bernie sanders: regressive

see what happens when you dare have your own opinion! You're actually trying to help this guy but he's not going to listen. And you're on his team. But rather than listen he just calls you names! Stick with that crowd and the party will sink! I can't believe that they think acting the way they do is helping. But carry on you're doing marvelous so far.
I've been a political outlier for so long I'm not sure I'd know what to do if my views became the mainstream lol

The establishment Democratic Party is busy destroying itself and alienating its base. It will either reform or be replaced.

We can't afford to wait for more incrementalism- it hadn't worked for 30 years, and we don't have another 30 years to wait.
One more to chew on BUCK

Fired FBI Director James B. Comey has said publicly that Ms. Lynch tried to shape the way he talked about the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails, and he also hinted at other behavior “which I cannot talk about yet” that made him worried about Ms. Lynch’s ability to make impartial decisions.

Mr. Comey said that was one reason why he took it upon himself to buck Justice Department tradition and reveal his findings about Mrs. Clinton last year.

The probe into Ms. Lynch comes as the Judiciary Committee is already looking at President Trump’s firing of Mr. Comey.

Sen. Charles E. Grassley, chairman of the committee, said the investigation is bipartisan. The letter to Ms. Lynch is signed by ranking Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein and also by Sens. Lindsey Graham and Sheldon Whitehouse, the chairman and ranking member of the key investigative subcommittee.

Letters also went to Clinton campaign staffer Amanda Renteria and Leonard Benardo and Gail Scovell at the Open Society Foundations. Mr. Benardo was reportedly on an email chain from the then-head of the Democratic National Committee suggesting Ms. Lynch had given assurances to Ms. Renteria, the campaign staffer, that the Clinton probe wouldn’t “go too far.”

At a Senate hearing earlier this month, Mr. Comey told lawmakers that Ms. Lynch had attempted to change the way the FBI described its probe of Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server. The change appeared to dovetail with how Mrs. Clinton’s supporters were characterizing the probe.

“At one point, [Ms. Lynch] directed me not to call it an ‘investigation’ but instead to call it a ‘matter,’ which confused me and concerned me,” Mr. Comey said during his June 8 testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. “That was one of the bricks in the load that led me to conclude I have to step away from the department if we are to close this case credibly.”

Acknowledging that he didn’t know whether it was intentional, Mr. Comey said Ms. Lynch’s request “gave the impression the attorney general was looking to align the way we talked about our investigation with the way a political campaign was describing the same activity.”

Mr. Comey said the language suggested by Ms. Lynch was troublesome because it closely mirrored what the Clinton campaign was using. Despite his discomfort, Mr. Comey said, he agreed to Ms. Lynch’s language.
I've been a political outlier for so long I'm not sure I'd know what to do if my views became the mainstream lol

The establishment Democratic Party is busy destroying itself and alienating its base. It will either reform or be replaced.

We can't afford to wait for more incrementalism- it hadn't worked for 30 years, and we don't have another 30 years to wait.
And I love every minute of it! These same people who carried huge gavels around the courtyard a few years ago saying the Republican Party was dead and couldn't win a general election again! And all the conservatives have done is win since. Almost 1400 democrats have lost seats nationwide. Over 60 in the house of reps. And they've all got blinders on while their ship is sinking all crying about Russia Russia Russia. This from the party whose leader not more than 5 years ago live in a national debate told Romney that the 80s called and they wanted their foreign policy back. Now that same party thinks the joke known as Russia was all so powerful to steal the election from the second savior known as Hillary?? So they made this tremendous come back under Obamas presidency? Why didn't the clown do something about it? Don't point the fingers anywhere but at your leadership!
And I love every minute of it! These same people who carried huge gavels around the courtyard a few years ago saying the Republican Party was dead and couldn't win a general election again! And all the conservatives have done is win since. Almost 1400 democrats have lost seats nationwide. Over 60 in the house of reps. And they've all got blinders on while their ship is sinking all crying about Russia Russia Russia. This from the party whose leader not more than 5 years ago live in a national debate told Romney that the 80s called and they wanted their foreign policy back. Now that same party thinks the joke known as Russia was all so powerful to steal the election from the second savior known as Hillary?? So they made this tremendous come back under Obamas presidency? Why didn't the clown do something about it? Don't point the fingers anywhere but at your leadership!
The Democratic Party isn't MY party. It's merely the controlled opposition. Americans are waking up to this fact and things are beginning to change. How much, how fast remains to be seen but the Democratic Party as it is now is not going to survive. In my opinion, that's a very good thing and long overdue.

Many dem voters were so fed up with the Democratic Party's message last fall that they actually voted for the Chump.

Imagine what could happen if a strong left candidate came to the contest? We've already seen it; both the Republican and the Democratic parties line up against them! Eventually they'll start breaking through and the trickle will become a flood of change.

