Can I sue children services?

I wonder how much carbon monoxide women in big cities breathe in while out taking a healthy walk? While I agree that if you don't need something while your pregnant you shouldn't take it, to blame everything on mj is wrong.
Women have traditionally been cautioned against taking medications during pregnancy, because there are no guarantees that any drug is safe. The only way to do that would be to put the drugs through controlled trials with pregnant women, and no one wants to assume the ethical or legal liabilities of exposing a pregnant woman and her fetus to potential harm
First hand anecdotal evidence; my daughter was born to a woman who smoked one cigarette a day once into the third trimester. Our daughter was accepted into our district's gifted and talented program.

Our friend who was pregnant at the same time liked to smoke weed to make her baby quit kicking. She also smoked cigarettes, I don't know how many. This child is developmentally disabled.

I'm firmly in the 'no junk food, no booze, no smoking ANYTHING during pregnancy' camp.
There are so many factors in that case and it starts with... do you know the family medical history? Was she getting regular checkups and the results from those etc etc etc. Not evidence, sorry.
You are missing the point. Yes I fucking know smoking marijuana in the state of Ohio breaks a statute, not a law, but in that statute where is the provision stating pregnant women who smoke are physically abusing there fetuses/infants? You keep saying " well its against the law, pick your battles, you brought it on yourselves" the fact of the matter is, its a FALSE accusation point period. Not sure what argument you are trying to make but re-read the original post.
how is it false? was she not smoking while pregnant?
you said she stated she was.
than is an accusation not a false one.
There are so many factors in that case and it starts with... do you know the family medical history? Was she getting regular checkups and the results from those etc etc etc. Not evidence, sorry.
same could be said about the good results though , just because we want to BELIEVE something is good for us doesnt make it so.
Sad part is they probably wouldn't do anything about a nicotine positive.

guess you should add caffeine to the list too

The UK Food Standards Agency-recommended daily dose of caffeine inpregnancy is 200mg, which equates to two cups of instant coffee, two mugs of tea (75mg each), six cans of Coca-Cola (32mg each) or four 50g bars of chocolate. A coffee from a cafe may be stronger: it could contain more than 200mg caffeine if it is made by a barista.

This week more evidence was published, from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (more than 59,000 pregnant women have taken part in the research over 10 years), that caffeine reduces the birth weight of babies and increases the risk of having a smaller baby. Babies with lower birth weights have an increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease in adulthood.
Why did you even start this thread, if you only wanted to hear answers that confirmed your (wrong) opinion?

Should you sue the State? Of course not. You won't find an attorney that would even consider taking that case. Children Services was simply doing their job. They did nothing "negligent". Your lovely bride and your spawn both had marijuana in their system. Of course they are going to investigate that. In their opinion, that was abusive. You can disagree all you want.

This case would never make it to trial - it would get thrown out. Once you file your flawed complaint, the State/County, etc. would file a motion (Demurrer) that would dispose of the case in its entirety. Basically, you failed to state a cause of action. In other words, even if everything you say is true, you still haven't alleged any actionable cause of action against Child Services. This is a governmental entity and every State has government codes that narrowly describe the limits on how they can be sued. This isn't one of them. Imagine what would happen to that system if every parent who disagreed with them could walk into court and sue them for a pile of money.

Your personal ramblings about the positive effects of marijuana and the negative effects of other drugs is 100% irrelevant.

Since you're so passionate about it, take some of that massive nest egg of yours and pay an attorney for a consultation.
being a responsible parent is just plain knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing,not because people say its right,cause you love your child and want them healthy and ounce of prevention....

stop making excuses and just dont smoke,drink or do drugs while pregnant,and guys you should be supporting your women!
nobody thinks of consequenses till its too late....
I know here in Canada, especially if you're collecting from social services, they will drug test you.

Please cite relevant laws and other documentation that state this please. I have NEVER heard of this other than what the tories were pitching way back in the 90s, which completely died.

Where, when and under who's authority can somebody in Canada be drug tested just because they are on social services? Perhaps if someone has a conviction for some crime where their conditions are to abstain and be tested, but not solely because they are on welfare.

Very interested to review your sources of this info.

Blood test. Generally only done when someone opts to burden the citizens with the expense of their healthcare.

If you want the gubmint outta yer business, buy health insurance from a private carrier and don't beg for food stamps (moves in many states to drug test for food stamps). Frankly I don't see why the taxpayer should support someone that can manage to obtain recreational drugs.

