Dept Of Homeland Security thinks right wing are terrorists.

no i mean guys like the report was referring to. there's other reports that correctly identify liberal groups as potentially violent. and i'm not getting all worked up....

the only problem is that you have to go ahead and ignore what the report is saying.... ignoring the facts again huh?? breaking a habit is tough.... good luck with that.....
Look, how about defining the term "Right Wing Extremist" so that all can understand it?

To the extreme left we have Communism, Nazism, Fascism and complete governmental totalitarianism. To the extreme right, we have anarchy, every man for himself and no government.

Tim McVeigh was a Right Wing Extremist (anarchist) who was striking out in revenge for the federal government's actions at Ruby Ridge and Waco. If you check, the Murrah Building came down on the anniversary of Waco. Remember, Waco and Ruby Ridge took place under a LEFT WING administration with the blessings of Bill Clintoon through his Justice Department, headed by Janet Reno.

I think the federal government learned it's lesson well. So far, we haven't had another federal government terrorist attack in the states since Ruby Ridge and Waco. But ... I wouldn't hold my breath. We have Ultra Leftists in charge now, so they see threats everywhere, even middle-of-the-road talk radio, Fox News, and that pretty lady known as Sarah Palin. :lol:
You sound like a bit of an apologist for mcveigh and like-minded knuckleheads, V.... kinda scary.

I'm also intrigued by your take on political theory. So fascism and social democracy are basically the same and anarchist/libertarian is at the other end....hmmm. Were the anarchists who fought with leftists in the spanish civil war AGAINST the fascists somehow confused? Why did the nazis hate bolshevism so much? Shouldn't they have been natural ideological partners?

The more traditional way to think of it the political compass/spectrum, where you have left/right on the x-axis and authoritarian/libertarian on the other.

Try this....
^^^ You've been reading revised history, abe. Do some research on Churchill and FDR and their praises for Mussolini's economic policies. Read up on the Wilson Administration and their penchant for fascist governmental policies. Wilson locked up over 150,000 Americans on sedition charges because of their opposition to WWI. Wilson shut down opposing radio stations as well as publishers of books and newspapers. Wilson was a Progressive.

FDR outlawed the ownership of gold and confiscated all gold coins, gold bullion and cancelled gold clauses in all contracts. FDR locked up over 100,000 PEACEFUL U.S. citizens because of their RACE! FDR was a Progressive.

Clintoon wiped out a family at Ruby Ridge and an entire religious community at Waco. Clintoon is a Progressive.

What makes you think the Communists and Nazis were always enemies? They weren't ... not always. I think Ayn Rand put it best: "The Communists and Nazis are two rival gangs fighting over the same territory." They are/were both on the same side of the political spectrum. To say that there are totalitarians on the left (Communists), and other totalitarians are on the right (Nazis), is nothing more than spewing Progressive propaganda. Not your fault, I realize ... .but this is what you and millions of other Americans have been taught through our "modern" government, Progressive monopolized, school systems.

Also, libertarianism is not anarchy. Libertarians realize that SOME government is necessary, but that government must be controlled. Read the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution as originally written. Libertarian documents, both.

And no ... I am not an apologist for Tim McVeigh. Nice try though. McVeigh took into his own hands what should have been done, and what was done, at the ballot box. I did find it ironic though, that the Clintoon administration, and their apologists on the left, tried to blame right-wing "hate" radio" for McVeigh's misdeed. That's the way of the Left, isn't it? Cause the problem, get undesirable, unintended results, and in the case of the Murrah Building bombing, tragic results .... then blame your political opponets for the outcomes. Saul Alinski, anyone? :lol:
And conservatives come from a long lineage that was against women's suffrage in Wilson's day and against non-WASP immigration in FDRs. Should I assume that all modern-day conservatives are misogynist and racist?

What makes me think the nazis and communist were always enemies? History mostly. The NSDAP rose from the freikorps movement that crushed communist revolts in germany after WWI. What followed was pretty much 15 years of street-fights between communists and nazis. Soviet propaganda was always 'anti-fascist'. In Italy, the fascists got their start beating up leftist trade-unionists.

If you really don't understand the ideological differences between communism and fascism, you might consider doing some reading. Yes, there are parallels between the way those two ideologies played out in the totalitarian regimes of soviet russia and nazi germany, but they have very little in common beyond that.

