Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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well, took the trip today...killed ALLLLL the males, plants nearly doubled in height these past two weeks and most are at my navel. ended up with about a 60/40 female/male ratio. babies are all looking very fresh and green, very very healthy, though none are flowering yet, I see that as a good thing, more time to pack on a few feet before fall. anyways i gotta get some beer and loaded tater skins in me so ill post the pics later.
Hell yeah
I love your ambition dude.

I would love to grow outside.
I am not that big on being in the heat though.

I have fair skin and really just can't hack it.

I would have to go early in moring or about an hour or two before dusk.
midgradeindasouth--thanks buddy!!!

well here are some pics, this first one i took to show you what has become of the "river" it's now waist deep in some kinda plant whos leaves resemble pot so much i have a hard time locating them all even when standing just a few feet away. the last shot is a few males that got the chop. Now that all of the males are dead it is time to leave them for a long time, because this is the most important last step in the growing process i want to leave no risk of somone finding and stealing them at the last minute. also at this point in time the brush is at the end of it's lifespan, and any paths made will not "heal over" but become ever more obvious as the grass fully dies off. On my way out i took a huge detour, to hide my plants, and to check out my long lost nirvana plants, well i checked two plots, (not sure i can even find all of the plots if i tried) and as expected found crispy dried hunks of dirt in bags with twigs coming out, the poor babies died of thirst long ago when the river dried up, it sucks, but i could not foresee my water source disapearing at the begining of the season, nor that some of my plots would attract unwanted attention. sometimes you just gotta take the loss and blame it on george dubbayuh, the












i think he clicked on the thread name instead of the "last page" link and did not realize he was reading only page one of a 40+ page thread....hehehehehe
not really, the males are dead so i haven't been out there, no reason to attract attention too them. although we have been getting a LOT of rain this past week and im a little worried that they are in a few inches of standing water right now. im sure they will be fine for a week or two like that but if it just keeps raining im going to have to figure out how to do an underwater transplant.
With regards to your plants getting drenched I may have a solution for you. Hopefully when you check on them there wont be any problems but if they are drowning you could try burying the main stem in a mound of dirt as high as you can, while still leaving a large amount of the plant exposed. This might be less stressful as opposed to transplanting.

I have read that a plants lower roots can stay almost submerged in water all the time but the upper roots need to dry out. So if you built a mound a of dirt up the stem until the top of the mound is above the water line then the plant might start making new roots up the stem which will not be submerged in water and thus your plants will survive. Good luck
Hey Beaner, can you find out what plant that is in "the river"? Man that would be the perfect natural camo.
Still no more updates!!! Beaner what the hell are you doing??? Get up off your ass and do something, like take pics of your crop or tell us how shit it is in the bush. After all your plants must need a little water surely.

Been following this thread all summer and it just seems to have stopped, but hope everything is all good and the weed is grade A stuff
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