Are you sitting down?

Well as I've already said I don't believe in 'Charity Dollars', I've seen the inner workings of too many 'Charities' I guess.

The Admin costs surrounding 'charity' make the whole exersize virtually pointless.

All 'Charity' is really doing is selling good will to people with cash to spare.

Throwing 'Money' at something very rarely solved anything....

And the 80% Administration cost the government has isn't a joke?

I can give my friends and family money, I don't need the government to do it for me.

I can, and have, given people that ask for money, money.

I do object, however, to little pansies stealing my money with out my permission through elected people, because they have the misbegotten notion that some how, THEFT is permissable if it is done by more than one person.

By that logic, if I got an additional person to help me rob a bank it should be all right.

By that logic if I got 20 people to help me rob a bunch of houses, it'd be all right.

It's a totally asinine, idiotic, repulsive logic that denies property rights, denies the very rights that this country was founded to uphold.

Rights to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.

Statists, their supporters, and any one else that thinks that I should feel obligated to help them if they do not have the moral courage to ask me to my face for money should be locked up behind bars as a preventative measure to the crimes they will attempt to commit through the State.
Any other comments about the posted article? I think Coulter did a great job of pointing out the hypocrisy of the leftists when it comes down to parting with their own wealth, don't you?

I think Cuntler is a cunt, and anything she says is tilted so far to the right it is unintelligible.
And the 80% Administration cost the government has isn't a joke?

I can give my friends and family money, I don't need the government to do it for me.

I can, and have, given people that ask for money, money.

I do object, however, to little pansies stealing my money with out my permission through elected people, because they have the misbegotten notion that some how, THEFT is permissable if it is done by more than one person.

By that logic, if I got an additional person to help me rob a bank it should be all right.

By that logic if I got 20 people to help me rob a bunch of houses, it'd be all right.

It's a totally asinine, idiotic, repulsive logic that denies property rights, denies the very rights that this country was founded to uphold.

Rights to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.

Statists, their supporters, and any one else that thinks that I should feel obligated to help them if they do not have the moral courage to ask me to my face for money should be locked up behind bars as a preventative measure to the crimes they will attempt to commit through the State.

Is a conceptual numerical value your property? because that is all money represents now.

I read your thread on 'the gold standard', and I agree, when money had an actual value (as it did with the gold standard) it was worth something.

However in the current financial climate of fractional reserve banking and creation of 'money' out of nothing, means that 'money' as a concept has become completely corrupt and redundant.

I agree as well that everyone should be entitled to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' however I feel that our current system (that's right OUR, the UK's financial system is based on your shitty system) deny's people these basic rights.

Do you really feel you have full liberty and the right to fully persue your happiness (given it doesn't encroache on anyone else's rights) in your country as it is now?
WStatists, their supporters, and any one else that thinks that I should feel obligated to help them if they do not have the moral courage to ask me to my face for money should be locked up behind bars as a preventative measure to the crimes they will attempt to commit through the State.
Well, hell yeah, with people like Berrnie Madoff running ponzi-schemes on the people, it is plain to see that the hearts of the conservatives are wide open. I'm sure that Bernie and all his greedy clients were giving big bucks to charity. Charity doesn't work and anyone with 2 brain cells working can see that. The only reason conservatives even give money to charity is for the tax breaks. Conservatives are all about money, they could give 2 farts in hell about the less endowed. BTW, pick a place where we can meet so I can ask you face to face for some money, ~LOL~.
Is a conceptual numerical value your property? because that is all money represents now.

I read your thread on 'the gold standard', and I agree, when money had an actual value (as it did with the gold standard) it was worth something.

However in the current financial climate of fractional reserve banking and creation of 'money' out of nothing, means that 'money' as a concept has become completely corrupt and redundant.

I agree as well that everyone should be entitled to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' however I feel that our current system (that's right OUR, the UK's financial system is based on your shitty system) deny's people these basic rights.

Do you really feel you have full liberty and the right to fully persue your happiness (given it doesn't encroache on anyone else's rights) in your country as it is now?

Actually, you have that ass backwards.

