Best Game While Stoned!


Well-Known Member
well, idk, some games get special mention like starcraft. or maybe F18 no fly zone?
Hell yeah, Starcraft definitely

I didn't play so much on the melee, but a ton of the UMS on

everything from WW2 DIE to LotR: LA and Civil War: Campaign Virginia.

I swear Starcraft had the longest playability due to the immense customization of the campaign editor.


Well-Known Member
absolutely, the use map settings setting really allowed people to go with their ideas. I played a really good map once, think it was called Fleet Command.


Well-Known Member
I don't play sports on games, too fake for me. on the other hand, actually playing sports is a whole different matter for me. :P

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
but we talking best games while stone... i played ball 4 years in high school ... ... need to know how to play covarge and learn plays jus like real life


Well-Known Member
I guess the reason I don't play sports games is cuz I've never really been into the "pro scene" I play video games to go to another planet and fight aliens, not do something I could do outside :3


Well-Known Member
Can't wait for Left 4 Dead. A zombie game made VALVe? Hell yeah.
yep supposed to be one of the best games of the year. i just got my live subscription so i have been crackin heads in madden. anyone getting cod world at war?