Can one be gay and not know it?

I believe those who are physically gay or in question of their sexuality are experiencing a bout similar to an identity crisis that is the result of not essentially knowing who they really are (as in delusion); and likely because of some degree of emotional trauma, neglect and/or ignorance (lacking knowledge of something).

How long do you suppose I will be in this delusion for?


Oh God man! Forever! :mrgreen:

As Stoney suggested, I seriously doubt you and EarthlyPassions are the only gay people in Stonerville...but then I see your tongue firmly in your cheek ;-).

Bubbaslick. It's all good. Don't overly stress. Most especially don't do what one of my uncles did. He got married, had a child, stayed in the relationship for around ten years before finally giving in to himself. He left his wife and daughter and moved to darwin with his boss/boyfriend.

I'd have to go with most other opinions. Most of the gay people I know as friends have all at some stage either hidden their true selves from everyone, or denied their sexuality through fear of rejection.

I reckon it's like the stigma of smoking pot in a 'normal' society, although smoking certainly not on the emotional level of being gay in an assumed 'straight' world. A lot of us hide our smoking from others through fear or assumption that others will not understand or will react against us. My gay friends spent time 'hiding' for the same reasons.
Oh God man! Forever! :mrgreen:

As Stoney suggested, I seriously doubt you and EarthlyPassions are the only gay people in Stonerville...but then I see your tongue firmly in your cheek ;-).

Bubbaslick. It's all good. Don't overly stress. Most especially don't do what one of my uncles did. He got married, had a child, stayed in the relationship for around ten years before finally giving in to himself. He left his wife and daughter and moved to darwin with his boss/boyfriend.

I'd have to go with most other opinions. Most of the gay people I know as friends have all at some stage either hidden their true selves from everyone, or denied their sexuality through fear of rejection.

I reckon it's like the stigma of smoking pot in a 'normal' society, although smoking certainly not on the emotional level of being gay in an assumed 'straight' world. A lot of us hide our smoking from others through fear or assumption that others will not understand or will react against us. My gay friends spent time 'hiding' for the same reasons.

I think it depends on your environment. London is pretty cool about the whole gay thing. Where I work, its practically regulation to be gay. I worked at the BBC, same there -even more so. I have never had to hide, my family know - probably always had known. My family were big hippies in the 60's so i know I was very lucky. My Mother grew, she only smoked on Sundays though, after Sunday dinner.

To me its just a part of who I am. I am not defined by it, just a little something extra. I have done the whole girl thing too. Slept with lots - not because I was hiding who I was - I wanted to try. I have had some great sex with the ladies. Still gay though. :lol:

I think it depends on your environment. London is pretty cool about the whole gay thing. Where I work, its practically regulation to be gay. I worked at the BBC, same there -even more so. I have never had to hide, my family know - probably always had known. My family were big hippies in the 60's so i know I was very lucky. My Mother grew, she only smoked on Sundays though, after Sunday dinner.

To me its just a part of who I am. I am not defined by it, just a little something extra. I have done the whole girl thing too. Slept with lots - not because I was hiding who I was - I wanted to try. I have had some great sex with the ladies. Still gay though. :lol:

I think we're still caught in some post-WW2 time warp in Australia. Some of us have managed to mature, but there are still people being raised under the assumption that if you are not (for males) a straight, white, beer drinking, football watching 'bloke', then you must be a 'poofta' or a lazy black bastard or a dole bludging pot smoking drug fucked hippy.

I'm probably exaggerating, but I don't think I'm too far off the mark in describing some cities and towns in this country.

Starsailor, counting the media industry as a normal work environment doesn't count.:roll: I worked in a small TV production house in 1979 and out of the six people working there, one was was straight. Luckily though, three of us smoked, so I didn't miss out on any fun :mrgreen:.

Hippy parents...maybe that's why our kids are comfortable talking with us about their sexuality and stuff too...:mrgreen:. One of my daughters is a XXX stripper. I hear lots of stuff that would make other fathers faint...:oops:.

If you want to hear a story about double-standards, I'll tell you about her biological father one he is your stereotypical Australian male.