You're not making excuses for timothy mcveigh, but the oklahoma city bombing was caused by clinton? Explain please.
PDF file here of some of the most vile propaganda the government has printed.

Basically the report implies that Right Wing extremists are terrorists and we all know terrorists do not have any rights. And its not JUST extremists.....

" Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration."

And that's not all, after putting your life on the line in the Middle East as a Military veteran you get to come back home and be treated like scum of the earth by the same government who had you killing other people, all because you might want to be a part of a right wing group.

Recruiting returning vets: “Rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat.”

Do you like Guns? How about the second Amendment? Well your a terrorist too!

“Heightened interest in legislation for tighter firearms...may be invigorating right wing extremist activity, specifically the white supremacist and militia movements.”

Man I shore do luvs me sum big gubbermint!!

links of other people's blogs who can write a bit better than me.

Right wingers are more inclined to stand up for their rights against a tyrannical government. That is why they're being targeted. They pose a huge threat to the NWO.
morons think in teams. Right wing, left wing... blah blah blah... who cares.

Was bush part of 911, absolutely.. and if you dont think so, do yourself a favor and watch die hard 3, and then do some research to find that in 2001, there was over 300 BILLION in gold bars under the twin towers.

Lets say it was still there the day the towers fell and the bush family hadnt already heisted it all...

now understand, ALL OF THE WTC RUBBLE was EXPORTED to 4 other countries!?!?

This was so that no one in america even thought twice about searching it for gold.

The masses are morons, bush's and bin ladden are friends... do some homework, its obvious. Bin ladden has a job in pakistan with their isi now... which is the cia over there.

Americas cia overthrew the pakistan isi in the days following 911.

A general who is also friends with the bush family, was having breakfast with bush sr the morning of 911... he then made an announcement that following day that pakistan gives america full cooperation to use pakistan as a staging ground to hunt bin ladden.

Only problem... no one in pakistan wanted this to happen... this general who was friends with bush's beat everyone to the punch, and america was in pakistan the next morning, literally overthrowing their cia.

This is modern day rome, and you are a peasant, who still thinks in teams, and wants to know which team to join to be victorious...

wanna know the real key to life? no team is going to save you... you as an individual have to get off your ass and become something... and once you do that... you will have respect for others who do the same...

this is why the world leaders are friends behind the scenes... they dont hate eachtoher... they have more in common with eachother than they will ever have with you...

its like shaq, kobe, lebron, etc... all on different teams... but after the games, they hang with eachother, the enemy...

its an illusion, they could care less what team they are on.

you as an individual are either worth a damn or you arent.... and most who arent hide behind teams and argue theirs is better

my daddy's better than your daddyyyyy

and you wonder why the world leaders dont think twice when they run plane into buildings with you inside. bunch of moronic apes who cant think past skin color, sides of lines, and which team you pleadge alegience too.

how bout you think for yourself, and quit being played? or maybe the world leaders are right, you are NOT capable, so the only thing to do is trick you into your deaths because intelligence is genetic? so the solution is anyone that can be tricked into war on bogus terms... is a good way to kill off the dumbest?

idk, you tell me?

time will tell.

Cia visited bin ladden in the hospital the morning before 911, he was in dubai. They escorted him out. DOcumented fact, bbc world news, lost 3 reporters to mysterious deaths the months following 911, because they wouldnt drop this story, and were doing big articles about how bin ladden and the cia are still working together... and since the bush's run the cia... thats a problem isnt it?

Bin laddens brother was in the white house 3 days before 911.

The cia trained bin ladden... thats a fact. The lie is that hes a rebel now.

During that time he was trained by the cia, bush sr was director of the cia.

how fucking stupid are you guys? you think just becuase our media is controlled by bush's friends who all grew up in skull and bones... which, btw, bush jr was president of skull and bones.... but you knew that too right?

and you laugh at an article where someone actually turned their brain on and pointed out that the bush family is terrorists... no fucking duh! your the idiot for not knowing that.

Go turn on cnn and fox news and pretend the media "which is fed all its information by langley, cia headquarters" is not tilted scewed information.

or maybe, get off your ass and join the cia and find out whats actually happening in the world around you...

or be a modern day peasant of rome, and think you are sweet because YOU VOTED FOR A PERSON TO SOLVE ALL YOUR PROBLEMS

Bravo... your ability to push buttons is truley amazing.... if only all the humans on this planet were as helpful as you... you are such a good picker!!!

