Cannatrol vs. Freeze Dryer

I didn't say over-pack. Just packed to capacity.


By pack to capacity do you mean no silver from the trays showing (single layer) or spreading out 2.2 lbs throughout the fridge? How much weight would a Cool Cure packed to capacity hold? With 2.2 lbs of bud in the fridge will there be a lot of space left over - a lot of silver showing?

I'm not looking for an argument, just trying to learn from your experience.

How long have you had your Cool Cures? Any sign of wear from the extra weight?



By pack to capacity do you mean no silver from the trays showing (single layer) or spreading out 2.2 lbs throughout the fridge? How much weight would a Cool Cure packed to capacity hold? With 2.2 lbs of bud in the fridge will there be a lot of space left over - a lot of silver showing?

I'm not looking for an argument, just trying to learn from your experience.

How long have you had your Cool Cures? Any sign of wear from the extra weight?



I don't weigh what I put in. I just tightly fill the 'tray' in a single layer from edge to edge. I place a tray in every slot. As far as wear? I wouldn't know how to measure it. I would think that initially the unit may need to run a little longer to bring down the environment to the pre-programmed schedule but I don't think it would accelerate the end of life cycle for the unit.
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By pack to capacity do you mean no silver from the trays showing (single layer) or spreading out 2.2 lbs throughout the fridge? How much weight would a Cool Cure packed to capacity hold? With 2.2 lbs of bud in the fridge will there be a lot of space left over - a lot of silver showing?

I'm not looking for an argument, just trying to learn from your experience.

How long have you had your Cool Cures? Any sign of wear from the extra weight?



You're at the point where it's time to pull the trigger. Go on now! You. know you want to. After your first dry/cure cycle you'll kick yourself for not doing it sooner!

I just placed my order for 1 Cannatrol, after exchange to Canadian it came to about $2,686 (with shipping), and we still have Duty and HST to add on.

I have a feeling it'll be worth the money.


I went with the clear UV blocking glass, did you other folks go with the clear glass or tinted? Will it make any difference in the quality of the bud?

Any idea what the Duty will be ?
I can respect people’s desire to own one of these machines as a way to further enjoy their product or their hobby. No problem or criticism at all, and I’m sure it cures well. But you shouldn’t get upset at people who see no propose in it for themselves either.

The idea that weed is “second rate” if not cured in one of these is silly. I don’t think there’s an effective argument to make that you can’t reach a similar, smokable point with your harvest for virtually free. The small size means this is really for the personal grower, it seems to me. Most of us can achieve appropriate atmosphere with humidifiers or dehumidifiers, or often nothing at all. Most of us have done just that many times over. I also understand that not everyone has a space to dedicate to the purpose and this machine could be a good solution.

I see reports of improved aroma, but no claims about potency/high. For me, flavor is such a transient part of the experience that it is not a primary goal as much as a nice by-product. A smooth smoke is really important; a fruity one - nice, but not a must.

The price is prohibitive for me at this point. Not because I can’t afford it, but I would rather buy another tent and light rig first, for example. Or any number of other things that would seem more necessary to actual productivity. But have at it if you have the funds. It would certainly be nice; I’d love to try one.

I have more expensive hobbies, and my intention in being a home grower is to spend less on the weed “hobby”, or addiction, or whatever you want to call it. I’ve been very successful in that pursuit. I also enjoy expensive guitars and accessories, and pay silly money for things that are really hard to justify from a value perspective, beyond the real personal pleasure that these things bring, and that’s enough.

You don’t have to justify your purchases, or be insulted by those who successfully choose other routes.

For any Canadians looking at buying a Cool Cure - with exchange the CC and shipping comes to $2,875 CAD and HST and brokerage fees come to $495 CAD for a grand total of $3,370 CAD.

Im going to run the CC on some SLH that Im flowering, if it works as advertised Im buying a second so I can cure a big part of my harvest at once.


I ordered some new seeds to go with the addition to the garden - Grand Daddy Purple, Purple Urkle, Purple Kush, Blueberry, Skunkberry, Grape Ape, NY Diesel and C99. Lots of flavor to go with the stone!


For any Canadians looking at buying a Cool Cure - with exchange the CC and shipping comes to $2,875 CAD and HST and brokerage fees come to $495 CAD for a grand total of $3,370 CAD.

Im going to run the CC on some SLH that Im flowering, if it works as advertised Im buying a second so I can cure a big part of my harvest at once.


I ordered some new seeds to go with the addition to the garden - Grand Daddy Purple, Purple Urkle, Purple Kush, Blueberry, Skunkberry, Grape Ape, NY Diesel and C99. Lots of flavor to go with the stone!

Once you try it can you let me no what you think of it. Thanks

Mine straight from the company was about $3,400 too, competitive price.

Some of these online pot shops just take the order then drop ship from the manufacturer. Shouldn't matter too much.

I’m eagerly awaiting

Absolutely, ill post my first run, start to vaping, in this thread.

looking forward to your feedback, hoping it helps me get off this roller coaster- been agonizing over buying one vs diy- besides the price, the short warranty concerns me as does the all sales final, no returns. I don’t see much of them on the secondary market, and not much bad reviews, but not a lot of advocates in general. Some of those sound like they are a paid commercial rather than an enthusiastic user. Appreciate what info you will have to share. The ambient operating temp is another potential question.
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hope I didn’t come off accusatory, I appreciate everyone’s contribution, for me, there is just a weird void of general feedback that makes me hesitate, as well as long term updates- but I may be a little on the autistic spectrum, focus on different data and just be missing the obvious? I’ll be combating 100+ summer temps so will need to cool the room the unit is in as well, depending how critical the recommended 73-74 ambient operating temps are. If 78-80 passes, then there is room in my flower room?? Too often I’ve been the victim of my own willingness to want to believe in the next best thing, I’m really doubting myself I guess, not everyone’s info

Wizkid are you weighing out a kilogram of buds before stacking them on the trays, or do you just fill the trays until there's no space left?

I'm concerned about overloading the Cool Cure, even though Hydro said it was no problem with his 3 units.

My Super Lemon Haze are in week 7 or flower and I expect 4-5 more weeks before they're ripe. I can't wait until I get to put the bud in the machine.

It's all good brother

I think the biggest reason there is kind of slim pickings for getting owner input is simply its price point. Anything that costs that much simply has fewer people buying them.... So overall just fewer people to give you a "hands on review."

Then how many of those people don't give a shit about posting a review on the internet? Then how many of the willing people are on this forum?

I got mine because everything is pretty dialed in except my post harvest. It's a sticking spot for me. If I need to, I will buy a second one without any concern because it resolved those issues right out of the box. If somebody's post harvest is rather successful using traditional methods, they could definitely spend $1600 in better areas.
I’ve considered that it is probably a niche market, the fact there are not copious reviews trashing it and the resale market is not flooded says volumes, and everything you said makes sense, I know I’m frugal with reviews.
Post harvest has been my most difficult lessons to learn, so if it functions as stated, should be a no brainer for me. To be honest, I’ve struggled as a grower and now that I’m finally getting some desirable results after nearly 10 years, I really want to get the most out of my efforts. If you don’t mind one more question, do you have any comment on the operating environment requirements?