CDx Life Presents MyDx - The First Handheld Device to Instantly Test Cannabis Samples

I find it so amusing the astroturf taking place by the minions if the Cdx scam company promoting the non existent MyDx
They joined at the same time, I just find it so laughable that they want to be a verb. lol. ya have to have a product first.

MyDx is a scam, someone's looking for easy stoner money.
its def gonna be a verb... dude you gave money to those scamartists?! you gonna get mydx'ed again!!!

i turn peoples names into verbs daily, they fucked up bringing that shit up round me!
I must say I'm thrilled Google had indexed this thread to bring awareness to this scam. Hopefully people will be aware of this thread and not be gullible.
This shit just gets better and better. CDx life MyDx has just updated their funding goals.

Goal 1: Market Validation
100 devices (50% off)
Goal 2: Cost reduction
1000 devices (25% off)
Goal 3:Critical mass
10,000+ devices (10% off)

So it seems if we don't all hop on board now we are going to end up paying more in the long run. Quick everyone scoop one up at this bargain price before they all sell out. hahahahahahhahahah imma take ten and sell them on ebay for 10x the purchase amount while you suckaz are sleeping on it.

But seriously how are these guys even allowed to do this. I mean completely fund a project through pre-orders that surely gonna collapse and leave a lot of people out of pocket.

They even took Ricky Rouse off the Mydx team page. I mean I thought this guy was the marketing man but you see him in a lab coat in the video talking about the product like he some kinda a science development guy but then it's clear from what he says he doesn't know shit about electronics.
Fucking scammers. The best part of this whole thing is the Internet doesn't forget. His name Rouse will always be associated with some one pulling a scam. Hopefully future "business people" take note.
This shit just gets better and better. CDx life MyDx has just updated their funding goals.

Goal 1: Market Validation
100 devices (50% off)
Goal 2: Cost reduction
1000 devices (25% off)
Goal 3:Critical mass
10,000+ devices (10% off)

So it seems if we don't all hop on board now we are going to end up paying more in the long run. Quick everyone scoop one up at this bargain price before they all sell out. hahahahahahhahahah imma take ten and sell them on ebay for 10x the purchase amount while you suckaz are sleeping on it.

But seriously how are these guys even allowed to do this. I mean completely fund a project through pre-orders that surely gonna collapse and leave a lot of people out of pocket.

They even took Ricky Rouse off the Mydx team page. I mean I thought this guy was the marketing man but you see him in a lab coat in the video talking about the product like he some kinda a science development guy but then it's clear from what he says he doesn't know shit about electronics.

I imagine Rouse was fired immediately. The guy's obviously a fuckin joke the way he behaves while representing a company and a product, people who pollen chuck got better PR. The guys worse the Swerve FFS.

That's not how crowd funding is supposed to work. You get the initial investment you don't keep fucking asking for money. This is a terribly thought out campaign these guys are trying to put together.

ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING They can't even guarantee the first people will get the devices, there own man has said as much.
I'm new to this site. So far, I'm not impressed that the site won't let me set up profile pics and create an album. I joined because I thought this was a community of growers not haters. TonightYou, the way you represent yourself, I doubt your motivated by concern for your fellow man. In fact you have probably done more PR for this company than their RRouse has. In this day and age negative comments are just as productive as positive comments on the internet. Maybe if you didn't sound like a bully you could get your message across. As far as people losing their money, I don't know about anyone else on this site, but if you are a productive, solvent person (which you must be to have so much free time to "research" a random company that you are protecting the public from) a few hundred dollars should not be life changing to invest, risk or possibly lose. I am a MMJ patient, I have managed a dispensary and I am a cultivator. At our dispensary we spent anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000 a year on strain testing. We accidentally sent two of the same sample to our site that charged us $60/per 1.5g sample. The results were completely different. We frequently had mold in our product that was found less than 48 hours of procuring it. The mold was obviously there when we bought it we just couldn't see the colonies yet. If this product does work it would save everyone that gets testing done, thousands of dollars. Patients with compromised immune systems cannot inhale fungus without the possibility of severe ramifications. Because of your rants I also looked up more of their information and I'm confused on how you surmised the ship date. I saw 4/20/14 for the canna device. I'm sure I'm not the only person that can relate to that date. Maybe you should be working for an investment firm doing due diligence since it seems to be your passion. Anytime you purchase something you are at risk of being "taken", but I don't think it is fair to smear a entity for trying to produce something. As far as the BBB. Not everyone is listed with the BBB. More often than not, a BBB rating is negative, since most people never get around to rating a business unless they are unhappy. I'm just guessing you would be one of those people. As far as funding: they are introducing a Canna app or device, whatever they are referring it as. Doesn't it stand to reason that normal channels would be difficult since the use of marijuana is not considered legal by the federal government? Most banks or loan companies will not touch any kind of marijuana based company, project or device. If anything TonightYou, you have inspired me to purchase a device whether I decide to pre order or wait until they come out. I feel bad for others who can't afford a small risk. I applaud your ability to delve into something so intensely, I can't imagine how much time you spent to buy a phone. I think a smartphone is around $400 isn't it and then you pay a monthly fee and sometimes you can't get a signal, and every once in awhile they crash. I don't think Apple releases their specs, a schematic or shows you how they are manufactured, especially before they are launched. When I bought my smartphone I didn't research the company, check their funding, contact the officers of the company, check to see how old the developers looked or feel the need to spend my precious time complaining whenever something didn't work on it or run a smear campaign. I have too many other ways to spend my time. As a cultivator, I rather have good vibes for my plants. I guess the bottom line is: If A few hundred dollars is going to ruin your life if you lose it, stay away from ANYTHING that costs that much. For people that have money in their pocket, I think they can decide how to spend, invest or smoke their money without any help from someone on a weed grower site. Now I'm going to go share the MyDx link with my friends that can afford to skip a weekend in Vegas to check out a possible way to save money on testing and if it doesn't work we will all laugh about it later. By all means don't buy their product, you would probably be a customer service nightmare for them. Feel free to malign my integrity with your juvenile rants, meanwhile, I will go tend my crop.
Nice another member from the scam cdx crew has just stopped by.

Irks ya a bit that others may hace woken up to your scam, vapor ware. You'd have to be a fool if you think this would replace the testing you do at "your dispensery". Nice marketing touch! A astroturf at its finest.
Feel free to malign my integrity with your juvenile rants, meanwhile, I will go tend my crop.

there was no need to even replay tonight, this guy says something like that while incapable of creating new paragraphs he isn't worth the time ;)

He can go push his moldy dispensary weed on idiots.
I've been avoiding this thread because of the shitstorm but just have to comment on the wall of text.

So your dispensary spends $20,000-$50,000 on testing, yet someone's about to hand you a device that costs $400 and can achieve similar results? I'm not trying to insult you, but this just doesn't make sense.

I need to do more research of my own, but I don't believe these devices will be able to do what they're claiming in the time frame they've given, that's all. Still wish someone makes this happen and YES I'll gladly pay $400 for one.
could somebody explain to me what "vapor wear" is that people keep talking about? I'm kinda new to some of the lingo here.