Do us a favor and stop breathing... seriously... people who have brains that actually function could use that oxygen.

Or how about the fact that bush's brother coincidentally happened to own the security company for the wtc complex, and for the first time IN HISTORY, the power to the towers was shut down 3 days before 911, and all security,a nd all bomb sniffing dogs were removed, and never returned...

how how about the truck load of gold that the nyc firefighters found the morning of 911 after the first tower had been hit... only problem is the truck was under another wtc building,a nd the firefighters were escorted away from the truck by "military police"

What are militarty police doing at ground zero the morning of 911.

or how bout condi rice calling her friend in cali and telling him not to fly on 911, on sept 10th.

you guys are fools, if you cant see the game that plays you... then frankly, i guess the world leaders are right... you are truley sub human... and tricking you to your death is a good thing before you pass on your faulty dna.

quit worrying about what team you are on, who gives a rats ass. You think claiming to be part of a team as you sit at home on your couch and do nothing is impressive? The joke is on you... lord knows when ww3 starts, you wont last very long
the gold below the twin towers belonged to other countries and corrupt individuals btw...

over 70 percent of the gold was un-insurable... thus, it could not be proven that it was earned legitimately, and not from drug money, etc.

Each country kept large portions of their gold below the towers... for they figured where better to store gold than in the united states.

Ft knox is a decoy... since the 90's its been a well known fact that there is over 7 times more gold below the twin towers than ft knox.

but you knew that too right?

... and you guys think reporters are stupid? Reporters are getting paid to not deviate from the info that langley supplies them.

You are the ones worth laughing at... you dont even know whats going on in the world around you unless cnn spoon feeds it to you like a 2 year old.
the gold below the twin towers belonged to other countries and corrupt individuals btw...

over 70 percent of the gold was un-insurable... thus, it could not be proven that it was earned legitimately, and not from drug money, etc.

Each country kept large portions of their gold below the towers... for they figured where better to store gold than in the united states.

Ft knox is a decoy... since the 90's its been a well known fact that there is over 7 times more gold below the twin towers than ft knox.

but you knew that too right?

... and you guys think reporters are stupid? Reporters are getting paid to not deviate from the info that langley supplies them.

You are the ones worth laughing at... you dont even know whats going on in the world around you unless cnn spoon feeds it to you like a 2 year old.

Dude, I'm not sure making an action movie with bruce willis the cornerstone of your argument is necessarily a good idea.
the gold below the twin towers belonged to other countries and corrupt individuals btw...

over 70 percent of the gold was un-insurable... thus, it could not be proven that it was earned legitimately, and not from drug money, etc.

Each country kept large portions of their gold below the towers... for they figured where better to store gold than in the united states.

Ft knox is a decoy... since the 90's its been a well known fact that there is over 7 times more gold below the twin towers than ft knox.

but you knew that too right?

... and you guys think reporters are stupid? Reporters are getting paid to not deviate from the info that langley supplies them.

You are the ones worth laughing at... you dont even know whats going on in the world around you unless cnn spoon feeds it to you like a 2 year old.

wild ass vote democrat. :shock:
it was just on tv the other night, havent seen the movie since it came out.. i forgot that it told the public about all the gold...

did i create my theory due to that movie? no.. but when i was a kid, did that open my eyes to the fact that the fed reserve bank and world banks with the most sophisticated vaults in the world exist? sure..

but did i do my due dilligence in searching for hard facts outside of an action movie... obviously yes.

Im just saying... if you really are too dumb to read beyond what the press publishes, which apparently you are... then that movie would be a great place to start to get a comprehension of the amount of gold that VANISHED on 911, and you never heard another thing about... when it should have been the top headline on every newspaper globally.

5-10% of the worlds gold vanished, and was never publicly recovred... post 911.

duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hey, hey, who do you vote for, democrats!! i bet its democrats... duhhhhhhhh

i dont waste my time voting bro.

I get off my ass and make life happen, instead of push a button and pretend someone is going to fix it for me.

do you have any idea how lame the vast majority of society is?

i cant wait till ww3 starts.
wild ass vote democrat. :shock:

nope, ironically... im all for what the bush family does.

Voting is obsolete. If you do enough research into whos friends behind the scense, and do enough research on what skull and bones teaches... about owning both sides of a debate... and then realize, john kerry, or bush were the only 2 choices to vote for 911, and both were in skull and bones...

there are 300 million americans... and youre telling me that a fraternity of less than 30 people per year... those 30 people can coincidentally all be enemies in the public eye, and coincidentally, they all run things of huge importance, in america and around the world.

