Clones not rooting

I've had six beers (seven beers), so beligerance is to be expected, and accepted henceforth.

It fuckin baffles me, how something so simple as cloning, can cause so many "issues" with growers....
F'n take a g'd knife, cut a f'n piece off, stick it in something wet(ish) and quit F'n with it....:wall:
Yeah you might lose one here and there, but JFC this is not f'n rocket surgery!!!!
Out of pure spite, I'm going to cut a piece and root it in wet cigarette butts....non pH'd tap water....:spew:
It is that simple until you run into will. Your methods are fine ....its the health of the mommies that matters. I had a 99% rate for the first 10k cuts....Then normal grower "issues" started.
I've had problems. We all have. You're absolutely right about the health of the cut.
I just don't expect every single cut to make it....
Yes I deal with plant counts.

My point really was, I believe most "problems" that occur, are a direct result of impatient behavior.
Wait another 24 hours, and if there are still no roots, wait one more day. At that point, if you still don't have roots, repeat this process.
I did this exact process and it worked for me.....on day 14.

Give it time be patient. If the leaves look healthy after a week then just wait longer. If there there dead you can start over. Get a ph meter, your gonna need it. I use the bluelab combo meter Bluelab 716441 Combo Meter for Plant Germination

Listen and look at your clones they will tell you what they need.
Same size cuttings that you would put in a cloner. Important to change water regularly. No additives needed. Weak light is perfect.

well i got nothing so far

So they have been sitting next to my t-5 veg tent no sunlight I assume it needs sunlight to form roots? Cuz i doesnt have anything, not a nub, nothing and they are starting to fade out.

And on a side note i hadnt switched out any water I forgot so when you say very important is that like super very important or just very important. I have been adding a little of fresh water as the water lowers but didnt change any.
If you want to root clones, try this... get you some branch ends off a Willow tree, cut them into 5" peices. Put a pot with 1/2 gallon distilled or spring water in a pan and bring to boil. Then take your Willow tree twig pieces and weight out 7 grams, then put those in your boiling distilled water, and let boil for 5 minutes, after cooling place in plastic container until ready for usage. Then feed your clones or your seedlings with that water, and they will root super quick in any medium, even blocks, and your roots will be massive! <<< Cause of.... indolebutyric acid (IBA) and salicylic acid (SA), which are the most profound rooting hormones found in nature, and cannabis plants love that stuff.