Are you sitting down?

My 2 cents...
My dad is a doctor, he served in the army, went through 4 years of college, 3 years of premed, and 3 years of med, and after turning 39(6 years ago) he finally got his student loans payed off.
He makes about 260k a year... in 2007 he payed over 140k in taxes(not to include sales tax).
can a democrat tell me why a man who works his ass off to get ahead in life should pay for 7 welfare moms who wanna get knocked up and not work to live???
Why do the best in our society get fucked by the worst?
"well he makes a ton so thats just fair" OK, in 2006 while in the army my wife and I made a total of 63k and payed over 23k in taxes because not having children we were bumped into the "upper class" tax bracket.
our system sucks and i say no stimulus for anyone, if you dont wanna work as hard as the next guy to get payed then fuck you go somewhere else.

yes, you have some good points there. In todays times unfortunately it is falling on deaf ears.

Welfare moms get more money for each child. This sends the wrong message entirely. Because you cannot afford to raise a child we encourage you to have more of them (??!). I say support the first two and then that's it. You pay for the rest. I know a very nice girl who has four kids now, all on tax support. She views it as a gold mine. She works full time and still gets about 3k a month. Oh yah, she's now pregnant again with number 5. She feels why not?! It's a screwed up system which Obama is all for increasing.... lawdy.

out. :blsmoke:
[yea i got a sister in law with 6 kids. 2 of them fall under"autism spectrum" even though they are totally normal and fine, but neither she nor her husband work and they have a 2500 square foot house paid for each month by the nanny state Minnesota, just got 8000 for her tax refund(how can you get a refund if you dont pay taxes???) and gets like 3500 a month in gov money.
Hey Miss ...

Imagine you're wealthy like Bill Gates. You owe a tax bill of 30 million and can reduce that figure by 20 million if you give the 20 million to charity. Like Bill Gates, you have no illusions about the efficiency of government to spend your money wisely, so you give the 20 million directly to charity instead of giving it to government and allowing government to take their brokerage fee first before dividing it up among their favorite charities. Does this make sense?

Hey Miss ...

Imagine you're wealthy like Bill Gates. You owe a tax bill of 30 million and can reduce that figure by 20 million if you give the 20 million to charity. Like Bill Gates, you have no illusions about the efficiency of government to spend your money wisely, so you give the 20 million directly to charity instead of giving it to government and allowing government to take their brokerage fee first before dividing it up among their favorite charities. Does this make sense?


If I had 70 Billion dollars like Gates does, I would not worry about 20 or 30 million. :shock:
I'm new here, so I'd like to make friends here first before I make any of them mad, but I'll just say a few things.

Ann Coulter's sharp wit and ability to recall specific facts are pretty much second to none, and libs hate her not only because of that talent, but because she's as quick a draw with snide remarks and name calling as they are, which REALLY pisses them off because that's typically been ground they've staked claim to.

I believe name calling is the domain of the simple-minded: for those without the intelligence to take facts for what they are, and for those who are truly done debating. That is all.
- Peace.
Since I am not allowed to have an opinion on the subject... I just have a childish comment. Obama work? Hasn't he been a public servant his whole adult life? Work, yeah that will be the day.
Hey Miss ...

Imagine you're wealthy like Bill Gates. You owe a tax bill of 30 million and can reduce that figure by 20 million if you give the 20 million to charity. Like Bill Gates, you have no illusions about the efficiency of government to spend your money wisely, so you give the 20 million directly to charity instead of giving it to government and allowing government to take their brokerage fee first before dividing it up among their favorite charities. Does this make sense?


Obama still wants Bill Gates (example) to give the 20 million, just not to a charity of his choice. CHOICE... Obama wants Gates to give it to the Govt. and then the Govt. can decide who to give it to. POWAH PLAY #42. lawdy...

out. :blsmoke:
I'm new here, so I'd like to make friends here first before I make any of them mad, but I'll just say a few things.

Ann Coulter's sharp wit and ability to recall specific facts are pretty much second to none, and libs hate her not only because of that talent, but because she's as quick a draw with snide remarks and name calling as they are, which REALLY pisses them off because that's typically been ground they've staked claim to.

I believe name calling is the domain of the simple-minded: for those without the intelligence to take facts for what they are, and for those who are truly done debating. That is all.
- Peace.