The peasents of modern day rome are blind...

and once you realize that intelligence is genetic... if you have 2 parents who are good at math, odds are kids will be better as well....

and if you worry about the direction the human race i moving in...

it is obvious that you evolve a species by eliminating the unwanted desires.

Frankly, if you dont join the cia, get involved in politics, join a big school and get exceptional grades and get tapped to join one of these secret societies...

the people who do get off their asses and do these things... understand.. they have eachothers backs before they have yours.

Ready to understand what a fool you are and go cry for the rest of the night?

dont read the following if you want to stay in la la land that you are an intelligent being.


the difference between an ape and a human si that an ape... when confronted with a banana shortage... it has an instinct that says, kill any other apes that try to eat my bananas.

Humans on the other hand, are supposed to be intelligent enough that when confronted with the same problem... they can predict it coming due to their ability to do math and problem solve... and instead of kill eachother to reduce the number of mouths to feed, humans are supposed to be intelligent enough to plant another banana tree... in advance... and SOLVE the true problem at hand instead of resort to violence.

Now... i love this part....

did you know that there is a law.. a world law... a law of war... globally...

that states...

assassination of a world leader is illegal. All world leaders must be captured and stand trial.



guess what an ape thinks... that this makes sense...

lol, guess what a human thinks...

"wait a sec mr pres, what is our plan, because with satalites and cruise missles, we could kill suddam, andive read that there have been countless times that special ops have had him in their sites, and you told them not to shoot"

bush says "well idiot, we have to capture him first"

human with brain says...

"so let me get this straight... we are going to iraq... to save his poor people who he abuses and kills... but we arent allowed to kill him... but all the people who he MAKES fight... since hes an abusive brainwashing liar... and will kill his people if they DONT fight against us...

all those people who we are there to save... we kill them... we dont give them a trial?"


population control... focused at morons... from all teams... globally.

And the apes are too stupid to see it, because they are too busy trying to figure out which skin color, which side of the line, which world leaders bandwagon to jump on... so that they can brag to their friends they are winners while they sit on their couch and smoke a bowl...

ready to hate yourself more?

you want world peace?... everyone does, miss america and all

Are there evil lava monsters attacking?

how about aliens?

hmmm... or is the reason there isnt world peace... because ...

first off, the ocean doesnt hold infinite fish, the field infinite cows, and thus... earth, does not hold infinite humans.

Second.. when confronted with problems, intelligent humans see them coming and solve them in advance...

And the apes... dont see them coming... will sit and brag about how sweet they are... and then when things finally go to shit and they cant believe their own lies anymore... they want to solve the problem like an ape... isntead of building, creating, working... they want to know... "who is to blame, who do i kill"


The reason there is not world peace... is because there are humans who WANT to solve problems with violence.

So if this kind of human is bad.... guess how you trick it?

you dont let one team take over the world.

If there was one team, then that human who wants to get violent... would prey on the weak in the comunity, because there would no longer be a bad guy accross the ocean to blame when they dont have everything their spoiled bitch ass imagination thinks they deserve...

so the violents would kill off the meek who are happy with life and dont mind working for what they have.

With oposing teams... we create an illusion.

I tell everyone my BEST FRIEND... is my WORST ENEMY, and he is the biggest threat to our team.

meanwhile... i just gave him fame in his team because his team gets word that im scared of him.

Meanwhile, we uphold a law, that says no one is allowed to kill him or me... we have to be captured and stand trial.

then, i tell all the apes in my area


and he tells all the apes in his area


anytime a sniper on my team tells me they have my friend in their sites, i tell them to stand down.

And he does the same for me.

We live like kings.

meanwhile all the people who prove on a daily basis that they cant reason for shit, and all they want to do is follow their ape instincts...

we hand them pea shooters... i mean machine guns... and we keep all the big weapons locked up in safes... i mean nuclear silos...

and we send the apes to the designated area... in a desert, or in mountains... somewhere where they cant destroy anything of value, and we let them kill eachotehr off.

We dont even have to lift a finger.

We tell the apes what they want to hear. And the apes cant reason their way out of a paper bag.

And while the ape is over there, eating spam, in a 120 degree tank, with no girls...

it might dawn on them...

damn, that economy i thought was so bad... back in america... maybe this sucks... and even if i do kill saddam or bin ladden, how is that going to make there be more plasma tv's appear, thus making them more affordable?

fuck this im going home.

