Deer eatting clones outside! Help


Active Member
yeah i thought it was deer at first but it was not, maybe one was but now i have shit loads of slugs! makin me wanna pump slugs into these fuckin slugs! i went out and i only have put 8 out in the forest for now too "test the waters" since this is a new area im growing in, but yea talkin about rambo deer? dude i got rambo effing slugs! i caught one hangin from a fern doin it mission imposible style eatin my shit! they suck on the stem till the damn thing falls over! i got like 2 plants left that aren't effected yet i'm choked, its a good thing i got lots of clones left but i wanna figure this out before more gets hit, i put copper wire from a electrical motor spindle all over and around the stem but they went right the fuck over it like nothin, so now i have sorta wraped it around the stems see how that works, but slugs are hardcore in a matter of a week they have totally ate my shit i even had one that was clean of any veg on it just a damn stem! its war! i put abunch of slug bait around for them mothafathers and its suppose to work good but any other ideas? was i doin the copper thing wrong? how exsactly should it be applied? i pissed everywhere, any help would be great, and yes its off topic but i started this thread so no worries, i have pics if anyone wants to see the damage + how i did on the copper method, anyways thanks.
Put a circle of salt around your plants.


Active Member
Put broken eggs shells around plants, it cuts the underside of the slugs. I would say put a little Ebsom Salt arounf them but not sure what the salt would do to the plants. But they say eggs shells work.


Well-Known Member
word I also use plantskid and can attest to its ability to keep deer off the plants. I spray it on and around the plants, and then another circle of it around the general area of my grow to make sure they smell that shit and stay the fuck away.