I can't recall any of my friends that haven't had a hard time coming out. Some were immediately accepted by friends and family, while others were disowned. I'm not talking back in the eighties here either. We had a friend of my daughters who nearly lived at our place. He was 17 and his family had ostracized him. This was only 7 years ago. I could tell more stories of friends who went through hell, but I guess I have the same amount of happy ones too.

Having said all that, the city I live near is only small (around 70+k), and is in what is considered 'beef country', 'Gateway to to Western Queensland'. It's a strange place. Lotsa redneck cowboys, wanna be homies, 'bogans' and other stereotypes. However, there is a thriving gay 'community' that hold regular entertainment nights at pubs and clubs. Drag shows, karaoke nights, shindigs and stuff. We haven't had a chance to go out to a show yet, but watched some videos and edited some photos for friend who used to organise them. He said the audience is about as mixed as the people in the city.

I'm rambling...I'll go and have another billy.

here is a test, think of a dudes balls smacking on the back of your ass. If that dont make you cringe like it does me, then yes you are gay.

and I dont judge by the way if you are, thats fine by me Good luck;-)

please this guy is looking for help.... i have a question for you bubbaslick if you woke up with your underpants riped and hanging at your knees and had vaseline packed in the crack of your ass would you tell anyone?
please this guy is looking for help.... i have a question for you bubbaslick if you woke up with your underpants riped and hanging at your knees and had vaseline packed in the crack of your ass would you tell anyone?

I'd ask my wife how drunk I got last night...anything to do with her, ripped undies and a tub of vaseline should be worth remembering!
I have met a lot of gay men and woman, and have asked the question how they knew they were gay and they would ask back how I knew I was strait. Well I just did because I love vaginas and I love tits. SO right back they would reply back pretty much the same without as much bluntness in most cases. I feel you just know what your body is going to want. Like when you’re happy or sad or any other feeling, no one will ever know yourself as good as you.
I have met a lot of gay men and woman, and have asked the question how they knew they were gay and they would ask back how I knew I was strait. Well I just did because I love vaginas and I love tits. SO right back they would reply back pretty much the same without as much bluntness in most cases. I feel you just know what your body is going to want. Like when you’re happy or sad or any other feeling, no one will ever know yourself as good as you.

sorry about my attempt at humor at your expense before i met my current wife, i had male friends who i would rather spend time with because we shared all the male bonding requirements, i loved these guys more then any woman at the time. im sure to someone on the outside it probably looked gay as hell ,we grew up and grew apart and i found my wife who is my best friend now ,bubba slick if its more than male bonding you should know,enjoy this time live your life your way its too short hell come june i'll be 45 wow good luck, great courage
If you go to the beach, see a hairy arse and go "I'm not leaving without a piece of that" ... you may be gay.
being gay means you have the ability to fall in love with a man everything else doent matter and is probably just a taboo effect. dont worry the majority of gays are straight but dont know it
being gay means you have the ability to fall in love with a man everything else doent matter and is probably just a taboo effect. dont worry the majority of gays are straight but dont know it
kid just let it go bubba slick hasn't been back to this thread in days i think hes hanging from his ceiling fan from a telephone cord ...or not
being gay means you have the ability to fall in love with a man everything else doent matter and is probably just a taboo effect. dont worry the majority of gays are straight but dont know it

I've done men, done women. I am gay. Not because I can fall in love with a man, but because I want men. Given the choice of a naked man or a naked woman, I'd pick the man anytime.

Love has nothing to do with it. When you masturbate, if you think of men - you're gay. If you think of women - you're straight.

I've done men, done women. I am gay. Not because I can fall in love with a man, but because I want men. Given the choice of a naked man or a naked woman, I'd pick the man anytime.

Love has nothing to do with it. When you masturbate, if you think of men - you're gay. If you think of women - you're straight.


although a great answer and point, I think that last line matters most if your male or female. he he

Me and a few of my friends are close enough I can talk about them with some things that even I wouldent talk to my wife about. Nothing to do with anything sexual in nature specifically or anything like that. But If I accidentally run over somebody or some shit like that and didnt want to feel judged by it..Itd be my homie I talked to first and not my wife.
Aint no way I would fuck him though, not even with his own dick. LOL

anyone who even thinks of this knows the answer and is in denial for one reason or another, come back to earth here and stop being so fearfull.
Yes, its a very cruel and cold planet indeed but its not nearly as cold as it is inside feeling something all by yourself and repressing it.

