Can I sue children services?

1St off brother i think you need to take a breath & chill ,then look at the posts that piss you off for what they are , aside from the foodstamp & medicaide morons who are just looking for any reason to spew their political ideals most posters are just thinking about whats best for all kids & are not intending to bash you.

Will your wife smoking a joint harm your baby ? i seriously doubt it , will your wife smoking a bowl increase your childs risk of becomming a drug addict or alcoholic later in life i doubt that too , but is it in any childs best health interests to ingest anything other than items that are good for their health ? I think thats the point some members are trying to make .

IMO a woman would have a better chance of harming her child by being a high cholesterol cheeto smashing twinkee eating lard ass who drinks a 2 litre of coca cola a day vs some thc ,unfortunately being a lard ass isnt against the law .

Ive had alot of personal experience in dealing with legal issues on mj & alot of general experience with cops,prosecutors & the state legal machine,1st off both yourself & your wife admit NOTHING ,dont admit to smoking mj or even knowing anybody who smokes mj,you have no idea how the test came out positive & you both dispute the test results & stick to your guns.

If the shit dont go away by itself in a few days then get in doctors faces & threaten legal action & if they dont back off follow thru with having your lawyer contact them via certified mail explaining your intent to sue for slander & false accusations leading to loss of contact with a family member & loss of parental rights .

Ive had to have my lawyer send such a letter twice , i used to be a union construction superintendant where many places i worked had mandatory drug testing & mj showed up in my system , they were cool with the oxycontin , dilaudid & zanax i tested positive for & focused on the mj , i disputed the results & had our lawyer send his letter to the doctors involved & shit went away quick , the legal system is no different .

Once you show your not a broke dick & have access to finanical resources to fuk with them right back shit changes , the system is overloaded & under staffed & most states have allready paid out millions in legal settlements , just knowing your gonna call them on their bullshit & make them tie up a ton of resources defending their weak position & their big dicks shrink up quick.

Get everybodys name who's even remotely involved in the false alligations & have your lawyer name them as possible defendants in a future law suit , the doctors & testing facility will be the 1st to crumble , time in court is lost income , threaten their income & they are less willing to take a hard nailed stance on an issue that has alot of built in quality control issues that easily invalidate the test results.

The best way to deal with the state when they come after you is to take a pro active stance & put them on notice if they keep fukin with you its gonna be a hard road to hoe .

Best of luck.
I'm with you 100%, they had 60 days to get a case together in which they attempted a house visit and I respectively declined, they sent a couple letters in the mail which I opened, read, and replied with a notarized letter informing them if tbey harassed us via mail or showing up unscheduled they were going to be fined $2,500. Third and final letter was postmarked 59 days after the case was opened stating they closed the case. The whole reason I wanted to file a lawsuit was to challenge the validity of the claim that smoking marijuana while pregnant constitutes physical abuse. We wouldn't be having this discussion if they wouldve claimed child endangerment or neglect. I just don't see how they can claim physical abuse with no research to back their claim.
Exactly, thanks man. She has severe mood swings, almost classified bipolar and mj is the safest and most effective medicine we have found.
Dude thats a pretty big decision for you to make for sombody elses family dont ya think , while the OP did go off on several tangents he does have some very valid points , 1st & foremost its rarely in a childs best interest for the state to become involved .

Next if the medical community or state is gonna make blanket laws concerning what drug is acceptable & what drugs are deemed harmfull they need to back up their claims with clinical evidence , any 1st year law student would have a field day with a doctor on the stand & get his testimony disqualified as hearsay ,the DEA's choice to make mj a schedule 1 narcotic isnt based on clinical trials or scientific studies & would also be hearsay in court .

The OP hasnt provided enough info for his wife to be branded as a bad parent over smoking a doob .

The biggest problem i have with people jumping the OP's ass about his wife smoking a number is not one person asked why she smoked , how are we to know , she could have panic attacks like many people where high dose zanax is the normal treatment & she chose mj over zanax , she could have pain issues or other legit medical problems where she uses mj vs other prescribed drugs .
The whole reason I wanted to sue I just don't see how they can claim physical abuse with no research to back their claim.

Its what they've been taught , med professionals are taught to report any drug use & their license is on the line so the hospital plays it safe , most likely mandated by their legal dept.

As for social services fukin with you i think they are supposed to check out any & all reports or claims , from the sounds of it child welfare didnt find any merit to the report or they'd of showed up with a cop or sheriff,ive seen it done .

Im not a lawyer but IMO unless they try again to inject child welfare back into your lives any lawsuit would be fruitless because you'd be challenging the government at the federal level , at that point costs are irrelevant , the feds will spend millions & you'd be hard pressed to find a law firm willing to go pro bono on the issue.

Best of luck to ya , if it were me i'd say fuck them & enjoy the new baby .
Its what they've been taught , med professionals are taught to report any drug use & their license is on the line so the hospital plays it safe , most likely mandated by their legal dept.

As for social services fukin with you i think they are supposed to check out any & all reports or claims , from the sounds of it child welfare didnt find any merit to the report or they'd of showed up with a cop or sheriff,ive seen it done .

Im not a lawyer but IMO unless they try again to inject child welfare back into your lives any lawsuit would be fruitless because you'd be challenging the government at the federal level , at that point costs are irrelevant , the feds will spend millions & you'd be hard pressed to find a law firm willing to go pro bono on the issue.

Best of luck to ya , if it were me i'd say fuck them & enjoy the new baby .
thats what i said, he could also save and get his child into university and still have enough left over to go on hundreds of trips but he seems pretty dead set on sueing
thats what i said, he could also save and get his child into university and still have enough left over to go on hundreds of trips but he seems pretty dead set on sueing

Yup he seems pretty pissed & offended , hopefully as time goes by he'll see that everybody involved was just lookin out for a newborn life .
First and foremost, I'm very sorry Sunni for being rude and cruel as that was not my intention at all. I'm loving being a first time dad at age 33, definitely glad we waited until we were financially stable. I'm not pissed anymore just worried other less uninformed mothers could possibly lose their children because medical staff and social workers just do as they're told regardless if its a legitimate reason. I mean if I were in their shoes I would question every unbiased order I was given to carry out. People that have no idea of the effects of MJ and whom still believe it kills brain cells shouldn't be at liberty to interfere with ones life. I greatly appreciate and respect everyone's opinion and again, sorry if I was harsh. It kills me to she people go through each day watching the "news" blinded to the fact that the same people who are robbing their pension funds, opening the borders up while taking our civil liberties because of a terrorist organization they rename to confuse people and openly fund them are the same dirty fuckers that are deciding what gets reported on and how.Our country is at a tipping point and after the Republican party just voted with Obama on this spending bill and once again fucked over its constituents after the voters spoke up in the midterm elections less than two months ago and said we need less government and spending, its blatantly clear the ballots are broken. They just go with what they're told to as well by big corporate banksters. Looks like next time will have to vote with our guns before they come to take those too. Sorry I'm ramblin on rose, just too many people doing nothing. Thanks again for all the opinions shared here. Peace yall