Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)


WOW a few hours in the closet with some string and 3/8" tubing and I learned a lot.
I drilled a few holes in the rim of my buckets and began to bend a few stalks...
now suddenly my room is not big enough! can anyone just run and lay all their their plants over and still have light coverage? oops duhh.
So I have decided to wait until next batch and get some fresh cloanage action on the screens, rather than try to bend some 30" scrap/runt clones :)
what would your opinion be on this U style rather than the flat style?
other than air circulation it looks like the U style opens more area and exposes more bulb for a greater number of tops?
or if a reflector will increase the lumens your coverage area would be the same?



Well-Known Member
Plants are doing great. The Blue Kush isnt growing as good as last time but Im going to give it some time to see if they turn around. I think it was caused by the Snow Storm Ultra. I got clones from each mom in the room sexing and so far I have 2 males, 2 females, and 2 undetermined. I am going to move the Kolossus out and continue to flower it so I can collect pollen for my first breeding experiment. If its ready in time, Im going to breed it with the Blue Kush and the Piss. And now onto the update, I hope you guys like bud porn...

Piss & Blue Kush day 41 of 12/12
Rm Temp 79F
CO2 ppm 600
RH 50%
PH 5.8-6.1
PPM 350-700
Res Temp 68-71F

And here's the sexing clones, The Kolossus has been my most vigorous healthy plant of the 6 seeds I planted and Im really looking forward to breeding with Hi. The plant Also has excelent structure and flowered fasterthan any of the others.



Well-Known Member
WOW a few hours in the closet with some string and 3/8" tubing and I learned a lot.
I drilled a few holes in the rim of my buckets and began to bend a few stalks...
now suddenly my room is not big enough! can anyone just run and lay all their their plants over and still have light coverage? oops duhh.
So I have decided to wait until next batch and get some fresh cloanage action on the screens, rather than try to bend some 30" scrap/runt clones :)
what would your opinion be on this U style rather than the flat style?
other than air circulation it looks like the U style opens more area and exposes more bulb for a greater number of tops?
or if a reflector will increase the lumens your coverage area would be the same?

I know that method works, but it might be a good idea to get the hang of training plants before you attempt it. I personally am going to start trying to do arena scrogs in a little while when I get my room dialed in perfect and figure out how much the new girls stretch.


Active Member
Make that 3 of us! Hey integra I saw that you wrote in raiders grow that youre still dealing with gen probs. As we talked about before I sent them my minigen and they returned it still not working. They were very nice the whole time but just wouldnt let me talk to the tech, and didnt seem to be able to fix the problem. My problem was the gen wouldnt stay lit. What is wrong with yours? If they didnt fix your problem after this try, get your moneyback. Im convinced that they havent got that thing dialed in yet. I would go with a c.a.p. regulator and tank. Mine is working great after I returned the minigen. Not a single problem yet. Not to say Im all that experienced but for someone learning how to play this game the regulator sure did simplify things a bit for me. I do however hope that the generator works out for you this time just to make things easy. Good luck integra:)


Well-Known Member
Now your ballin man. They are really lookin good integra. Great work!
Thanks bro. Icant wait to smoke it. the smell on it is a real sharp almost rotten fruit smell that has a real bite to it when you breathe it in.
Make that 3 of us! Hey integra I saw that you wrote in raiders grow that youre still dealing with gen probs. As we talked about before I sent them my minigen and they returned it still not working. They were very nice the whole time but just wouldnt let me talk to the tech, and didnt seem to be able to fix the problem. My problem was the gen wouldnt stay lit. What is wrong with yours? If they didnt fix your problem after this try, get your moneyback. Im convinced that they havent got that thing dialed in yet. I would go with a c.a.p. regulator and tank. Mine is working great after I returned the minigen. Not a single problem yet. Not to say Im all that experienced but for someone learning how to play this game the regulator sure did simplify things a bit for me. I do however hope that the generator works out for you this time just to make things easy. Good luck integra:)
Mine was from a piece of teflon tape that got stuck in the gas orafice and blocked the gas. Isent mine there and it was gone for about 10days. When Igot it back it worked great for about 3 weeks, but then it clogged again. Ifugured it was the same thing, so itook it apart and blew out the gas orafice with compressed air. Got a good flow of air through it, put it back together, and it worked for a couple of days and then did it again. Gave them a call and asked if they could send me a new orafice, they sent one out yesterday. Iopted to fix it myself because it its pretty simple. they offered to send it to them to be fixed with reimbursement on the shipping even though itold them itook it apart and cut out the plastic connectors and soldered the wires together. I have such an abnormal growroom that I really need to make it work, and when it works, it works like a champ.


