
i used to sit in the shower and jack it. The cum would get curd-like from the water and i pissed my family off a few times from it sticking to the floor. I quit doing that because i noticed that if i had to pee afterward there would be this curded cum in my jizzcannon still and it'd take for-eh-ver to finish peeing. (be warned teenagers)
I just had 3 gino kids come up to me saying I was scaring a girl inside a house I am waiting for drugs out front of. 4

the 4 follwed me half way down my block, I turned and sna[ed

fuking losers kept saying we ok, we ok

we aint ok

I called my idiot nigga friend and said I am robbing them all tonight

my niggas are here and I am going to go rough them up real stuff

gimme a break what girl? 7

you guys are with smash and trying to rough me up and backed off because certain houses are designated sf kllla