Make yourself happy before you try to make anyone else happy as well. Otherwise your going no where fast.
although a great answer and point, I think that last line matters most if your male or female. he he

Me and a few of my friends are close enough I can talk about them with some things that even I wouldent talk to my wife about. Nothing to do with anything sexual in nature specifically or anything like that. But If I accidentally run over somebody or some shit like that and didnt want to feel judged by it..Itd be my homie I talked to first and not my wife.
Aint no way I would fuck him though, not even with his own dick. LOL

anyone who even thinks of this knows the answer and is in denial for one reason or another, come back to earth here and stop being so fearfull.
Yes, its a very cruel and cold planet indeed but its not nearly as cold as it is inside feeling something all by yourself and repressing it.

Make yourself happy before you try to make anyone else happy as well. Otherwise your going no where fast.

Its also very dependent on where you live. Its very easy to be gay in London. I have never hidden who I am - I have travelled extensively so I have seen attitudes in other countries and I know how lucky I am.

I couldnt imagine living a lie, being with a woman when I really want a man. You are messing up 2 lives.

Be true to yourself.

Its also very dependent on where you live. Its very easy to be gay in London. I have never hidden who I am - I have travelled extensively so I have seen attitudes in other countries and I know how lucky I am.

I couldnt imagine living a lie, being with a woman when I really want a man. You are messing up 2 lives.

Be true to yourself.


Anyone would be better off in the long run dealing with unfavorable hardships and being happy rather than trying to hide. theres usually a salvation somewhere, even in my little red neck town.
Shit, half the ppl that work @ mickey d's here are gay....
People get hassled about it occasionally but people are starting to become more accepting of it.

Id rather hear a few comments now and then again than marry some girl if I wanted a dude and then end up getting her pregnant and breaking the relationship off in the end anyways.... May as well face the facts before they bring someone else in the world to face them as well and have to cope...
Not saying that homosexuals arent good parents or arent deserving, Im just all for the least family drama possible when a child is involved for the well being of their own development and standing points on their familys relationships.... Those can inpact/influence someone a lot.
Anyone would be better off in the long run dealing with unfavorable hardships and being happy rather than trying to hide. theres usually a salvation somewhere, even in my little red neck town.
Shit, half the ppl that work @ mickey d's here are gay....
People get hassled about it occasionally but people are starting to become more accepting of it.

Id rather hear a few comments now and then again than marry some girl if I wanted a dude and then end up getting her pregnant and breaking the relationship off in the end anyways.... May as well face the facts before they bring someone else in the world to face them as well and have to cope...
Not saying that homosexuals arent good parents or arent deserving, Im just all for the least family drama possible when a child is involved for the well being of their own development and standing points on their familys relationships.... Those can inpact/influence someone a lot.

I have always accepted that being gay meant I wasnt born to have children. I think a child needs a mother. I personally dont want to bring a child up in a gay household. Thats not to say its wrong - just not for me.

I have always accepted that being gay meant I wasnt born to have children. I think a child needs a mother. I personally dont want to bring a child up in a gay household. Thats not to say its wrong - just not for me.


If a child didnt need a mother, then they wouldent be the ones carrying them and men would be asexual creatures.
Carefull what you wish for... you'd be scared if you knew how little genetic contribution the male actualy makes to conception...

The human x chomosome has about 155 million base pairs. The y chomosme only about 50 million pairs.

Since females have two x chomsomes and males only one, females will have about 100 million more base pairs.
Carefull what you wish for... you'd be scared if you knew how little genetic contribution the male actualy makes to conception...

half a set of chromosomes....You call half a little bit bro?
Other than select species of creatures that partake in parthenogenesis and the small exception that hermaphrodite people make up there is little to damn near no chance of this ever happening with people....
The males chromosomes do make up the sex afterall. What would the species use to substitute for that eh?
In parthenogenesis a male cannot be born as it only contains Y chromosomes from the female, therefore sex of said offspring can only be left to be females.
Which makes me doubt even more that people are going to do this....

However if your religious it may offer scientifically reasons for the virgin mary becoming pregnant as a virgin....Although some people would not see this happening either because it would mean that christ was a chick. LOL