Can I sue children services?

im sorry ty i will disagree to the end of the world, and unfortunately you being young plays a part of this, as well as not being a woman, this is a growing baby in a womb, anything you put into your body does ultimately effect your child , whether it is aspartame in your yogurt to smoking 1 cigarette. anything that can affect a child should not ever be put into your body if you willingly do so

I know a friend whos mum smoked cannabis during pregnancy. She was EXTREMELY sensitive to noises and light, like over the top. lol she was sooo posh too, cant understand how with such stoning parents.
Pretty sure any judge encountered would be conservative and frown on cannabis. ;) the odds favor this situation. A scene from the movie blow comes to mind. Lol
Yes, that part of the state is very rural and slow to accept change. The judge is likely to be very conservative. Plus there is no medical in Ohio, so that argument is out the window. Trying to fight it or make a stand will likely turn out badly for the op.
Wait hold on a second, so the moment a baby is born in america they make him/her pee in a cup?!
Blood test. Generally only done when someone opts to burden the citizens with the expense of their healthcare.

If you want the gubmint outta yer business, buy health insurance from a private carrier and don't beg for food stamps (moves in many states to drug test for food stamps). Frankly I don't see why the taxpayer should support someone that can manage to obtain recreational drugs.
Actually I'm pretty sure the hospital had to file the claim and children services had to investigate. But when she showed up at our house I had my phone ready and video taped our encounter. Needless to say she didn't even make it out of her vehicle. I was polite to her but never even admitted I was who she was looking for. Before she left she handed me a paper to sign stating she had met with me and I respectively declined. 60 days later they sent a letter in the mail stating the case had been closed. Wouldve been a whole different story i was out at work... my fiancee was intimidated by them and wanted to let them in!! I said fuck those child snatching whores, let them do their job and TRY and get a court order to enter. Anyway know your rights.
Actually I'm pretty sure the hospital had to file the claim and children services had to investigate. But when she showed up at our house I had my phone ready and video taped our encounter. Needless to say she didn't even make it out of her vehicle. I was polite to her but never even admitted I was who she was looking for. Before she left she handed me a paper to sign stating she had met with me and I respectively declined. 60 days later they sent a letter in the mail stating the case had been closed. Wouldve been a whole different story i was out at work... my fiancee was intimidated by them and wanted to let them in!! I said fuck those child snatching whores, let them do their job and TRY and get a court order to enter. Anyway know your rights.
very nice resolution
Except you aren't in charge and make the rules. There had to be a reason for the test in the first place that were aren't being told. Not saying anything against the OP but he is withholding some data, and not saying CPS is "right" but its the gov't a monster juggernaut
I roughneck and make $24/hr plus $85 a day per diem, and work 84.5 hours each week two weeks straight every month. Doubt I need the government to pay for shit lol. Anyway she told the nurses she smoked so I guess they wanted to see if she was lying, or I pissed the lactating specialist off because she tried to say how bad marijuana was. I respectfully proceeded to jump her ass for letting her children drink tap water containing fluoride, a neurotoxin, and explained I'd rather have her smoke an ounce a day as opposed to taking any xanax or antidepressants. Some people just can't handle the truth. And I would never dream of suing them if the case was still opened. Y'all must be used to talking to idiots on here or something.
i feel a huge 'i told you so' coming on. it was standard procedures and protocols in place. but you vilified these people ad nausea. falsely accused of negligence, state financial help. a few people here owe them an apology i think.
For the child to be positive she was smokibg heavy amounts. You can sue child services but u will not win. The state backs them. What was the reasoning for the test. My sis failed a mj test after birth dss got involved. A few things you need to no how old was the sample they tested. Was it signed off can they prove the blood,urine,etc was taken from that child or etc. If no then they cant prove it. My sis went thru similar. If you initial and seal it then ypur screwed. If no you have a fighting chance but you will need a couple thousand or etc.
First things first, I'm not trying to fight these fucktards over getting our son back. I'd be dead before they ever laid hands on him. I'm not worried about how much attorney's fees are for this case. I'm wanting to do this for every family in Ohio that have dealt with this and the outcome a lot different only because they didn't know their rights. Y'all are acting like marijuana is so freak in bad, I almost can't believe it. Like I've previously stated, these are the same stupid fucks that allow a bitch to be fucked up on methadone and xanax the entire pregnancy and because she had a script they don't say shit about it. Test positive for THC and they start an investigation. The point is they claimed "PHYSICAL" abuse you fucks. PHYSICAL abuse for smoking weed? Come on y'all, are you seriously siding with the state? It is a bogus and negligent claim against her and every other smoking mother to be.
Anyway she told the nurses she smoked so I guess they wanted to see if she was lying, or I pissed the lactating specialist off because she tried to say how bad marijuana was. I respectfully proceeded to jump her ass for letting her children drink tap water containing fluoride, a neurotoxin, and explained I'd rather have her smoke an ounce a day as opposed to taking any xanax or antidepressants. .
HOLD up just a teeny tiny second
First things first, I'm not trying to fight these fucktards over getting our son back. I'd be dead before they ever laid hands on him. I'm not worried about how much attorney's fees are for this case. I'm wanting to do this for every family in Ohio that have dealt with this and the outcome a lot different only because they didn't know their rights. Y'all are acting like marijuana is so freak in bad, I almost can't believe it. Like I've previously stated, these are the same stupid fucks that allow a bitch to be fucked up on methadone and xanax the entire pregnancy and because she had a script they don't say shit about it. Test positive for THC and they start an investigation. The point is they claimed "PHYSICAL" abuse you fucks. PHYSICAL abuse for smoking weed? Come on y'all, are you seriously siding with the state? It is a bogus and negligent claim against her and every other smoking mother to be.

