anybody put a air pump in the freezer ?

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
trying to keep 10 gallons of water cool about 63f i can get the room to about 75f .window ac . so if i throw a small air pump into a mini fridge and the air coming out into a hydro cloning . from a air stone . think this will work ? who has done this ?
Pack the fridge (or even better a mini freezer :confused: ) with ice all around the air may work..
I like your way of thinking that's for sure! o_O
ill throw in a lot of bottles of water jammed packed in the fridge this will more then likely prevent temp swings in the fridge . less on and offs . i could get it do 63with the window ac unit it will murder the electric and run almost all the time my goal here is to save some juice . i know of a way to make the window ac unit into a water chiller if i had a large need . you can easily take apart the window ac unit there is a coil or radiator looking gizmo if you dont know what a coil is . take it apart and expose this coil and put it into your tote or trash can so on it will cool the shit out of the water .
Another way if you want to chill your shit nice and easy, maybe try this, I'm going to do it this summer if temps cause an issue in my rdwc. Its just taking a bit of brewing diy to work for this. :)

Equipment needed:

1. Stc1000 - temp controller unit
2. Old extension cords or new. Need one wall outlet socket and two power sockets.
3. Brewing heat pad
4. Freezer (big enough to fit your res)

All you need to do is buy a stc1000, cut up the extension cords to use the wire etc and wire up the stc1000.

Drill holes in side of freezer for lines from res to other buckets in the tent/room etc, seal around any gaps.

The freezer is plugged into the 'cooling' plug of the stc1000 and the heat pad into 'heat' plug on stc1000, temp the temp gauge just needs to be attached to the outside of the res, bit of bubble bag to insulate.

Then just dial in the temp you want the res ,to be and it will get you down to whatever you want :)
If your trying to save on power like me there are a few ways but I built a passive chiller to cool the Rez when temps outside fall below 60. I just buried a few rolls of copper (it was free) or plastic pipe and pump it through a heat exchanger. I'm still gonna need mechanical cooling to extend my indoor grow, will probably use a used water cooler or fridge. You'll need to buy a analog AC unit I think to remake into a chiller but if you try keep me posted, I save the world 1 btu at a time lol.
i was trying to be lazy though possible the air pump would put the cold into the water . I do have a unit going the same with a heater core water transfer . this works well . for shits and giggles I am going to try the air thing first and more then likely wont work ill go the water way .
Hmmm. You got me thinking. I rotate blue ice packs in my 4 rezes (all < 3g), but rigging something that provides cold air to the pump intake might make life easier. Perhaps a small bucket that will hold frozen jug/s with pump sitting on a grate of some-kind on top for the pump to sit on.

Or, fill a container with a flat top with water and freeze, then place pump on top
Hmmm. You got me thinking. I rotate blue ice packs in my 4 rezes (all < 3g), but rigging something that provides cold air to the pump intake might make life easier. Perhaps a small bucket that will hold frozen jug/s with pump sitting on a grate of some-kind on top for the pump to sit on.

Or, fill a container with a flat top with water and freeze, then place pump on top
Your pump has an inlet where it sucks air in from. That's where you need to focus your cold air In to some how. If you used a bucket, you'd want to use a tube or something in the outlet, maybe dropped down into the cold air of an isolated bucket with cold packs in it, lidded.just drill a small hole in the lid for your tube.