Can I sue children services?

For the record, they urine test every pregnant woman getting an epidural, it had absolutely nothing to due about us opening our big mouths. And your suggestion of letting it go because the case was dropped just shows how spineless you really are. If I felt I was putting my family at risk I wouldn't even be contemplating a lawsuit. There is a famous Niemoller quote that comes to mind "First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me."
We all can't just sit back and do nothing because it doesn't effect us or before you know it, all of our rights will be trampled on. Stand up for yourselves as well as others. That's the only way laws get changed.
Agreed, you stand up for your rights, but not when it means child services is gonna come take your child because of it. Put your children before cannibis, please. We have plenty of people ready to fight the battle WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT. This isn't a battle that will help the cannibis community. It will make it look like dumb addict stoners, once again.
you wanna sue the state ? go ahead no skin off my back.
wont change anything for me sincei dont live in america.
just know youre doing it at the expense of your family.

Spineless? doubtful I volunteer at all the rallies here and promote proper marijuana use. Your wife was drug tested because she opened her mouth and told the doctor , they only drug test if they suspect. Telling someone outright is suspect enough, you even said so youreself now youre back peddling
They only drug test depending on hospital regulations and state, and if they have reason to.
So maybe she was randomly drug tested, but i doubt it
Simple matter of fact is not why she was smoking while pregnant I could careless on your inhome family practices.
The case was dropped stop putting your family at risk for full on bashing and loss from court, advocate some place else that doesnt endanger your child being taken away.
You wont win against the state, you could however get your child a university education and some toys. wouldnt that be much better?
The thing of it is, I don't even smoke. I work in the oilfield so they random test us all the time, hair follicle unfortunately. And as I previously stated, if I thought this could jepordize our family I wouldn't even contemplate it, but seeing how the case has been dropped...... No fucking wonder we have a dictator running this country, killing the Constitution. The "right" time has came and passed as we all sit around and watch our civil liberties get shit upon.
IMO the right time hasn't come. People are just now starting to accept recreational use, we have to get away from the stoner stigma before we can make moves. We will not be taken seriously until then, by all means support. Look for studies in your local area. Wake Forest university in my area is studying the effects of the strain charlottes web on epilepsy patients. Wanna help, support that or something of the sort. I have a family member with cerebral palsy, the medical research means more to me than you can imagine.
IMO the right time hasn't come. People are just now starting to accept recreational use, we have to get away from the stoner stigma before we can make moves. We will not be taken seriously until then, by all means support. Look for studies in your local area. Wake Forest university in my area is studying the effects of the strain charlottes web on epilepsy patients. Wanna help, support that or something of the sort. I have a family member with cerebral palsy, the medical research means more to me than you can imagine.
They already know the CW strain works with kids with epilepsy. Parents with sick children are flooding Colorado to get this strain for their kids.
They already know the CW strain works with kids with epilepsy. Parents with sick children are flooding Colorado to get this strain for their kids.
We know it works yes, that isn't the question. It's a study. They trying to answer question like:
What a "average dose" would be by body weight.
What are the long term side effects.
What causes it to actually have medical properties.
Working is not the whole battle, it can't cause you to become ill later to be considered true medicine. (Possible carcinogens, even when ingested)
OP sounds educated and like hes going to be a protective father. Some people on this thread quickly came to assumptions that he and his wife where gov handout trash. OP should be very angry with his responses as I would be too.js
there was nothing to give us except for us to assume.
nothing wrong with having government pay for your health care it shouldbe free. i never said they were trash ever, i never stated anything like that
i didnt assume she told the doctor she was smoking marijuana while pregnant because i didnt think anyone would actually ever do that

if you make thread and leave literally everything about the backstory out and log out. than we can assume all we want
We know it works yes, that isn't the question. It's a study. They trying to answer question like:
What a "average dose" would be by body weight.
What are the long term side effects.
What causes it to actually have medical properties.
Working is not the whole battle, it can't cause you to become ill later to be considered true medicine. (Possible carcinogens, even when ingested)
I'm pretty sure they have done all these tests prior to giving it to the kids here in Co. Maybe they are doing more extensive tests. It takes millions and millions of $ to research this plant. Many experiments have started and stopped because of lack of funding. Can you imagine all the other things out there in the forest they dont have funding to research....?
I'm pretty sure they have done all these tests prior to giving it to the kids here in Co. Maybe they are doing more extensive tests. It takes millions and millions of $ to research this plant. Many experiments have started and stopped because of lack of funding. Can you imagine all the other things out there in the forest they dont have funding to research....?
That is possible, I believe the state of North Carolina was skeptic, and decided to do their own research. I personally know two of the kids in the study, it's night and day difference. Great medicine, we just need to know more about it.
I'm pretty sure they have done all these tests prior to giving it to the kids here in Co. Maybe they are doing more extensive tests. It takes millions and millions of $ to research this plant. Many experiments have started and stopped because of lack of funding. Can you imagine all the other things out there in the forest they dont have funding to research....?
Also, they are just studying the extracts of charlottes web and other cbd strains. Not the entire plant as whole. Should save a lot of money on research.

Mind altering chemicals have no business in a child's body. Just my opinion.
Simple matter of fact is not why she was smoking while pregnant I could careless on your inhome family practices.
The case was dropped stop putting your family at risk for full on bashing and loss from court, advocate some place else that doesnt endanger your child being taken away.
You wont win against the state, you could however get your child a university education and some toys. wouldnt that be much better?
You are missing the point. Yes I fucking know smoking marijuana in the state of Ohio breaks a statute, not a law, but in that statute where is the provision stating pregnant women who smoke are physically abusing there fetuses/infants? You keep saying " well its against the law, pick your battles, you brought it on yourselves" the fact of the matter is, its a FALSE accusation point period. Not sure what argument you are trying to make but re-read the original post.
You are missing the point. Yes I fucking know smoking marijuana in the state of Ohio breaks a statute, not a law, but in that statute where is the provision stating pregnant women who smoke are physically abusing there fetuses/infants? You keep saying " well its against the law, pick your battles, you brought it on yourselves" the fact of the matter is, its a FALSE accusation point period. Not sure what argument you are trying to make but re-read the original post.
It's known that doing any illegal drug during pregnancy is physical abuse. Shit even some legal drugs are illegal to use when pregnant.
You keep saying that sunni , but theres is no scientific data showing it harms the child in the womb or after birth, or after

First hand anecdotal evidence; my daughter was born to a woman who smoked one cigarette a day once into the third trimester. Our daughter was accepted into our district's gifted and talented program.

Our friend who was pregnant at the same time liked to smoke weed to make her baby quit kicking. She also smoked cigarettes, I don't know how many. This child is developmentally disabled.

I'm firmly in the 'no junk food, no booze, no smoking ANYTHING during pregnancy' camp.
i side with sunni and others when a mother to be should only introduce good things to the fetus...water, nutrients, etc. smoking can be said to be bad at certain thresholds. i also side with the father when they stick their noses in somebody elses business, but it is still a federal issue...not just state statutes...and if you went to court you'd have to make them define 'physical abuse' and the parameters revolving around thc. i see a distant chance for happy you don't have to press the issue.. hospital should just birth the child and mind their own fkn business unless there's substantial evidence of abuse...shaking, excessive blood alcohol level, etc. kudos to the father for standing your ground.ref ring the bell so we can get out of here.