And they come home and the appreciate life.

Or... they stay true to their ignorance...

and they die happily ever after.

Violents vs violents

And the meek will inherit the earth

(because in the communities, if you are violent you go to jail... one way or another, violent people's odds of breeding are reduced)

and just as the pharos of egypt taught their people that if you kill the most violent dogs of each litter, and only keep the nicest ones...

eventually you can end up with a domesticated pet... who doesnt want the jungle, but likes being part of the family.

Same goes for humans. For the humans who want to be tigers... it is INHUMANE to make them be nice... they want to be violent, give them their jungle they crave... but make sure they face off on an equal opponent and not against some meek person who doenst want to fight.

911 was, 1 stone, many birds killed... pre ochestrated plan.

To give the apes the motivation they need, to march their ignorant asses up canyons with taliban well dug in.

To save an economy there are 2 solutions...

someone has to get off their ass and make more of the product that is scarce and thus too expensive for the masses.

Or there have to be less mouths to feed.

Thats it.

everything else are illusions. Interest rates, tax cuts, war spending, blah blah blah blah blah...

illusions for the apes.

Real simple... goods dont fall from space... there is no tooth fairy...

if something is too expensive for the masses... it doesnt matter how many green pieces of paper you print... illusion....

green pieces of paper dont build tv;s

Tvs are built by a human.

IF the tvs are too expensive, thats supposed to be a clue for you to get off your ass and help make tvs and get paid.

If you are too stupid to figure that out, and think someone owes you money that you are too lazy to earn...

the world leaders cant stand you.

your like a kid who has 3 bowls of icecream and wants a 4th.

you are an idiot.

They want you dead.

Before you pass on your dna that cant seem to create a brain that can reason for shit.

Its that simple.

Welcome to reality.

Sorry if i just shattered all your illusions.

Ps, the easter bunny is bullshit too.
have a good night, theres no reason for me to share anymore with your ape asses, peace worthless humans who think they deserve more, and think pushing a button and joining a team si going to make their life better


the only thing that makes your life better is when thrid world country sweat shop kids make you stuff, and that dictator sells it to us super cheap because he doenst have to pay his labor

the other thing that makes our economy better while you sit on your couch is when our fed reserve prints more and more money, and the rest of the world works their asses off, and our money becomes worth less and less, and thus they say "we need more money than last time, you printed more, its worth less this time" so we laugh and say OKAY DUMBASS, and hit the print button,a nd give them more green pieces of paper... they work... we sit... we consume the products... our money devalues so fast its not even funny, and the dicators dont pay their people what they should, and keep the little bit of money we give them for themselves...

but the kicker is... americans still complain and think they have the right to blow shit up and that this life isnt easy enough and they want to work even less and be able to afford even more... lol

and you wonder why bush slammed a couple planes into your asses.

Goodluck surviving ww3.

it starts in the next 2 years.

oops... ummm... yeah, nevermind.


Fucking gag me, people are dumber than shit.
nope, ironically... im all for what the bush family does.

Voting is obsolete. If you do enough research into whos friends behind the scense, and do enough research on what skull and bones teaches... about owning both sides of a debate... and then realize, john kerry, or bush were the only 2 choices to vote for 911, and both were in skull and bones...

there are 300 million americans... and youre telling me that a fraternity of less than 30 people per year... those 30 people can coincidentally all be enemies in the public eye, and coincidentally, they all run things of huge importance, in america and around the world.

The peasents of modern day rome are blind...

and once you realize that intelligence is genetic... if you have 2 parents who are good at math, odds are kids will be better as well....

and if you worry about the direction the human race i moving in...

it is obvious that you evolve a species by eliminating the unwanted desires.

Frankly, if you dont join the cia, get involved in politics, join a big school and get exceptional grades and get tapped to join one of these secret societies...

the people who do get off their asses and do these things... understand.. they have eachothers backs before they have yours.

Ready to understand what a fool you are and go cry for the rest of the night?

dont read the following if you want to stay in la la land that you are an intelligent being.


the difference between an ape and a human si that an ape... when confronted with a banana shortage... it has an instinct that says, kill any other apes that try to eat my bananas.