Then it will be time to repeal Citizens United and get on with the work of building a country by, for and about We the People.
America by definition can't line up with a strong far left leader. That's no longer democracy. It's some form of socialism. But they won't label it that way. That's Bernie territory without Bernie. I want people earning a living not living on others money. All the American dream entitles us to is a equal opportunity. Then it's all on us! The hard working thrive and the lazy people don't. We are nearing 50% of Americans receive some sort of government benefit. That's CRAZY!! You might have to move to find opportunities. I know I did. But it is on us individually to find it and work for it. Not for half of us to work hard to give a portion of it to those who choose not to do it for themselves. I'm all for the government helping those who can't help themselves but there's no way in hell that number should be near 50%! And if it is that means the requirements are way way to kind. But if you're an able bodied person you should be earning your own way! You should feel better getting a check from Mickey Ds than a check from the government. I don't care if you're a laid off lawyer, carpenter, new graduate, or a mailman. You should take any job until that better job is found.

Give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish you feed him for life! Our schools need to do better. And no they don't need more money. We already spend the most and I don't believe we even receive top 30 ranking world wide. For some people college isn't even a wise choice. But we don't tell them that. We push them towards college and the debt that comes with it! Then they can't even use the silly degrees they're getting! But some of the reasons they fail is they are being taught by far left teachers who couldn't survive in the real world. You'll find many teachers are like building inspectors. A building inspector is generally a failed builder! And he's got no idea what the hell hes talking about!
America by definition can't line up with a strong far left leader. That's no longer democracy. It's some form of socialism. But they won't label it that way. That's Bernie territory without Bernie. I want people earning a living not living on others money. All the American dream entitles us to is a equal opportunity. Then it's all on us! The hard working thrive and the lazy people don't. We are nearing 50% of Americans receive some sort of government benefit. That's CRAZY!! You might have to move to find opportunities. I know I did. But it is on us individually to find it and work for it. Not for half of us to work hard to give a portion of it to those who choose not to do it for themselves. I'm all for the government helping those who can't help themselves but there's no way in hell that number should be near 50%! And if it is that means the requirements are way way to kind. But if you're an able bodied person you should be earning your own way! You should feel better getting a check from Mickey Ds than a check from the government. I don't care if you're a laid off lawyer, carpenter, new graduate, or a mailman. You should take any job until that better job is found.

Give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish you feed him for life! Our schools need to do better. And no they don't need more money. We already spend the most and I don't believe we even receive top 30 ranking world wide. For some people college isn't even a wise choice. But we don't tell them that. We push them towards college and the debt that comes with it! Then they can't even use the silly degrees they're getting! But some of the reasons they fail is they are being taught by far left teachers who couldn't survive in the real world. You'll find many teachers are like building inspectors. A building inspector is generally a failed builder! And he's go no idea what the hell hes talking about!

You are the one who sounds like they have no idea what the hell they are talking about. I am a public high school teacher and can tell you are talking out of your ass. Have you ever been in the education field? Probably not, yet somehow you are an education expert. What a fucking joke you are!
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America by definition can't line up with a strong far left leader. That's no longer democracy. It's some form of socialism. But they won't label it that way. That's Bernie territory without Bernie. I want people earning a living not living on others money. All the American dream entitles us to is a equal opportunity. Then it's all on us! The hard working thrive and the lazy people don't. We are nearing 50% of Americans receive some sort of government benefit. That's CRAZY!! You might have to move to find opportunities. I know I did. But it is on us individually to find it and work for it. Not for half of us to work hard to give a portion of it to those who choose not to do it for themselves. I'm all for the government helping those who can't help themselves but there's no way in hell that number should be near 50%! And if it is that means the requirements are way way to kind. But if you're an able bodied person you should be earning your own way! You should feel better getting a check from Mickey Ds than a check from the government. I don't care if you're a laid off lawyer, carpenter, new graduate, or a mailman. You should take any job until that better job is found.

Give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish you feed him for life! Our schools need to do better. And no they don't need more money. We already spend the most and I don't believe we even receive top 30 ranking world wide. For some people college isn't even a wise choice. But we don't tell them that. We push them towards college and the debt that comes with it! Then they can't even use the silly degrees they're getting! But some of the reasons they fail is they are being taught by far left teachers who couldn't survive in the real world. You'll find many teachers are like building inspectors. A building inspector is generally a failed builder! And he's got no idea what the hell hes talking about!
You are the one who sounds like they have no idea what the hell they are talking about. I am a public high school teacher and can tell you are talking out of your ass. Have you ever been in the education field? Probably not, yet somehow you are an education expert. What a fucking joke you are!
Where in the world do you think the money comes that gets handed out to the 47 % or so who get benifits? The people who aren't working hard? Jokes on you buddy
You are the one who sounds like they have no idea what the hell they are talking about. I am a public high school teacher and can tell you are talking out of your ass. Have you ever been in the education field? Probably not, yet somehow you are an education expert. What a fucking joke you are!
Like I said this guy hides behind tenure. In the REAL world you get fired if you don't produce. Until you teachers start to understand not all of you are doing a great job. Those who aren't should be fired!