Well-Known Member
So when scrogging and your training it to go through the holes, how far apart do you put one branch from the other?


Well-Known Member
So when scrogging and your training it to go through the holes, how far apart do you put one branch from the other?
My goal is to get one branch tip per hole in the screen, but Iusually end up with more of a checkerboard pattern. your goal in the begening is to try is to thain them to be evenly spaced and as level on top as you can keep it. If you need to let branches get taller try to arrange tue tall ones on the outside edge of the screen.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Integra21
Did you make the the actuall screen (not the stand)? Is there a difference in the screen sizes,i know there has to be different sizes but is there a bennifit to smaller holes over bigger holes or vice verca?
Thanks man, love your setup


Well-Known Member
My goal is to get one branch tip per hole in the screen, but Iusually end up with more of a checkerboard pattern. your goal in the begening is to try is to thain them to be evenly spaced and as level on top as you can keep it. If you need to let branches get taller try to arrange tue tall ones on the outside edge of the screen.
that is exactly what i tried to do too. unfortunately this round it didn't work out that way . you though, my friend are mastering the art of scrog though .


Well-Known Member
Integra, with your scrog set-up, how tall is your canopy from the ground or i guess from your reservoir


New Member
Im growing white widow from amsterdamseeds my mother in one month grew to over 2 foot tall no joke ! all i was useing for feeding was 2 or 3 drops of superthrive and 1 teaspoon of " better gro " so far i uped the anti to 5 drops of super thrive and a full table spoon of better gro and it out of control ! its growing alomst 1.5 inches a day ! under 400 watt M.H. light only !


Well-Known Member
Thanks Integra21
Did you make the the actuall screen (not the stand)? Is there a difference in the screen sizes,i know there has to be different sizes but is there a bennifit to smaller holes over bigger holes or vice verca?
Thanks man, love your setup
Yes, I made the actual screen. There is no stand with my screen. It is a 3'x8' frame made out of 1/2"pvc. Then I used sip ties to secure platics coated carden fencing(from local hardware store) that is th green mesh you see in my pics. It has holes that are 2"x3". You can make all the wat down to 1"x1" work, but I would say 2"x2" is really as small as you'd want to go because the smaller the holes are the harder it is to pull a branch back down under the screen and move it over. I then used zip tiers with the mounting eyelets to screew the screen to the back wall of the room and then put hooks in the ceiling uns used white parchute string to hold the front at the proper level and still be able to lift it up as needed. Total cost was about $20, and it took about 30min to make and mount.
that is exactly what i tried to do you too. unfortunately this round then work out that way . your mastering the art of scroggs though .
Thanks Raider. I am getting better with each run, I cant wait till I get it really dialed in perfect. Im paying a lot of attention to how the buds grow, which can be very different on how well and far they are paced apart and how much light gets to the lower parts of the branched depending on how tall I let them get above the screen. Im guessing within the next year I'll have it truly figured out for max yields with minimum plants.
Integra, with your scrog set-up, how tall is your canopy from the ground or i guess from your reservoir
The Piss canopy is 16" tall from the top of the res to the tips of the buds and the Blue Kush canopy is 24" tall.And those are the 2 extreme ends of how I let them grow, evey grow so far has been between those heights. I really try to do every set a little different than the last just to see if the girls do better or worse and adjust my style slightly untill I can get them close to perfect.
Im growing white widow from amsterdamseeds my mother in one month grew to over 2 foot tall no joke ! all i was useing for feeding was 2 or 3 drops of superthrive and 1 teaspoon of " better gro " so far i uped the anti to 5 drops of super thrive and a full table spoon of better gro and it out of control ! its growing alomst 1.5 inches a day ! under 400 watt M.H. light only !
Yeah, I know exactly what you''re talking about, you get your food mixed right at the right stage of growth and the growth is almost astonishing. I always look back and get an overal seeing my own updates and what these plants can do in 1 week just doesnt even seem possible sometimes. Keep your girls happy like you are now and they make you very happy in the end.


Well-Known Member
The Piss canopy is 16" tall from the top of the res to the tips of the buds and the Blue Kush canopy is 24" tall.And those are the 2 extreme ends of how I let them grow, evey grow so far has been between those heights. I really try to do every set a little different than the last just to see if the girls do better or worse and adjust my style slightly untill I can get them close to perfect.
Okay cool. I'm going to try and scrog 12 violator kush plants in 7 gallon pots. I might be hittin you up for advice soon, If ya don't mind.