Humans on the other hand, are supposed to be intelligent enough that when confronted with the same problem... they can predict it coming due to their ability to do math and problem solve... and instead of kill eachother to reduce the number of mouths to feed, humans are supposed to be intelligent enough to plant another banana tree... in advance... and SOLVE the true problem at hand instead of resort to violence.

Now... i love this part....

did you know that there is a law.. a world law... a law of war... globally...

that states...

assassination of a world leader is illegal. All world leaders must be captured and stand trial.



guess what an ape thinks... that this makes sense...

lol, guess what a human thinks...

"wait a sec mr pres, what is our plan, because with satalites and cruise missles, we could kill suddam, andive read that there have been countless times that special ops have had him in their sites, and you told them not to shoot"

bush says "well idiot, we have to capture him first"

human with brain says...

"so let me get this straight... we are going to iraq... to save his poor people who he abuses and kills... but we arent allowed to kill him... but all the people who he MAKES fight... since hes an abusive brainwashing liar... and will kill his people if they DONT fight against us...

all those people who we are there to save... we kill them... we dont give them a trial?"


population control... focused at morons... from all teams... globally.

And the apes are too stupid to see it, because they are too busy trying to figure out which skin color, which side of the line, which world leaders bandwagon to jump on... so that they can brag to their friends they are winners while they sit on their couch and smoke a bowl...

ready to hate yourself more?

you want world peace?... everyone does, miss america and all

Are there evil lava monsters attacking?

how about aliens?

hmmm... or is the reason there isnt world peace... because ...

first off, the ocean doesnt hold infinite fish, the field infinite cows, and thus... earth, does not hold infinite humans.

Second.. when confronted with problems, intelligent humans see them coming and solve them in advance...

And the apes... dont see them coming... will sit and brag about how sweet they are... and then when things finally go to shit and they cant believe their own lies anymore... they want to solve the problem like an ape... isntead of building, creating, working... they want to know... "who is to blame, who do i kill"


The reason there is not world peace... is because there are humans who WANT to solve problems with violence.

So if this kind of human is bad.... guess how you trick it?

you dont let one team take over the world.

If there was one team, then that human who wants to get violent... would prey on the weak in the comunity, because there would no longer be a bad guy accross the ocean to blame when they dont have everything their spoiled bitch ass imagination thinks they deserve...

so the violents would kill off the meek who are happy with life and dont mind working for what they have.

With oposing teams... we create an illusion.

I tell everyone my BEST FRIEND... is my WORST ENEMY, and he is the biggest threat to our team.

meanwhile... i just gave him fame in his team because his team gets word that im scared of him.

Meanwhile, we uphold a law, that says no one is allowed to kill him or me... we have to be captured and stand trial.

then, i tell all the apes in my area


and he tells all the apes in his area


anytime a sniper on my team tells me they have my friend in their sites, i tell them to stand down.

And he does the same for me.

We live like kings.

meanwhile all the people who prove on a daily basis that they cant reason for shit, and all they want to do is follow their ape instincts...

we hand them pea shooters... i mean machine guns... and we keep all the big weapons locked up in safes... i mean nuclear silos...

and we send the apes to the designated area... in a desert, or in mountains... somewhere where they cant destroy anything of value, and we let them kill eachotehr off.

We dont even have to lift a finger.

We tell the apes what they want to hear. And the apes cant reason their way out of a paper bag.

And while the ape is over there, eating spam, in a 120 degree tank, with no girls...

it might dawn on them...

damn, that economy i thought was so bad... back in america... maybe this sucks... and even if i do kill saddam or bin ladden, how is that going to make there be more plasma tv's appear, thus making them more affordable?

fuck this im going home.

And they come home and the appreciate life.

Or... they stay true to their ignorance...

and they die happily ever after.

Violents vs violents

And the meek will inherit the earth

(because in the communities, if you are violent you go to jail... one way or another, violent people's odds of breeding are reduced)

and just as the pharos of egypt taught their people that if you kill the most violent dogs of each litter, and only keep the nicest ones...

eventually you can end up with a domesticated pet... who doesnt want the jungle, but likes being part of the family.

Same goes for humans. For the humans who want to be tigers... it is INHUMANE to make them be nice... they want to be violent, give them their jungle they crave... but make sure they face off on an equal opponent and not against some meek person who doenst want to fight.

911 was, 1 stone, many birds killed... pre ochestrated plan.

To give the apes the motivation they need, to march their ignorant asses up canyons with taliban well dug in.