NYC put teachers who have done some awful shit in what they call a rubber room. Because they don't dare put these clowns back in the classroom. But they can't fire them because the teachers unions protect these people!

City pays exiled teachers to snooze as ‘rubber rooms’ return
By Susan Edelman

January 17, 2016 | 6:01am


Social Studies teacher David Suker sits in an idle Queens rubber room.
The city’s infamous rubber rooms have rebounded.

In one of the “reassignment centers,” 16 exiled educators sit in a city Department of Education building in Long Island City, Queens, including a dozen packed into one room — where they do virtually no work.

They listen to music, do crossword puzzles, chat — and as this exclusive Post photo reveals, doze on the taxpayer’s dime.

The rules forbid beach chairs and air mattresses, but not nap time. The teacher sprawled on the floor, pulled a wool hat over his eyes to shut out the fluorescent lights and slept.

Others prop up two chairs to recline or just lay their heads on the table. “It’s gone right back to the way it was in the old days, an old-fashioned rubber room,” one banished teacher said.


A teacher is seen sleeping in a Queens rubber room.
Despite the photographic evidence and teacher testimony to the contrary, the city denies the existence of the derided holding pens. “There are no more rubber rooms,” DOE officials told The Post last week, saying reassigned staffers are given “administrative duties.”

In 2010, the DOE and the teachers union trumpeted a major agreement to close the centers holding more than 700 idled educators accused of misconduct or incompetence.

Many teachers settled charges by paying fines and finally returned to classrooms, while those still expelled were scattered across the five boroughs. But the rubber room deal is routinely violated. “No one pays any attention to the agreement,” said Betsy Combier, a veteran paralegal who helps defend teachers.
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The DOE refused to say how many removed teachers and other tenured staffers remain in limbo, but sources estimate 200 to 400 get paid while awaiting disciplinary hearings. Their salaries total $15 million to $20 million a year.

The Long Island City castoffs begin their day by reading newspapers, then turn on the radio. They get 45 minutes to leave for lunch. They chat and sometimes exercise to “relieve the stress.”

While the city promised to keep removed educators busy, the Queens exiles say they only occasionally oblige requests to do menial tasks like stuffing folders or making copies. Others refuse to do such work, calling it “demeaning.”

They mainly just kill time to get through a six-hour, 20-minute day.

“I’m so exhausted from being in this place doing nothing,” one said.

Several teachers on the payroll have been benched for up to five years due to a stunning bureaucratic breakdown. The 2010 deal required the independent arbitrators who conduct termination trials to issue a decision 30 days after a hearing, so that vindicated teachers could return to work and bad ones could be axed.

But decisions still come months — or even years — late. The DOE says it can’t enforce the rule.

“They’re just letting me sit here,” said a teacher removed from the classroom nearly five years ago on charges of physically abusing children, which he denies. His trial ended four years ago. He makes about $70,000 a year.

Social Studies teacher David Suker has sat in the rubber room since September 2015, even though a state Supreme Court judge overturned his termination. Suker, an Army vet who taught at-risk kids in The Bronx, was found guilty of failing to immediately report his arrest in the Occupy Wall Street protests but was finally fined just $7,000.

After The Post asked why the DOE had not put Suker back to work, officials on Friday assigned him to a school as a substitute.
Don't tell me you teachers care about what is best for our kids! I see this shit ever day! I have close family members who are teachers. So don't tell me I don't know some teachers are good. But paying 15-20 million for teachers to do nothing because THEY CANNOT BE FIRED is NOT right! Stop defending the bad apples and promoting the good ones and I might listen to you! But until you get your house straight excuse me for ignoring your opinion.

That article is from the liberal NY media FYI
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Where in the world do you think the money comes that gets handed out to the 47 % or so who get benifits? The people who aren't working hard? Jokes on you buddy
The problem is not that people are lazy, or that people aren't working hard. Don't get me wrong, there are people who abuse the welfare system, no doubt about it, but it is an insignificant minority to the actual economic problem. The problem does not originate from the low end of the spectrum of people who make next to nothing abusing the system. It originates when those at the top funnel funds to their causes.

Rich people are paying rich people to tell middle-class people to blame poor people

How can a poor person possibly affect your life? I know many different ways a rich person can affect your life.
The DOE refused to say how many removed teachers and other tenured staffers remain in limbo, but sources estimate 200 to 400 get paid while awaiting disciplinary hearings. Their salaries total $15 million to $20 million a year.