Great reply. I believe you answered a question I've had for sometime. I know a woman who tested positive yet she had zero explanation why her blood needed to be tested for mj during her pregnancy. Child protective services came to her hse shortly after delivery and since everything was in order and she had her medical mmj card, all was good.
First things first, I'm not trying to fight these fucktards over getting our son back. I'd be dead before they ever laid hands on him. I'm not worried about how much attorney's fees are for this case. I'm wanting to do this for every family in Ohio that have dealt with this and the outcome a lot different only because they didn't know their rights. Y'all are acting like marijuana is so freak in bad, I almost can't believe it. Like I've previously stated, these are the same stupid fucks that allow a bitch to be fucked up on methadone and xanax the entire prehgnancy and because she had a script they don't say shit about it. Test positive for THC and they start an investigation. The point is they claimed "PHYSICAL" abuse you fucks. PHYSICAL abuse for smoking weed? Come on y'all, are you seriously siding with the state? It is a bogus and negligent claim against her and every other smoking mother to be.

1St off brother i think you need to take a breath & chill ,then look at the posts that piss you off for what they are , aside from the foodstamp & medicaide morons who are just looking for any reason to spew their political ideals most posters are just thinking about whats best for all kids & are not intending to bash you.

Will your wife smoking a joint harm your baby ? i seriously doubt it , will your wife smoking a bowl increase your childs risk of becomming a drug addict or alcoholic later in life i doubt that too , but is it in any childs best health interests to ingest anything other than items that are good for their health ? I think thats the point some members are trying to make .

IMO a woman would have a better chance of harming her child by being a high cholesterol cheeto smashing twinkee eating lard ass who drinks a 2 litre of coca cola a day vs some thc ,unfortunately being a lard ass isnt against the law .

Ive had alot of personal experience in dealing with legal issues on mj & alot of general experience with cops,prosecutors & the state legal machine,1st off both yourself & your wife admit NOTHING ,dont admit to smoking mj or even knowing anybody who smokes mj,you have no idea how the test came out positive & you both dispute the test results & stick to your guns.

If the shit dont go away by itself in a few days then get in doctors faces & threaten legal action & if they dont back off follow thru with having your lawyer contact them via certified mail explaining your intent to sue for slander & false accusations leading to loss of contact with a family member & loss of parental rights .

Ive had to have my lawyer send such a letter twice , i used to be a union construction superintendant where many places i worked had mandatory drug testing & mj showed up in my system , they were cool with the oxycontin , dilaudid & zanax i tested positive for & focused on the mj , i disputed the results & had our lawyer send his letter to the doctors involved & shit went away quick , the legal system is no different .

Once you show your not a broke dick & have access to finanical resources to fuk with them right back shit changes , the system is overloaded & under staffed & most states have allready paid out millions in legal settlements , just knowing your gonna call them on their bullshit & make them tie up a ton of resources defending their weak position & their big dicks shrink up quick.

Get everybodys name who's even remotely involved in the false alligations & have your lawyer name them as possible defendants in a future law suit , the doctors & testing facility will be the 1st to crumble , time in court is lost income , threaten their income & they are less willing to take a hard nailed stance on an issue that has alot of built in quality control issues that easily invalidate the test results.

The best way to deal with the state when they come after you is to take a pro active stance & put them on notice if they keep fukin with you its gonna be a hard road to hoe .

Best of luck.
being a responsible parent is just plain knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing,not because people say its right,cause you love your child and want them healthy and ounce of prevention....

stop making excuses and just dont smoke,drink or do drugs while pregnant,and guys you should be supporting your women!
nobody thinks of consequenses till its too late....

Dude thats a pretty big decision for you to make for sombody elses family dont ya think , while the OP did go off on several tangents he does have some very valid points , 1st & foremost its rarely in a childs best interest for the state to become involved .

Next if the medical community or state is gonna make blanket laws concerning what drug is acceptable & what drugs are deemed harmfull they need to back up their claims with clinical evidence , any 1st year law student would have a field day with a doctor on the stand & get his testimony disqualified as hearsay ,the DEA's choice to make mj a schedule 1 narcotic isnt based on clinical trials or scientific studies & would also be hearsay in court .

The OP hasnt provided enough info for his wife to be branded as a bad parent over smoking a doob .

The biggest problem i have with people jumping the OP's ass about his wife smoking a number is not one person asked why she smoked , how are we to know , she could have panic attacks like many people where high dose zanax is the normal treatment & she chose mj over zanax , she could have pain issues or other legit medical problems where she uses mj vs other prescribed drugs .
There are so many factors in that case and it starts with... do you know the family medical history? Was she getting regular checkups and the results from those etc etc etc. Not evidence, sorry.

That's why I said anecdotal evidence. As it happened, the two women were best friends throughout their pregnancy, so yes, I do know most of the deets. There wasn't a lot of difference between them- besides smoking.