Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

Glass shards. Grass clippings. Some kind of herb that isn't cannabis.

The grass clippings bout got me stabbed when i nutted up on the guy. Lucky me caught the reflection of the blade sticking out of the sweatshirt sleeve. Thank jebus for the bright ass hps lamps at the gas station.
One time my buddy brought a wild bunny over to my house and it was kinda dark, but later we found some dark sticky nugs on the floor and decided to put em in the gravity bong (it was a really long time ago) and lit it up only to discover that it was rabbit shit! Apparently the rabbit had ate some weed or something that didn't agree wit it, it smelled awful.:-?

Dude, you shoulda cured it first!
similar to the above story, and maybe not so much what I found, so much as what was smoked, was one time in high school me and my bud and a girl I had a thing for and some kid I kind of thought was a douche, were all hotboxing it in my friends car after chemistry class, and somebody dropped the weed, which had been pretty crushed up, and already being sort of high, we decided to pick up what we thought could have been weed off of the floor and smoke it- there was a lot of mud and dirt and dog hair and who knows what all over, and most of what we found wasn't weed at all. Stupid kids...
LMAO!!! Pubic hairs in your weed! Best one yet. Just a few days ago, I went to get a 1/2 P of some stress. (Reg.) Well, it weighed and everything but in plain sight was a blue freezer bag I'm guessing? He told me that they have to wrap it up, before the compress it. Anyways, this is the most common thing I've found in weed. Blue bags. lol Any1 else buy large amounts and find this shit before?

I asked about the bags once to an over the border co tact about 10 years ago. He said when they put it in the compactor they put it in grocery type bags so it wouldn't stick to the plants and they could get the next one in the compressor. They'd pull the bags off later, they wouldn't always come off all the way. They just pack it up anyways and send it over. I just always assumed that was why out of brick weed.
I found American pennies in a 1/4 lb of weed from my brother-in-law in the 80's. Poor bastard has stage4 lung cancer , probably from smoking my share over the years.
When I was in Colombia recently, someone that i met bought a bag weed off of a guy in the park for like 10,000 pesos (3 USD approx). inside the bag there was a contact lens container full of cocaine. needless to say, the dude didnt return it, but got busted with it a few days later. karma maybe? Idk
Scooped a lb. Started breaking it apart. Found caterpillars and mites, hairs. Shit sucked. Guy said no take backs bruh. I said fuck you then dude.
This is a funny thread. I’ve found all kinds of crazy things such as coins, plastic bags, every kind of hair, bugs, a few random molds wayyy back in the day. The most unique finding was a compressed rubber ducky :hug: inside a brick. I also found half a shoe one time. A purple flip
This is a funny thread. I’ve found all kinds of crazy things such as coins, plastic bags, every kind of hair, bugs, a few random molds wayyy back in the day. The most unique finding was a compressed rubber ducky :hug: inside a brick. I also found half a shoe one time. A purple flip
hard to hide a flip flop in an ounce, more like bales!:-)
I didn't actually find it. I witnessed it. The most messed up experience related to my smoking history. I went to my best friends for my normal routine. Was met at the door by a man much larger and uglier pointing a sawed off 12. Got inside and was escorted to the back bedroom. He was cutting a bale of Mexi dirt weed. When he broke the third block off a huge tarantula and a few hundred babies came spilling out. Ain't seen anything close in the 20+ years since.