Yeah its a plastic airstone that never runs out, they sell them at the pet store by my house for $2, just cant beat it. Since I threw my DWC into Flowering the temps have been around 65-68 cause now I have a legit gauge and I also wrapped my bucket with the Winshield Sun deflector that people use for their windshields in cars. Plus on hot days I use the frozen water bottles and surround the bucket if it starts to get hot. I learned a lot this grow about growing in hydro, its a lot of fun and the growth rate is insane. Thanks for the input and be sure I will be asking you questions as others here too! We appreciate you pros helping us nOObs in hydro!!!
Yes sir, if they dont post a pic before midnight tonight, they are not in. Most have posted pics so they are good to go! We will have a list tomorrow of who is in....Tonight ST I will go through the whole thread and write down who has entered and I ask you to do the same and then I will PM you the list and see if it matches your so we know we have 100% correct info on whos in.
We want you in, post a pic before midnight tonight and your GOLDEN!!! Welcome to the madness! This is going to be lots of fun!
My fucking Giants better beat the Cowgirls tonight!!! Tony Homo is going to get crushed!!!!