Our financial system is based on the UK's Financial System.

A system built up by the Rothschilds through manipulating the markets, enslaving entire populations through loans, and making life a living hell for everyone.

As far as the last statement

Of course not, I still have to pay taxes in an amount that is drastically higher than what my fair share would be (if everyone was paying their fair share.)

Then there's the fact that I'm likely going to hit a glass ceiling due to taxes where I can no longer save additional money with out taking a drastic hit in my standard of living to pay the additional taxes saving is going to incur.

It's a zero-sum game. It would appear that I'm essentially stuck at in the middle class (pending a little bit of luck on my personal side projects) due to taxes.

Like I said, progressive taxation leads to stagnation and increased stratification of society.
I don't understand all this type of "SOURCES". When was the last time you needed an expert to tell you, "you are being screwed."? The "SOURCE" of information is made public by the government. If some one writes an article about how the government is screwing "WE THE PEOPLE", one only need to look at public records, read and comprehend. There is NO INTERPRETATION NEEDED, the language is plain, just disguised in legal language. They don't get their definitions from Webster's, try looking in a LAW dictionary. READ and COMPREHEND. Another thing, unless you hold the TITLE DEED to your property you do not OWN it. Even if you have paid off the bank. There is a title company that holds the DEED, try not paying your property tax 1 year and you will understand what I am saying... anyway GOOD LUCK EVERYONE we are going to need it.
I think Cuntler is a cunt, and anything she says is tilted so far to the right it is unintelligible.

I couldn't agree more.
shes just a parasite, like rush, like sean hannity. No different then rachel maddow, keith olbermann. They all are nothing more then political infomercials.

what the hell happend to creditabilty in journalism?
I always check a charity out before I donate. There are many many charities which operate on less than 10% of the donations for administrative costs (perfectly reasonable).
With Obama's scheme, it's all about taking away the donors CHOICE. That is unacceptable and un-american.

out. :blsmoke:
Actually, you have that ass backwards.

Our financial system is based on the UK's Financial System.

A system built up by the Rothschilds through manipulating the markets, enslaving entire populations through loans, and making life a living hell for everyone.

We can argue over who started this system but there is no denying that it is the USA now exporting this system around the world.

I'm glad we can agree that this unfettered capitalism is enslaving populations and making life a living hell for everyone....

Now do you agree the system needs to change?

As far as the last statement

Of course not, I still have to pay taxes in an amount that is drastically higher than what my fair share would be (if everyone was paying their fair share.)

Then there's the fact that I'm likely going to hit a glass ceiling due to taxes where I can no longer save additional money with out taking a drastic hit in my standard of living to pay the additional taxes saving is going to incur.

It's a zero-sum game. It would appear that I'm essentially stuck at in the middle class (pending a little bit of luck on my personal side projects) due to taxes.

Like I said, progressive taxation leads to stagnation and increased stratification of society.

You realise that a large chunk of your taxes is going straight to pay the interest on your HUGE national defecit (i.e. Economic Enslavement) on money created out of nothing?

This is only made possible by the system you so vehemently support.... (capitalism)

[Just for the record, I don't believe in progressive taxation either, in fact I don't believe in 'money' at all.

I believe resources should be controlled by open communication of where the resources in question are needed, and open debate of what and how much should be sent where...... 'money' (this now fictional entity) should not come into it]
We can argue over who started this system but there is no denying that it is the USA now exporting this system around the world.

I'm glad we can agree that this unfettered capitalism is enslaving populations and making life a living hell for everyone....

Now do you agree the system needs to change?

I disagree about it being unfettered capitalism.

You accused the US Banks of being the basis for Britain's. I told you that you have it wrong, that it's the other way around.

Though, if you really want to put the blame on a particular person, the Medici's of Venice would be a good start.

As far as Capitalism, Capitalism is the source of wealth, empowerment, and individual liberty.

The alternatives, Tyranny, Socialism, Communism, Monarchy all fail horribly.

The only system that has any kind of Moral Standing is Capitalism, unfettered, unchained, and unlimited, except as to regards of preventing people from profiting by ignoring the rights of others, or by seeking rents from the state to give them market share.