Youre family decided to argue with people in a medical profession about marijuana and than tell doctors and nurses she smoked while pregnant.
you did this to yourselves.

there are somethings in life you just dont tell people for the safety of your family.

it is considered physical abuse because you gave your unborn child something that could have harmful effects whether or not thats ACTUALLY medically true doesn't matter what matters is that the laws says marijuanna is next to heroin in class.

You will in no way win this, and it will be only stress youre fighting a battle that is putting your family in second priority
Im not siding with the state, im telling you the law will win this due to what you and your wife said when you could've just had your baby and be on your way without a drug test.
you guys put yourself in danger of prosecution and now you have to deal with the consequences

If you say the case has been closed move on, don't bring it up because than youre admitting its you, live your life with you and your family and go on your merry little way.
HOLD up just a teeny tiny second

Youre family decided to argue with people in a medical profession about marijuana and than tell doctors and nurses she smoked while pregnant.
you did this to yourselves.

there are somethings in life you just dont tell people for the safety of your family.

it is considered physical abuse because you gave your unborn child something that could have harmful effects whether or not thats ACTUALLY medically true doesn't matter what matters is that the laws says marijuanna is next to heroin in class.

You will in no way win this, and it will be only stress youre fighting a battle that is putting your family in second priority
Im not siding with the state, im telling you the law will win this due to what you and your wife said when you could've just had your baby and be on your way without a drug test.
you guys put yourself in danger of prosecution and now you have to deal with the consequences

If you say the case has been closed move on, don't bring it up because than youre admitting its you, live your life with you and your family and go on your merry little way.
Are you fucking serious? A staff member that is contradictory? Are you ignorant? You say you're " not siding with the state" yet you say because its the "law" it is considered physical abuse and then say "even if there is no medical evidence." Well that's the whole fucking point man. There is NO medical evidence showing marijuana physically harms fetuses or newborns. You advise just to go with what the system says because they make the laws. How the fuck you purpose laws get changed if people just do what their told. Great advice staff member.
Are you fucking serious? A staff member that is contradictory? Are you ignorant? You say you're " not siding with the state" yet you say because its the "law" it is considered physical abuse and then say "even if there is no medical evidence." Well that's the whole fucking point man. There is NO medical evidence showing marijuana physically harms fetuses or newborns. You advise just to go with what the system says because they make the laws. How the fuck you purpose laws get changed if people just do what their told. Great advice staff member.
A staff member, is someone who works on the board to clean up spam, ban users, such,
I am human Im allowed to have an opinion

Your wife told a medical professional she smoked marijuana, this is what caused your drug test , there are other ways to get laws changed that don't have to do with unborn or newborn children. You guys did this to yourself with your own big mouths.
Im just telling you what the law says, sorry you don't like it. There is a difference between my personal opinion and what the law is going to do when you decide to sue the state of ohio , its not going to work you'll just be out money, money you could've spent on your child. The case has been dropped moved on with your life, advocate in a different way that doesn't put your family at risk for your child being taking away.
Youre upset and thats fine but you're not thinking this through clearly.
Wait hold on a second, so the moment a baby is born in america they make him/her pee in a cup?!
no they only do it when someone is making tax payers pay for their hospital bill
or they are on government assistance
or in this case they tell the doctor shes been smoking weed during pregnancy
Are you fucking serious? A staff member that is contradictory? Are you ignorant? You say you're " not siding with the state" yet you say because its the "law" it is considered physical abuse and then say "even if there is no medical evidence." Well that's the whole fucking point man. There is NO medical evidence showing marijuana physically harms fetuses or newborns. You advise just to go with what the system says because they make the laws. How the fuck you purpose laws get changed if people just do what their told. Great advice staff member.
State is right. It's that simple man. Sorry truth hurts. Your wife ingested a mind altering chemical while pregnant. She forced "drugs" into a babies body that had no option to say yes or no.

We have to remember, what we think is right and wrong, simply doesn't matter. Laws are laws whether you like or agree with them.

I sincerely wish you luck my friend.
Do we have a legitimate case to sue them for wrongful accusation? I just want to sue them to make them and the uninformed public here in Marietta,OH a little better educated on the effects of marijuana. Any replies will be greatly appreciated.
For future reference OP when you state something like this, and people give you the reply you don't feel like hearing because youre too blinded by anger to see youre fighting a loosing battle
Don't make a thread open to any replies make it only if you side with me
For the record, they urine test every pregnant woman getting an epidural, it had absolutely nothing to due about us opening our big mouths. And your suggestion of letting it go because the case was dropped just shows how spineless you really are. If I felt I was putting my family at risk I wouldn't even be contemplating a lawsuit. There is a famous Niemoller quote that comes to mind "First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me."
We all can't just sit back and do nothing because it doesn't effect us or before you know it, all of our rights will be trampled on. Stand up for yourselves as well as others. That's the only way laws get changed.