To save an economy there are 2 solutions...

someone has to get off their ass and make more of the product that is scarce and thus too expensive for the masses.

Or there have to be less mouths to feed.

Thats it.

everything else are illusions. Interest rates, tax cuts, war spending, blah blah blah blah blah...

illusions for the apes.

Real simple... goods dont fall from space... there is no tooth fairy...

if something is too expensive for the masses... it doesnt matter how many green pieces of paper you print... illusion....

green pieces of paper dont build tv;s

Tvs are built by a human.

IF the tvs are too expensive, thats supposed to be a clue for you to get off your ass and help make tvs and get paid.

If you are too stupid to figure that out, and think someone owes you money that you are too lazy to earn...

the world leaders cant stand you.

your like a kid who has 3 bowls of icecream and wants a 4th.

you are an idiot.

They want you dead.

Before you pass on your dna that cant seem to create a brain that can reason for shit.

Its that simple.

Welcome to reality.

Sorry if i just shattered all your illusions.

Ps, the easter bunny is bullshit too.

you sure did. i didnt think it possible to brainwash someone to this level. do you rehearse that diatribe in the mirror or just inside your incredibly overactive brain

this is great. tell us more....:clap:
you sure did. i didnt think it possible to brainwash someone to this level. do you rehearse that diatribe in the mirror or just inside your incredibly overactive brain

this is great. tell us more....:clap:

Aside from the veiled attempts at personal attacks at the bleating sheep that make up a majority of the populace, I thought SherriBerri's posts were very good and I repped her.

Its not brainwashing Jeff, its just critical thinking.
Wake up !!!!!!

im really not a dick...

ive just found that in this circumstance, insults really make people stop and think...

and while the insults are not the entirety of my feelings...

its important to know that the key people in the govt who do these things... this IS how they feel.

And now im stuck in the middle.

I could release a movie or a book and explain 911 from start to finish.


Because i got off my ass, and went and found answers... i didnt wait for cnn or a book to come out.

In that regard the people running things have paid me a compliment that I belong on their team more than the masses.

IN their minds, there are only 2 teams... those who get off their ass and attempt to solve problems...

and those who prove their laziness and their stupidity on a daily basis, and jsut do the minimum to survive in every moment... instead of do their best to look ahead at whats going on.

if 911 didnt wake you up that you are out of control, and realize that if they cant do what they did on national tv and get away with it... they could just as easily drop a nuke and say it was some other country who launched it...

they could just as easily release something that makes the swine flu look like a runny nose... and kill everyone off who wasnt handed the antidote in advance.... and wait while we scramble to find the antidote and we might find it, but by then the damag eis already done.

if you think you are invincible... OR if you think that this life isnt worth it... and youd rather just chill on your couch until the day fate stares you in the face, and you know you are about to die...

thats fine... its your choice.

But im doing my best to warn people of whats about to happen.

And believe me, ive thought about if a tonnnn

and there is no way to stop these guys.

If you tell on them youre dead, and if you succeed in convincing the masses that these leaders are screwing with everyone... those leaders have a button they can push at any moment to start ww3 and take the masses back to the dark ages.

They have playbook after playbook on this shit, ... so i guess theyve worked while we all sat around and had fun.

But do i envy them, no. THey might have power, but are they happy, it doesnt appear so... behind the scenese they hate the world they live in.

Theres a hypocricy in it all.

I keep biting my toung and trying to reason my way through it.

The only solution to this is, that im even close to believing will work...

is that we, could be 10 of us, could be 8 billion of us...

convince them that we are worth a damn and appreciate life, and are willing to work to EARN the stuff we wish we had...

and at the same token, someone is going to have to soften them down into realizing survival isnt the key to life... because what the point of surviving if you arent enjoying yourself.

And if they say they are enjoying it... killing us..

then they are hypocrites because thats one of their key reasons why they hate us, is becuase we have left over ape instincts, according to them, and we enjoy killing so much and we arent smart enough to just solve the problem at hand, wed rather kill someone instead of build another car to make them less expensive.

We put in 100x more work when we get permission to kill, than when we are able to go down the street, get a job, and be productive to make the world a better place.

Destruction... makes life... empty.

Work and production make life rich.

Green pieces of paper mean nothing.

If i drop you off in the desert with 6 billion in cash... you can buy sand... i can pick it up for free.

