Here you Go SA Aurora at 19 days flowering
You from SA?
First Friday is an art and music thingie that takes place every first friday of the month. Check it.
Not sure who the hell this chick is but its the only video I found really quick.
210 in the house!!!
Maybe we should meet up at a bar sometime, trade some beans? I have a proprietary hybrid, Turbo Diesel (PPP x sour diesel) that I'd love to spread!
Lookin good SAM!
I like picture # 3 from the top down for some reason... Kinda gives me the same feeling a sexy hott stranger chik gives staring shyly yet naughtily from across the room.. Tell ur plants that story bro.Then pet the leaves firm but lightly..
Makes them try harder.
Nice dude.
I'm coming to sleep in your closet........
lol im just curious to what could happen if you do so