Donald Trump

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Did you not get a pony you expected or something? I thought living well was the end game. You got it, you won! You stepped up to the plate and slam dunked a touch down.

Nope, not complaining at all I made the right career choices when I needed to.
The kiss of death?
And Checkers got a boner, too!

italy fought alongside hitler you fucking moron.

Half fact, actually all fact, but half story. After the allies got Italy to surrender, Hitler launched Operation Axis, The occupation of Italy is Sept 43, Oct 43, Italy declared War officially, on Germany. But they were the bad guys first.
I know I`m stoned and watching the game but,....What ? No, no,....Why ?,....No, ...He`s pointing at you, and wants to pick your nose. Is Donald on SNAP ?
I know I`m stoned and watching the game but,....What ? No, no,....Why ?,....No, ...He`s pointing at you, and wants to pick your nose. Is Donald on SNAP ?
It's implying that without that sort of start up capital he might not have gone so far, which is pretty much true. After he got his MBA from Wharton he worked for his father's real estate company eventually taking it over, and then leveraging everything on incredibly risky deals that he could afford to make because of the back up capital he had.
It's implying that without that sort of start up capital he might not have gone so far, which is pretty much true. After he got his MBA from Wharton he worked for his father's real estate company eventually taking it over, and then leveraging everything on incredibly risky deals that he could afford to make because of the back up capital he had.

You answered it in your first sentence, .."might not have gone so far".... means if he fails, he was not successful. He went far. The start up can be lost or foolishly spent. I don`t think Donald did that, or he would not go far.

The only thing between him and presidency is votes,....That`s a good place to be man.

He said if he drops too much in serious polls, he'll quit out. I think........maybe.....
The clown is slipping in the polls and he has said that if he starts sliding in the polls he'll quit, stick a fork in him he's done. Trump is showman not a politician.

Can anyone find scholarly information and cite the source on these following topics. Illegal immigrants and the cost of health care. How many illegal immigrants are incarcerated and the cost to the taxpayer. Illegal immigrants and crime statistics.
Am I the only one who thinks you are vastly underestimating the need in the states for illegal immigrants, I mean I know it's not something people talk about often but has anyone actually thought about all the business' and stuff that benefit from the immigrants. I mean yeah criminals have to cross the border illegally because they actually cant go through legally and they should be stopped, but how many people do you think are really moving to the states to fuck shit up? A lot of them are just people who realise how bad the situation is in mexico and are trying to help provide a better life for their families who cant get visa's because they cant afford it or because they arent relatively rich. I used to tutor migrant kids (not mexicans cos I wasn't in the states) and I can tell you people who are trying to work to keep their family from having to go back to a situation where things are actually dangerous work harder than any body you've ever seen I mean I've heard kids tell me there parents work 18 hour shifts 7 fucking days a week. They would be very willing to do things legally if they could I mean theyd have much better pay and living conditions but they cant, and can you really blame them for not taking no for an answer when people are being killed and shit all the time in mexico? I know if I had a family I'd be trying to get the fuck outta there asap. Maybe if the states relaxed their legal immigration a bit they would have an easier time sorting out those who were willing to do honest work from the criminals and they could turn what is now seen as a major issue into a benefit to their society. Either way painting them all with the same brush and just saying they all bring in crime and shit is some stupid bullshit imo sounds like you somehow couldn't be bothered to think that they are all individual people who make their own decisions with some being bad and some good just like everywhere else. Most "good" law abiding people would choose to leave a dangerous situation, and obviously they do.
In your first sentence you say " the need for illegal immigrants" I don't think there is any use for illegal immigrants. Immigrants that come here legally on the other hand are valuable.
In your first sentence you say " the need for illegal immigrants" I don't think there is any use for illegal immigrants. Immigrants that come here legally on the other hand are valuable.
Well you managed to bring me back here but the full answer to that is too long for me to be bothered explaining again so heres a link that explains it relatively well

If you look into it you'll realize how much (however bad you may think of it) the economy in the US and also most countries in Europe for that matter, depend on having a workforce who will work for less than minimum wage, without it the country would stop working whether you like it or not. I mean it's fairly clear a lot of the time that the people are basically being abused their working conditions are so bad but to them it's worth it just to get the small pay that they do get because it can help them provide for their families. So as far as I'm concerned you might as well just be happy that they do what they do and allow you to live in the world you do (which believe it or not, they helped create). Even if you don't like them for whatever reason you should still at least recognize that they play an important role in the economy and without them the country would be in a worse place financially. Not trying to be a dick here but I really do encourage you to look into it on your own to try and see what it would be like without them so it's not just 'some guy' on rollitup talking shit. I think youll see what im talking about when you see can imagine what things would be like without them cos they wouldnt be better, remember not everyone can afford to hire people for minimum wage however bad that may be so there is really a need for them, otherwise they wouldn't be able to make enough to survive
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