Well-Known Member
Well as I've already said I don't believe in 'Charity Dollars', I've seen the inner workings of too many 'Charities' I guess.
The Admin costs surrounding 'charity' make the whole exersize virtually pointless.
All 'Charity' is really doing is selling good will to people with cash to spare.
Throwing 'Money' at something very rarely solved anything....
And the 80% Administration cost the government has isn't a joke?
I can give my friends and family money, I don't need the government to do it for me.
I can, and have, given people that ask for money, money.
I do object, however, to little pansies stealing my money with out my permission through elected people, because they have the misbegotten notion that some how, THEFT is permissable if it is done by more than one person.
By that logic, if I got an additional person to help me rob a bank it should be all right.
By that logic if I got 20 people to help me rob a bunch of houses, it'd be all right.
It's a totally asinine, idiotic, repulsive logic that denies property rights, denies the very rights that this country was founded to uphold.
Rights to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
Statists, their supporters, and any one else that thinks that I should feel obligated to help them if they do not have the moral courage to ask me to my face for money should be locked up behind bars as a preventative measure to the crimes they will attempt to commit through the State.