The Long Island City castoffs begin their day by reading newspapers, then turn on the radio. They get 45 minutes to leave for lunch. They chat and sometimes exercise to “relieve the stress.”

While the city promised to keep removed educators busy, the Queens exiles say they only occasionally oblige requests to do menial tasks like stuffing folders or making copies. Others refuse to do such work, calling it “demeaning.”

They mainly just kill time to get through a six-hour, 20-minute day.

“I’m so exhausted from being in this place doing nothing,” one said.

Several teachers on the payroll have been benched for up to five years due to a stunning bureaucratic breakdown. The 2010 deal required the independent arbitrators who conduct termination trials to issue a decision 30 days after a hearing, so that vindicated teachers could return to work and bad ones could be axed.

But decisions still come months — or even years — late. The DOE says it can’t enforce the rule.

“They’re just letting me sit here,” said a teacher removed from the classroom nearly five years ago on charges of physically abusing children, which he denies. His trial ended four years ago. He makes about $70,000 a year.

Social Studies teacher David Suker has sat in the rubber room since September 2015, even though a state Supreme Court judge overturned his termination. Suker, an Army vet who taught at-risk kids in The Bronx, was found guilty of failing to immediately report his arrest in the Occupy Wall Street protests but was finally fined just $7,000.

After The Post asked why the DOE had not put Suker back to work, officials on Friday assigned him to a school as a substitute.

I have been teaching for 10 years in 4 different school districts and have never seen anything like that. I have always left schools to go to another school that pays more. To take one example from a year and a half ago and paint a broad picture of all teachers in America is ignorant, just like you. I could say that our Congress and Senate are full of people doing exactly the same thing, wasting time and money. You could do the same for any profession. I never said there aren't any bad teachers, but the fact that there is such a huge difference in teachers salaries depending on what state you are in is a reason why some states are better than others. The same reason rich schools are better than poor school districts.

You are a fool if you think that most schools run like the article you have posted. But then again you sound like someone who doesn't know the difference between fake news and propaganda.
The problem is not that people are lazy, or that people aren't working hard. Don't get me wrong, there are people who abuse the welfare system, no doubt about it, but it is an insignificant minority to the actual economic problem. The problem does not originate from the low end of the spectrum of people who make next to nothing abusing the system. It originates when those at the top funnel funds to their causes.

Rich people are paying rich people to tell middle-class people to blame poor people

How can a poor person possibly affect your life? I know many different ways a rich person can affect your life.
You are talking about CLINTON right?
Don't tell me you teachers care about what is best for our kids! I see this shit ever day! I have close family members who are teachers. So don't tell me I don't know some teachers are good. But paying 15-20 million for teachers to do nothing because THEY CANNOT BE FIRED is NOT right! Stop defending the bad apples and promoting the good ones and I might listen to you! But until you get your house straight excuse me for ignoring your opinion.

That article is from the liberal NY media FYI

You sound like the racist who says I have a black friend. You are a fucking RETARD. And that is coming from a teacher:finger:
I have been teaching for 10 years in 4 different school districts and have never seen anything like that. I have always left schools to go to another school that pays more. To take one example from a year and a half ago and paint a broad picture of all teachers in America is ignorant, just like you. I could say that our Congress and Senate are full of people doing exactly the same thing, wasting time and money. You could do the same for any profession. I never said there aren't any bad teachers, but the fact that there is such a huge difference in teachers salaries depending on what state you are in is a reason why some states are better than others. The same reason rich schools are better than poor school districts.

You are a fool if you think that most schools run like the article you have posted. But then again you sound like someone who doesn't know the difference between fake news and propaganda.
Not seeing it doesn't mean it's not happening. If you really are a teacher you know we spend the most per capita and we rank well behind more than 30 nations. Thats as a nation. Of course there's good. But to spend the most and get the results we do means the job isn't getting done. I leave it to you to tell us why. But I vote no every year on the school budget. You want to know why! No matter if it fails and it has here not often but it has. After the 3rd vote against it. Do you know what happens here? There is no fourth vote and they still got more freaking money! So I'm a no everyday all day!
Not seeing it doesn't mean it's not happening. If you really are a teacher you know we spend the most per capita and we rank well behind more than 30 nations. Thats as a nation. Of course there's good. But to spend the most and get the results we do means the job isn't getting done. I leave it to you to tell us why. But I vote no every year on the school budget. You want to know why! No matter if it fails and it has here not often but it has. After the 3rd vote against it. Do you know what happens here? There is no fourth vote and they still got more freaking money! So I'm a no everyday all day!

We pay more per capita for healthcare as well and guess where we rank there buddy? So why do doctor's get paid so much?

YOU ARE NOT AN EXPERT ON EDUCATION. The reason we have a issue with education is because it is controlled in the State and National Legislatures by Fucking idiots like you who think they are experts on shit that they have no clue about.