The FAILURE isn't at the hands of Capitalism, it is at the hands of mixed economies.

Capitalism seeks safe returns, when such returns are not returns at all then businessmen are forced to take additional risk, just to ensure that they are still making a return.

You realise that a large chunk of your taxes is going straight to pay the interest on your HUGE national defecit (i.e. Economic Enslavement) on money created out of nothing?

Of course I do, and I think it should stop. The United States needs to fire everyone, reduce all entitlements until it is out of debt, and then, and only then, should it look at reinstating the idiotic socialist programs.

But only if they are heavily curtailed to limit them to being hand ups not hand outs.

This is only made possible by the system you so vehemently support.... (capitalism)

No, the failure of the last 8 years is solidly at the hands of government.

They practically promised Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Not, Not GSEs) that they would have government support for their actions.

Actions which failed.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were Government Sponsored Entities, they were not Private Businesses, they were GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES.

[Just for the record, I don't believe in progressive taxation either, in fact I don't believe in 'money' at all.

Money is nothing more than a commodity.

Not believing in Money is like not believing in Oxygen, a personal choice that doesn't change the facts.

Wait, let me guess, you support the idiocy pushed in Zeitgeist.

I believe resources should be controlled by open communication of where the resources in question are needed, and open debate of what and how much should be sent where...... 'money' (this now fictional entity) should not come into it]

Yep, the idiocy pushed in Zeitgeist.

No surprise there...
100 percent whckness, we didnt go to war for war profiteering, bush currentyl has no hands in owning any oil companies, he just owns stock, is that a crime....? and saying obama might be relieving debts.LOL im sure that he is struggling as the highest donated too campaignee ever!
I always thought conservatives were against any and all drugs. Thats why its so bizarre to see that so many of the members of RIU are actually Agreeing with an article written by Ann Coulter. Whats next, R we going to be seeing people on here givving praise to Michale Savage?
I always thought conservatives were against any and all drugs.
That's what the media propaganda machine would like you to believe. Exactly what I was saying in my post about being mischaracterized all the time. Simple, shrunk down concepts for the weak minded are the most easily absorbed by the masses. Glad to see that you're making an attempt to see people for what they are instead of what somebody else tell you what we are though.

Thats why its so bizarre to see that so many of the members of RIU are actually Agreeing with an article written by Ann Coulter.
Why? Examine the argument, not the person and challenge it on it's merits. Anything less is just laziness and unscientific reasoning.

I think you'll find that most of us conservatives out there just want to be left the fuck alone, don't want government stealing more money from our pocketbooks, and believe in a limited government more than anything else. Every new tax, law, and bond measure that gets passed inches us further and further away from those ideals, and was something our founding fathers were vehemently against.
Divided we fall... United we are not! The only reason "THEY" are still around, is "THEY" can convince some of us that some of us, are "THEM". There are many conspiracy theories, but only one CONSPIRACY... it is the conspiracy for your soul. I know you may NOT believe in Lucifer, but there are those that do, and do his bidding. DIVIDE and CONQUER this is "THEIR" strategy, how many ways are we divided. Liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican, White, Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, Gay, Straight, Man, Woman... shall we go on about our differences, or should we discuss our similarities... I know I am a dreamer, been told. Love yall.
Ann Coulter obviously has got some money she would like to protect. I find it very hard to believe that Dick gave 77% of his income to charity
There is no way that is true unless he is already sitting on 100 mil and needs the tax break. Oh and I would like to see what charities Bush and DICK are giving to
I've done my research and I stand by that statement as well as most scientists involved. Embryonic stem cells turn into a primitive and very virulent cancer. They can't get it out of the lab successfully. The only human to ever receive the treatment developed tumors in his brain and spinal cord.

I don't swing with political parties, I swing with accurate data. It's the only way.

out. :blsmoke:
Are these the same scientists that say you can die from smoking to much pot? Or the ones that say its addictive?
It appears you can pay a scientist to say whatever you want. So that research mean a whole lot of nothing to me