Dept Of Homeland Security thinks right wing are terrorists.

And conservatives come from a long lineage that was against women's suffrage

Correct ... and look who was right. Hell, they finally got the vote and look what happened. The country has gone to Hell in a hand basket. :lol:

You're not making excuses for timothy mcveigh, but the oklahoma city bombing was caused by clinton? Explain please.

Like I said in my other post: the bombing was an anarchists reaction to Ruby Ridge and Waco.
Right wings are nothing of the sort like terrorist, but are a bunch of crazy fucks. Your crazy ass views, and your religion, I mean don’t you feel dirty sometimes? “the governments to big” oh no! When was the last time you started a nation and formed a government? Don’t like to pay taxes? Holly shit they’ve been around since the beginning of time welcome to life! Except the world for what it is and smoke a bowl dude! Thank you!

Cack alackn!
Sherriberry, you sure push a lot of hot air. It would be nice if you had some solutions instead of a doom and gloom rant. I agree that the world looks pretty bleak now, and that the people that were at Davos are the ones in charge. Us peons really don't have much to say about the future of the world. The best we can really do is to make the best of what we have and try and survive the carnage. Getting 10-1,000 or more people together to rage against the machine would do no more than piss the davos people off. They would snuff you out like a candle in the wind. Try all you will to be the smartest cat in the room, there will always be more rooms.

yeah, you missed my point entirely i guess

THere is no raging against the machine...

there is either... people who believe in bullshit, and blame other teams (world leaders included) instead of they themselves just fix what it is they dont like about life.

If cars suck, build a better one.... if you want a plasma tv and cant afford it, figure out what you can do to EARN more money.

IF YOU CANT EARN MORE MONEY... its no ones fault but your own.

Like it or not... there is something wrong with you that does not allow you to carry your weight... so why should you be rewarded when someone else works?

my point about saving people had nothing to do with getting a small army together....

my point is... the world leaders can listen to the average citizen speak a sentence... when asked about their political views...

and after that one sentence know if the person is a moron or not.

Morons are why mistakes are made

morons are why there are bigger problems instead of solutions.

It has nothing to do with skin color.

If a world leader hears you speak about political parties and THEY, or about another leader, and HES NOT FIXING THINGS

youve proven you havent matured past the age of 3.

you still think everything is someone elses fault

THere are things about life that suck... but granted... they are a lot better than they used to be.

THe biggest problem with idiots is their belief in perfection

perfection is a myth... there is no such thing in this universe.

There will always be a faster indy car, a tougher truck, a faster runner...

numbers and problems dont have limits... there will always be more and more.

People prove their ignorance by using the perfection word

You might as well sub in the word easter bunny every time you say perfect.

THere is no perfect... there is good, and better... and best at an event... but even the best at that event will be beaten at the next event.

its evolution.

no limits

no perfect.

Instead of perfect, we have something called tradeoffs

If i ask you what the perfect car is, you might say coroalla ... it gets good gas milage..

he might say indy car, goes fast around a track,

she might say top fuel dragster, fastest in a straight line,

he might say truck, it pulls a boat the best

but notice... in this universe... there is not a car that can do it all the best, and even in those categories, there is improvement every year.

People... who are human... and not some sort of a half retarded ape..

realize tradeoffs.

THey realize there are good and bad in all things

THey realize that having one type of governement all over the globe is lame..

when you can have varrying systems and rules... when you can have variety.

Imagine if france was the same as germany was the same as the congo was the same as here.

DIdnt matter where you went, everything was identical, archetecture, roads, cars, rules, religion, all identical.

How stupid are you?

People dont get it.

What we have it a million times better. We have variety.

If you want a free country.. i mean free...

go to the congo.

There you can kill, rape, steal, do whatever.

And then you can get shot, get raped, get stolen from, whatever.

But see, thats the problem, people dont want fair... they want their cake and to eat it to.

THere are places on this earth for everything...

And people are too stupid to see it that way.

Like a little 3 year old ignorant bitch, they want to paint the whole house pink.. they want the whole world their way.

instead of realize... thank god theres a portion of the planet that sees things my way... and thank god the people who dont see things my way... can go over there.

This is the kind of stuff the world leaders talk about.

And the masses prove their inability to reason and think... and thus appreciate...

because they are too stupid to take the time to fully think their wishes through... and take the time to see there will be negatives in the tradeoff of doing thigns a different way... always.

