Another Critical Blow to ObamaCare

Obama sux. Hillary sux. But neither sux the other.

Anyone who likes Obama or Hillary is an idiot hoping for a government handout. Plain and simple. People who pride themselves on providing for their own families could NEVER support either Obama or Hillary.

If you do, then maybe you want a handout from me. But you'll never get it.
This is sexist and racist! :grin:

In other news, Obama is sorry that you are losing your insurance plans. So now everything is okay. Okay?
Obama is sorry so we must forgive him kay!
Point is that those babies are going to have to be taken care of and we as a society have a duty to do so.

That, my friend, is about as liberally far-left as a person can get. It's not my, yours, or our governments responsibility to take care of illegal aliens ( criminals ) and their anchor babies. Period.
Do you understand as a percentage of the whole, there are less people being cancelled or rolled off their policy than last year? [pre obamacare]

Do you understand that more people will have their policies cancelled than there will be new ( ie previously uninsured ) enrollees in Obamacare. Mark my words, the Obamacare talking heads will include people who had their policies cancelled in the numbers enrolling in Obamacare, and then saying " LOOK WHAT WE DID !!!!"....
That, my friend, is about as liberally far-left as a person can get. It's not my, yours, or our governments responsibility to take care of illegal aliens ( criminals ) and their anchor babies. Period.

But, the Mob must be cared for. Any ideas, like these that say, Not our Problem, as the paramilitary gangs are spreading is not on the ball. If we don't feed the Mob of disadvantaged classes in any society, they will feel off us, literally.

All societies fear this. It why we have government. Warlords will create generations of abuse to keep this from happening....but it still does eventually.
Do you understand that more people will have their policies cancelled than there will be new ( ie previously uninsured ) enrollees in Obamacare. Mark my words, the Obamacare talking heads will include people who had their policies cancelled in the numbers enrolling in Obamacare, and then saying " LOOK WHAT WE DID !!!!"....

I am basing my statements on actual historical evidence. You are basing your statement on maybes and assumptions.
Did you see his rhetoric today ? He actually said this......Everyone will be better off, they just don't know it yet. LMFAO.......feckin' Obamazombies
Did you see his rhetoric today ? He actually said this......Everyone will be better off, they just don't know it yet. LMFAO.......feckin' Obamazombies

He honestly believes he knows better than most Americans about what their healthcare should be. It is scary actually because he is not afraid to use coercion to force people into his plan.
That, my friend, is about as liberally far-left as a person can get. It's not my, yours, or our governments responsibility to take care of illegal aliens ( criminals ) and their anchor babies. Period.

Actually, "anchor babies" as you call them, are Americans that is a fact not an opinion. They are afforded the same rights as you and I. Get used to immigrants, for your sake.
Do you understand that more people will have their policies cancelled than there will be new ( ie previously uninsured ) enrollees in Obamacare. Mark my words, the Obamacare talking heads will include people who had their policies cancelled in the numbers enrolling in Obamacare, and then saying " LOOK WHAT WE DID !!!!"....

I think you are right the more I think about it..I am getting cancelled Dec 31st and after looking at the 20 page app there will be a lot of people dragging there feet to get signed up...If you had health care through your job and now you have to get it on your own there will be people giving up...They want to much personal info..Not just your incomes, they want you to spill your guts on your whole family or friends from what I can see.....It's way worse than I thought...
the term you're looking for is "american citizens", you racist bag of shit.

not surprising that a guy who repeatedly joined white supremacy groups and a "woman" who purposely capitalizes "white" when it refers to white people co-signed your racism.

did winter "woman" also hit the like button when you dog whistled about "urban welfare rats" the other day too, ya racist POS?

Let me help you out with this one mr. ambivalence... KFC is not code for racial resentment...