You're going to get along just fine here in the forum Mc. Well, among the conservatives anyway. :lol:

I'm new here, so I'd like to make friends here first before I make any of them mad, but I'll just say a few things.

Ann Coulter's sharp wit and ability to recall specific facts are pretty much second to none, and libs hate her not only because of that talent, but because she's as quick a draw with snide remarks and name calling as they are, which REALLY pisses them off because that's typically been ground they've staked claim to.

I believe name calling is the domain of the simple-minded: for those without the intelligence to take facts for what they are, and for those who are truly done debating. That is all.
- Peace.

Actually, I believe that her amazing ability to recall specific facts can be attributed to an Ohio Company, named, LexusNexus.

(At least that is the impression that I got from reading one of her books, I think it was If Democrats had any Brains They'd be Republicans, but maybe it was Godless. )

:: shrugs :: Of course that doesn't mean that she isn't capable of exercising an amazingly scathing tongue that thoroughly pisses off Democrats.

Especially when she refers to Gore as a Faggot, and Edwards as a Bitch.

Though I personally think she's a little too gentle on them.

Anyway, welcome to the forums.
"Though I personally think she's a little too gentle on them."

:lol: Anything less gentle would entail homicide.


You're going to get along just fine here in the forum Mc. Well, among the conservatives anyway. :lol:

lol, thanks. If people pay close enough attention to my political positions/comments, to the fair minded, they will see that I arm myself with nothing but the facts, an appreciative and a respectful view of the goals of our founding fathers, the Constitution, and above all else, and I'm willing to call out bullshit on either side of the politcal aisle when I see it.

I consider myself a political and fiscal conservative, and what's so frustrating is having to educate dumbfucks out of their misconceptions of what that actually defines. Bitter, old, uncompassionate, bible-bashing, destroyer of the environment, rich white guy is what most people believe that represents, and couldn't be further from the truth when trying to define me. The reason I align myself as a conservative is that I believe our founding fathers were too, and that they knew what they were doing when they set up the Constitution. Libs, or as they like to call themselves these days "progressives" lol are constantly trying to reinterpret the original laws/rights/intent IMO, and little by little destroying the best, most blessed, free country in the world. The intentions might be good, but more often than not, the "fix" they propose is worse than doing nothing at all.

Anyway, welcome to the forums.
Thanks. I'm diggin' this site so far except I've noticed that there seems to be an endless amount of "my first grow- need advice" threads. From what I've gathered, there's a ton of learning material here if people just take the time to look for it, but we all know that's asking too much. lol.
Yes indeed...welcome. Just a word of warning so you are not surprised, no matter how accurate your posts are and realistic, there is always a set of folks who will not wish to be informed of bad news. Then there are those who simply don't have the comprehension skills or education to absorb what you are saying.

It's still worth posting the truth of course. Keep on keepin on...

out. :blsmoke:
Another HEAVILY BIASED article with no sources :clap:

No, I doubt I'd post sources for this laughable article either.

And quelle suprise..... the Right Wing gang in here masturbating each others' egos.

*tugg tugg tugg tugg tugg.....splatter*
This article seems to be largely focusing on the individual charitable donations made by these various politicians.

'Charity' as a concept is flawed, it takes resposibility for the issue away from Government and therefore society.

I can't think of many charities where I don't think it should actually be the Government (i.e. MY tax money) paying for it.

Cancer research.
Guide dogs for the Blind.
Child protection.
Law debate/reform.
(to name a very few)

these things should not be dependent on donations from individuals, they should be being delt with by Society (i.e. by 'the government' using tax money), as a priority.
No thanks, Jointsmith ... I'd rather enjoy the liberty of deciding on my own where my charity dollars should be applied instead of forced extraction of my charitable dollars by an over-reaching, way too powerful, totalitarian state.

Well as I've already said I don't believe in 'Charity Dollars', I've seen the inner workings of too many 'Charities' I guess.

The Admin costs surrounding 'charity' make the whole exersize virtually pointless.

All 'Charity' is really doing is selling good will to people with cash to spare.

Throwing 'Money' at something very rarely solved anything....
The Capitalist System is one big power grab.

In fact as a concept it is built around grabbing (taking) power (money)....