DEER!! Help! They're eating everything


Well-Known Member
What do you guys do about deer? I've never had this issue, only rabbits and small animals. The deer go over my fencing and are eating everything. I'm going to have nothing left soon. I've tried a spray deer repellent that smells like hot urine, made me gag and it stopped them for about 2 days and now they're back on my plants. I'm spraying the deer repellent twice a day at this point and it's not helping. What actually works to keep them away?
Shoot them when they come in season I don't know where you're from but here in Michigan they put down corn carrots and beets but nothing is the same as marijuana plants that deer love them
I'd shoot them even if not in season but I never see the damn deer. I only know it's deer because the fencing is 5ft tall and everything above the fence is getting devoured. Like it's walking up and just eating.

Human hair :hump:
I'd shoot them even if not in season but I never see the damn deer. I only know it's deer because the fencing is 5ft tall and everything above the fence is getting devoured. Like it's walking up and just eating.
Don't let the meat go to waste. It's worth more than good flower these days. Besides, it's a crime to not make use of good meat.
I'd shoot them even if not in season but I never see the damn deer. I only know it's deer because the fencing is 5ft tall and everything above the fence is getting devoured. Like it's walking up and just eating.
Maybe a higher fence? deer jump 6 ft fence easy or try running 20lb fishing around the plot 4 ft out from the fence at 4 an 6 ft deer hate a line they can feel but not see an will not jump simple but it works.
Just go to the local feed store, farm store, and buy a solar fence charger, a roll of wire, a bag of insulators, and some posts. About $200 and no more deer problems.

That's how farmers do it. Nothing needs to die to save a garden. Then when you git hungrey and there's meat running around, shoot the deer, but do it with respect not anger.
If you do end up killing one keep in mind that this time of year you only have a 4 hour window to butcher and refrigerate . And the carrion flies will be on them within minutes, so wash it well before the fridge .
Preditor urine.. irish spring bar soap shavings on the ground around the area.. garlic oil.. these three things we used at are apple tree nurseary with good success..