New Member
My 2 cents...
My dad is a doctor, he served in the army, went through 4 years of college, 3 years of premed, and 3 years of med, and after turning 39(6 years ago) he finally got his student loans payed off.
He makes about 260k a year... in 2007 he payed over 140k in taxes(not to include sales tax).
can a democrat tell me why a man who works his ass off to get ahead in life should pay for 7 welfare moms who wanna get knocked up and not work to live???
Why do the best in our society get fucked by the worst?
"well he makes a ton so thats just fair" OK, in 2006 while in the army my wife and I made a total of 63k and payed over 23k in taxes because not having children we were bumped into the "upper class" tax bracket.
our system sucks and i say no stimulus for anyone, if you dont wanna work as hard as the next guy to get payed then fuck you go somewhere else.
yes, you have some good points there. In todays times unfortunately it is falling on deaf ears.
Welfare moms get more money for each child. This sends the wrong message entirely. Because you cannot afford to raise a child we encourage you to have more of them (??!). I say support the first two and then that's it. You pay for the rest. I know a very nice girl who has four kids now, all on tax support. She views it as a gold mine. She works full time and still gets about 3k a month. Oh yah, she's now pregnant again with number 5. She feels why not?! It's a screwed up system which Obama is all for increasing.... lawdy.