And rather than argue with people... the world leaders believe its pointless.

They call me a fool.

Because they say trying to teach the masses to appreciate life and appreciate the opportunity to work and build on this gift that we didnt earn in the first place....

is like trying to teach a dog french... its impossible

Genetics are real. They limit every creature in every way. Every individual has different limits than another.

And for that reason... you cant be mad at a dog that it cant speak french...

you just have to let the dog be a dog...

but understand... when wars break out... and it comes time to pick a team of friends... you pick the people who are on your level... we dont save dogs over humans.

World leaders dont save the masses over eachother.

its that simple.

What dictates if a person is a peon or a world leader isnt how much control they have, or how much money they have...

its how well their brain works.

Your best friends, the ones you call when thigns go to shit... 1000 bucks says they dont have down syndrome

1000 bucks says they arent drama queen bitches who yell and scream at you.

you pick people who can hang with you, and who you dont have to guide and babysit every step of the way.

World leaders are no different.

They have friends who arent in charge.

And there are a lot of people who annoy the fuck out of them with their ignornace... just as a mentally retarded person annoys you after a while.

When i say save people...

im assuming that not everyone is genetically limited to retardation where they think in teams instead of evaluate every individual.

I dont even say liberals. I dont say blacks. I dont say republicans.

i say george bush. I say michael jackson... i say obama.

i talk about a specific person when i talk about someone doing a good job or a bad job

i dont talk about companies.. i talk about the employees who are good, and the employees who are dick heads.

this... is like calculus for the apes.... they cant do it.

They can only have so many things in their head, so instead of think of 2000 diffeent people... they need to group things into 4 or 5 groups.

Its a sign of ignorance.

And instead of rub it in your face what an idiot you are... the world leaders take advantage of your stupidity and they lead you around like the dogs you are.

My point is... stop insulting groups... my point is, yes, 911 was a conspiracy... but theres more going on behind the scenes than you think

And my point is, even tho i know bush was one of the individuals who helped make 911 happen...

now that i know what i know... i think i would rather see other people on this planet die before he does.

Everyone is doing they best they can.

i highly doubt anyone on this forum is trying to solve big problems themselves by coming up with a plan.

For apes... a plan is... who do we put in charge to solve the problems for us.

99% of people dont understand how to build a plasma tv, a laptop computer, a car, a microwave, a sewar system, a house

and yet, here we are enjoying all this stuff that we dont know how to create...

and yet, we still think we have the right to complain... that we are in a bad economy? that we work too hard? and that its some teams fault?

its pure ignorance... i person with a brain... when they see the economy going to shit, they know how to invest their money into hedges... like gold.

a person with a brain... when their tv stops working, gets on the phone and talks to the manufacurer and helps solve the problem

A person with a brain, when their hard drive fails, they take their computer appart, and order a new one.

A person with a brain... solves the problem... and doenst spend hours on the phone or at a bar talking shit about who didnt do something right.

you ... sitting and talking about how other people didnt do something right...

is a worse evil.

because the people who built the shitty computer... they built one..

you didnt do shit.

you squalked like a fucking bird.

And you think the person who built the shitty computer is a problem?

you are a bigger problem because you cant build a computer period.

if you know you are not as smart as the next guy... what makes you think you have the right to sit around and waste everyones time with your plans for which person to elect and which team to join??

you should be asking questions, and proving you are a problem solver

Apes... dont ask questions... they think that will make them look ignorant.

THey are too stupid to realize that we are born knowing nothing, and the most we know is the day we die..

and the smartest people on this planet are the ones who ask the most questions...

they instead think they can fool everyone by never asking questions and always voicing their opinions... and that no one else is going to notice they are a dumbass.

The only ones who fall for their ignorance are the other dumbasses.


once people stop making bread, cars, computers, houses....

its a mathematical certainty that products will become even more scarce.

The moment wars start... the only way to cure the economy at that point... is to eliminate the number of mouths to feed.

What im saying is... the world leaders are scared of ww3, because some idiot can blow up the whole earth with the weapons we have now...

so their goal... the next time a big war starts... is to wax as many people as possible, as quickly as possible...

and they want to wax the people who make the mistakes i just desribed above.

its not about race or location or religion.

its about people who are fucking idiots, and cant appreciate life, and get violent and start wars.

Those people are who the world leaders are trying to kill off...

they use motivators like 911 to try and seperate these people from the pack.