LAX Skunky BwS
Well-Known Member
i cant play that halo shit.. tha shit way to hard plus fuck a XBox!!... all about
I disagree, I think people just grow way too attached to "online play". Maybe you haven't, but that seems to be the norm with Wii objectors.The wii had its moment for me when it first came out.
We all created our lil avatars and played wii sports.
That was it, every game that comes out on that system is just another regurgitated mario game. I played the twilight princess on the gamecube so that doesn't count. I seriously can not think of one game on that system worth a damn save wii sports.
I gave it a chance, with red steel and warioware, and all that. Terrible. The only game I didn't hate immediately was paper mario, but then again its just another mario game Nintendo desperately clings to because its the only sellable franchise on that system.
i like them both but NCAA is better because college is just better then the pros. More to choose from as far as teams. The hit stick always seemed to work better on madden but the hit stick gets you in trouble if you miss.