BooMer's 5000w Medical Hydro Cannabis Laboratory w/ C02 Generator & ScrOG


Well-Known Member
so just had a 6.9 earthquake in baja cali. good little easter present haha. it was interesting havent felt one in a while and it was the rolling kind of earthquake i felt all drunk haha. that size was def good enough to reach orange county. time to go check my grow room and all the structures. guess its a good time to test the earthquake durability.


Well-Known Member
i run 24/0 in my veg. the only difference ive found is no hermies in the 24/0. my plants look way healthy, and super dense. btw, that earthquake was awesome. just kinda rolled through, cheers bro! the big ones coming soon!


Well-Known Member
so just had a 6.9 earthquake in baja cali. good little easter present haha. it was interesting havent felt one in a while and it was the rolling kind of earthquake i felt all drunk haha. that size was def good enough to reach orange county. time to go check my grow room and all the structures. guess its a good time to test the earthquake durability.
shit man, thats scary. i hope everything is ok...


Well-Known Member
so just had a 6.9 earthquake in baja cali. good little easter present haha. it was interesting havent felt one in a while and it was the rolling kind of earthquake i felt all drunk haha. that size was def good enough to reach orange county. time to go check my grow room and all the structures. guess its a good time to test the earthquake durability.
I was cooking Easter dinner and I thought I was getting dizzy when it hit. I looked into the living room and the picture was moving. I went to a doorway, what you are suppose to do, and looked outsite at the fountain. The water was sloshing from side to side. Nice 20-30 sec ride.


Well-Known Member
i run 24/0 in my veg. the only difference ive found is no hermies in the 24/0. my plants look way healthy, and super dense. btw, that earthquake was awesome. just kinda rolled through, cheers bro! the big ones coming soon!
haha ya it was a fun drunk ride

shit man, thats scary. i hope everything is ok...
thnx brotha everything is cool here but i doubt it in mexico

seriously. let us know boom!

you following my new grow tho man? dont think Ive seen you in my new one... :o

my bad man just been busy havent had a hance to catch up but i scribed to it

I was cooking Easter dinner and I thought I was getting dizzy when it hit. I looked into the living room and the picture was moving. I went to a doorway, what you are suppose to do, and looked outsite at the fountain. The water was sloshing from side to side. Nice 20-30 sec ride.
haha ya saw sum videos of pools sloshing up

>>>>>>>>:joint: puff puff passing through. Ive felt a couple of earth quakes in the uk lol, very sureal like the worlds in a poket next to a vibrating fone lol.

lol lil diff then a vibin phone but def more exciting then a booty call 8)


Well-Known Member
So things seem to be doin well with the growroom but so cal weather trips me out, didnt rain the other week when they said it would then its hot as shit then we have multiple earthquakes and it fukn rains today...? anyways the clones on the veg table have grown a couple new internodes and not sure when i want to FIM the tops to create multiple tops to scrog thru the flower table. im only vegging them to about a foot i believe then throwin them in the flower room on veg week 3.

the clones are just around 6inches tall so either ill do it with this new top growth or the next im assuming. just wanted to hear sum input and show u guys the ladies progress. let me know asap.


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Hey Boomer I'd let em go for a while longer, only because you've got plenty of vertical to work with. The longer you let em go before you flip em means more budsites created, and more budsites means more bud. I'm just saying I think you could let them get bigger than that, and if you do you'll increase your yield.

Peace man, still a clean setup.


Well-Known Member
Go with the FIM now, you won't regret it. That will give them a little time to recover and split before they hit the 12" mark and move into the flower space. IMO I like to fim as soon as I think I won't kill them or set them back for more then 3 -5 days. If they're healthy go for it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Boomer I'd let em go for a while longer, only because you've got plenty of vertical to work with. The longer you let em go before you flip em means more budsites created, and more budsites means more bud. I'm just saying I think you could let them get bigger than that, and if you do you'll increase your yield.

Peace man, still a clean setup.
even with scrog netting at 12"? im not looking for vertical growth im goin for horizontal 8) when they get to 12" ill throw them under the scrog netting and with the 12/12 stretch ill weave them thru the netting. and theyll have all the support they need to hold dense nuggs 8)

Go with the FIM now, you won't regret it. That will give them a little time to recover and split before they hit the 12" mark and move into the flower space. IMO I like to fim as soon as I think I won't kill them or set them back for more then 3 -5 days. If they're healthy go for it.

thats wat im thinkin they look strong enough to take sum shock now and superthrive always helps recovery. so ill see wat i want to do tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
so i had a chance to work on finishin all the electrical in the flower room including the new addition of green flouro bulbs to work during the dark period of the cycle. looks pretty trippy. anyways powered up all 6 600w ballast first try no breaker trips. figured id show u guys the progress as well...



Well-Known Member
so i had a chance to work on finishin all the electrical in the flower room including the new addition of green flouro bulbs to work during the dark period of the cycle. looks pretty trippy. anyways powered up all 6 600w ballast first try no breaker trips. figured id show u guys the progress as well...
Room looks tight Boomer. Some of those veg plants are looking prety studly. Yea the weather here is really trippy. Hot, cool, Santa Ana, earthquake, windy, rain, cold.


Well-Known Member
So Boomer, why are you limiting yourself to 12"? You can SCROG at any height.
well i figure 12"-18" for a scrog heigth is good enough depeding on strain and SG is a small strain and id wanna do a short veg to allow faster harvests. if this round proves to not be as well filled in on the scrog netting then yes i will have to consider veggin longer the next round. but im sure ill learn a shitload from this round and its not all gonna b positive lol

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
well i figure 12"-18" for a scrog heigth is good enough depeding on strain and SG is a small strain and id wanna do a short veg to allow faster harvests. if this round proves to not be as well filled in on the scrog netting then yes i will have to consider veggin longer the next round. but im sure ill learn a shitload from this round and its not all gonna b positive lol
Haha cool bro I got ya. Well good luck either way, I'm sure you'll do ok even if things go kindy shitty with all that equipment you got! Then like you say, the time after that will be kickass.