Chemistry Discussion Thread

Hey,, Im kinda new here. You guys are talking about one of my favorite things,,,ludes. Does anyone know a good fairly easy synth for ludes? Dont know much chemistry, but do know
alot about ludes. I want to make some for personal,, not for sales.
I'm not familiar with that particular synth Canndo. If you can send me a link I'll happily look through it. It might take me a day or two because I took a on tumble down a few steps bring some stuff down to the basement. So I may be taking enough painkillers to cause double vision.
Sevenfourteen, it would be irresponsible of me to tell you a "recipe" like that. You admit to knowing little about chemistry. This ain't baking, these ingredients can cause cancer and kill you in other ways when used incorrectly.
I'm not familiar with that particular synth Canndo. If you can send me a link I'll happily look through it. It might take me a day or two because I took a on tumble down a few steps bring some stuff down to the basement. So I may be taking enough painkillers to cause double vision.
Sevenfourteen, it would be irresponsible of me to tell you a "recipe" like that. You admit to knowing little about chemistry. This ain't baking, these ingredients can cause cancer and kill you in other ways when used incorrectly.

It is supposed to be a not too difficult synth. Their are a few on google under methaqualone synthesis. My problem is that they are very technicle and really dont tell
you the exact amt of each precursor to use for each step. I found one synth that is done by microwave in two steps,, but you are right about the ingredients, they are
dangerous, so I want to know that it is right before I eat it.
It is supposed to be a not too difficult synth. Their are a few on google under methaqualone synthesis. My problem is that they are very technicle and really dont tell
you the exact amt of each precursor to use for each step. I found one synth that is done by microwave in two steps,, but you are right about the ingredients, they are
dangerous, so I want to know that it is right before I eat it.
Simplest solution, don't even think about trying a synth.
2 step?microwave?synth?
Gotta be kidding dude, you can't even make cookies in 2 steps.
Actually there are plenty of two step synths, especially for small simple molecules. The mescaline synth mentioned about is only two steps, condense and reduce. Salting out and recrystallizing don't really count. But when someone says they don't know anything about chem it's irresponsible to just tell them a reaction and hope they won't die. Take a year of organic and learn how to work in a lab.
quaaludes though?
You would need something very very similar in chemical structure to make it 2 steps.
Something that resembles quaads that much then its probably illegal too.

2 step synths bring to mind LSH from LSA.
So I read cheapskates lude synth. It looks like it should work very nicely, provided you have a real lab. He doesn't mention needing good ventilation for the nitration but does for the reduction o-nitrotoluene to o-toluidine. I've never done that, but I've nitrated the hell out of some toluene in my day (I really like making things go boom, but I stopped after 9/11. Fuck DHS knocking on my door!). If he isn't saying to vent that rxn but he is for the next step that is saying something. All reactions should be vented, but shit like nitrations really need it. You heat the reaction to drive off water and get STRONG acid fumes. Fuming acids deserve respect. Like fear of old testament god respect. This synth is for people with experience and fume hoods with impact resistant sashes designed for use with strong acids. I can't recall the type of paint used for them at the moment. 100 mesh iron filings are pretty sensitive as well. I did a lot of work with magnetic nanomaterials (Fe, FeO, Fe3O4, CoFe2O4, etc) and let's just say I'm really nonchalant when things spontaneously combust now. Don't leave this exposed to oxidizers. And think about investing in some argon (the best inert atmosphere going).
Anyone have any topics they'd like to see? I'm thinking of doing a post on orbitals and how they determine reactivity and some other non synth stuff.
It is supposed to be a not too difficult synth. Their are a few on google under methaqualone synthesis. My problem is that they are very technicle and really dont tell
you the exact amt of each precursor to use for each step. I found one synth that is done by microwave in two steps,, but you are right about the ingredients, they are
dangerous, so I want to know that it is right before I eat it.

My intent is not to be rude. But, you never insert volatile chemicals into a literal microwave. You're going to have to subject yourself to strict reading. Or you can ingest something really horrible or worse yet blow up your parents yacht on the Florida Keys. This is not a geological map. There's not one route that will lead you to your destination. One error and Ka-Boom... your vapors.
Hey everyone. Sorry I've been away for awhile. Real life is really kicking my ass of late so I haven't had time for playing on the internet. So it's going to be a little while before I have time to start writing up big updates, but I can answer any questions posted here within 24-48 hours max. So please feel free to ask away and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Edit: I hadn't read the last post until just now, there are many safe MW reactions but unless you have a ref to a journal backing it up don't try it!! And read the referenced paper before trying it, even if you have to pay the $20 or whatever. They often have invaluable notes about safety and reaction optimization.
simple question...can I throw some crushed up pills (xanax,methadone etc) In with my A/b Reaction to pull the hcl salts out. so I would have M.a laced with alprazolam or whatever..Just wondering if that would work in theory as it mite explain some wierd stuff i've been gettin..
simple question...can I throw some crushed up pills (xanax,methadone etc) In with my A/b Reaction to pull the hcl salts out. so I would have M.a laced with alprazolam or whatever..Just wondering if that would work in theory as it mite explain some wierd stuff i've been gettin..
Nope, benzos don't form salts. Also that would be a horrible idea to have methadone spiked with random amounts of alprazolam. Methadona and alprazolam is a really dangerous combo.
simple question...can I throw some crushed up pills (xanax,methadone etc) In with my A/b Reaction to pull the hcl salts out. so I would have M.a laced with alprazolam or whatever..Just wondering if that would work in theory as it mite explain some wierd stuff i've been gettin..
Pills are bad.
Been thinking and I was wondering if that duck of yours has synthed DMT from store bought L-tryptophan.
Doesn't seem all to extensive and with a well drawn out process, yield might be pretty large.

Decarboxylation of 10g L-tryptophan to for an roughly estimated 9g(90%) yield of tryptamine.

Where would one go from there?
Happy to find this thread. I'ven been researching brightstar's and docter drool's synthesis and there are a lot of way's to do the same. Which one is the best? The destilation of the oil is very clear to me. But the other steps can be done in many way's and i can't make up the best one. I've the knowledge to do these steps but i don't have the time to test all the way's to find the best one. So how would you plan to do this? Which steps, which parts from the most common synthesis would you combine? Hoping you can help me!