Didn't Kathleen Sebelius tell us that all the testing prior to the launch went well?
Democrats claimed that Obamacare was so much in demand that the site couldn't handle it.

A total of six enrollments on the first and Obama caught up in multiple lies in order to sell it.

We are witnessing a meltdown in the administration right before our eyes.

I hope to hell Hillary runs on the Obamacare platform.

Obama sux. Hillary sux. But neither sux the other.

Anyone who likes Obama or Hillary is an idiot hoping for a government handout. Plain and simple. People who pride themselves on providing for their own families could NEVER support either Obama or Hillary.

If you do, then maybe you want a handout from me. But you'll never get it.
Obama sux. Hillary sux. But neither sux the other.

Anyone who likes Obama or Hillary is an idiot hoping for a government handout. Plain and simple. People who pride themselves on providing for their own families could NEVER support either Obama or Hillary.

If you do, then maybe you want a handout from me. But you'll never get it.

I certainly understand and feel your frustration but there are a lot of people that bust their ass working that are really trying.
Healthcare is fucking too expensive for the average family, let alone single parents trying to survive.

But I am with ya when it comes to the lazy freeloaders who choose to live on the dole.

The two biggest issues I have with this POS law is the fact the government is forcing Americans into buying something they may not want and it won't stop with Obamacare, mark my words.
The other one is the government wastes so much money as it is, they could pay for those people but choose not to, they just want to squeeze more and more from the ones that are already taxed up the ass as it is.
Do you understand that insurance companies are cancelling all the individual policies they are offering statewide. This has amounted to millions of people being uninsured in mass. This has not happened before regardless of how much you want to distort history.

Do you understand as a percentage of the whole, there are less people being cancelled or rolled off their policy than last year? [pre obamacare]
Obama sux. Hillary sux. But neither sux the other.

Anyone who likes Obama or Hillary is an idiot hoping for a government handout. Plain and simple. People who pride themselves on providing for their own families could NEVER support either Obama or Hillary.

If you do, then maybe you want a handout from me. But you'll never get it.

Quite presumptuous of you. And how do you suppose you came to this bold conclusion? Has your tiny brain been spoon fed too much false information maybe?

I only say this because I personally like Hillary, and I'm indifferent to Obama. I think he has made some bold decisions that might not have been the best choice, but I also think he has made some very wise decisions. In either case, I am not looking for a hand out, nor have I ever, nor will I ever. I know a lot of people that are like-minded, many of which are well off, some even more-so than I.
Do you understand as a percentage of the whole, there are less people being cancelled or rolled off their policy than last year? [pre obamacare]

I understand that statistics can be made to say anything.

Do you understand that even a minor change in fees and/or services is considered being rolled off the policy? Do you understand the difference between a minor pricing change and having a company pull out of a state completely leaving all the people who had care under them to fend for themselves? Do you understand that this was purposefully put into Obamacare and it isnt simply an oversight or mistake? Because nobody is trying to stop all these people from getting dropped.

Obama said if you like your policy and doctor you can keep them... PERIOD!!! And that is not what is happening at all.

People are losing their insurance BECAUSE of Obamacare. And it was done on purpose. And the president lied about it.

And they are pissed and have a right to be...
Obama sux. Hillary sux. But neither sux the other.

Anyone who likes Obama or Hillary is an idiot hoping for a government handout. Plain and simple. People who pride themselves on providing for their own families could NEVER support either Obama or Hillary.

If you do, then maybe you want a handout from me. But you'll never get it.

Not usual
But you made the list sock puppet
i'm willing to bet my wife and i are better invested than your family.

are you a millionaire? we are.

Right on. That first million is sweet meat, for sure.

And now you are in a real real estate market, at the best
dirt bottom we've had in a long time. Right on...oh I said that. Right on, then. :)
Right on. That first million is sweet meat, for sure.

And now you are in a real real estate market, at the best
dirt bottom we've had in a long time. Right on...oh I said that. Right on, then. :)

we'll be looking for a nice little farm to settle down on soon, that's for sure.

life is rough.
Interesting you mention that, funny thing is, as it turns out, there are fewer people getting rolled off their insurance plan this year than the past few years consecutively. As a percentage, roughly 70% of current insured this year are being rolled off or have chosen a new policy, compared to over 80% last year. [pre obamacare]
cite source?
we'll be looking for a nice little farm to settle down on soon, that's for sure.

life is rough.

Something with some greenhouse yardage in place, maybe buy an artichoke ranch....way off the road...backing on a State Park.

He's got a rough life. ........ We've got a rough life. ....... Everybody!!! Uga buga, uga buga...Conga line!!
According to a 2004 study, only 17 percent of consumers in this market kept the same plan for two years or more (h/t the Washington Post). This is going to happen next year, and the year after that, ad infinitum.

That isnt close to what you said.

Sounds like consumers changing plans, not insurance companies.