Money, insterest rates, bail outs, gold,....

that is an illusion... what you want is food, a car, gas to put in it, a song on the radio to listen to, a movie to go see with your friends, etc.

all of these things cant be created by a politician. The politicians know this so over the past several thousand years, theyve come up with illusions to keep the masses as their slaves.

We are in a cloaked slavery.

No president can save the worlds economy. The worlds economy simply depends on how hard are you willing to work, and how much are you content with...

understand if you want more... someone else has to settle for less.

This is the big secret truth... that is so obvious... but youll never hear a polititian say it... because it makes their job obsolete once we as the masses realize this.

If there was no war, no evil country who spoke a different language... we wouldnt even need a president.

The system... is designed... and goes back to the pharos of egypt who figured out if you create 2 opposing teams, then the people dont realize they are enslaved... instead of wanting to kill the pharos, they want to protect him because he is their all star who is going to help them defeat the other team.

The nazi elite knew this...

and they, to this day, run both sides of the coin.. they put their friends, people they like... in charge of enemy territories...

and they have full control of everything.

THink about it...

a cruise missle kills the 3rd 4th 5th 6th terrorist in command...

and bin ladden gets away on his goat.

Bin ladden is a bug light for bad guys who dont want to join a team.

The teams are all controlled.

The one world govt already exists... they say its coming and to try and stop it... as a mind game so you never realize its been here since day one.

doesnt matter if you join team china, russia, america... once you join the military, or the cia, or a govt job... you are in the ranks of obedience...

they own everyone.

The only people they dont own are the ones who refuse to join a team...

for that reason... they created team terrorists.

Bin ladden is on the inside,

He give away his location, and runs, and all the people who joined his team who want to blow shit up... they get waxxed by a cruise missle.

Some of what they do makes sense...

perhaps all of it does, and im still naive and hoping everyone can live happily ever after.

and thats why i repeat what ive heard them say... in hopes that someone somewhere puts up a good argument and breaks their logic, so that i can solve this problem.

Unfortunately, after 9 years of digging hard...

im starting to wonder if things are the best they cant be... and if the world, as its ran, is the lesser of many other possible evils.

One thing i do know for sure is...

if people have a problem with life... really the only solution is for them to get off their asses and help make life the way they want it.

Otherwise, they are just another animal... except they know english, so we have to listen to them complain and argue about how their team master is the greatest and they voted for him, making them super super special.

The masses really are a bunch of bitches...

but ill still do my best to take the time to snap people out of their delusional pride bubbling lies they opperate on.

I honestly dont care if it depresses a person to the poiint of suicide... i know the persons going to die anyway in the very near future.

So if i can snap some people out of it and get them to not fall for the political bs, ive just saved a life, and made the world leaders happy because that person is no longr a mindless whiney bitch ape who cant solve problems to save their own life... that person is now pulling their own weight and enguaged in solving problems.

There will always be problems.

Problems arent always other humans fualts. More often in life, shit just happens. Looking for someone to blame isnt going to make a problem go away.

You think the world leaders are going to let a day like 2012 go by without taking full advantage of making a prophesy come true so they cant use some new religion to controll everyone?

you have no idea how smart these guys are.

Rest assured... one way or another... 2012 is going to be a hot one.

911 was nothing.

9 11 was code...

because in the world leaders clock, they have symbols

1 3 5 7 9 11 13

13 is the end

9 11 was done on purpose on that day... to symbolize the end is near...

this shits been going on since anchient egypt...

its not jsut the nazis...

what im saying is.. the nazi elite... were and are these world leaders.

nazi was just a temporary identity for them... a word they used to create a political party to get germany all full of itself and march the apes to their deaths under the lie an ape would believe...

skin color makes you smarter.

not so much. intelligence is genetic, but it has no connection to skin color.

There are smart blacks, whites, asians, etc.

and there are a lot more dumb ones it seems.

Like i said... maybe the world leaders are right...

but ive still got 2 years to figure that out, so i havent made my decision yet.
Sherriberry, you sure push a lot of hot air. It would be nice if you had some solutions instead of a doom and gloom rant. I agree that the world looks pretty bleak now, and that the people that were at Davos are the ones in charge. Us peons really don't have much to say about the future of the world. The best we can really do is to make the best of what we have and try and survive the carnage. Getting 10-1,000 or more people together to rage against the machine would do no more than piss the davos people off. They would snuff you out like a candle in the wind. Try all you will to be the smartest cat in the room, there will always be more rooms.