DrCannaP's Organic Fruit Garden

Ah yes I remember your having mentioned she had started to reveg - that's what's gives her that bizarre Stalagmite-like touch - whereby, of course the "crusty Christmas tree" optic prevails :bigjoint:
Yes it does sound more like this was a special one, and it would be wrong to assume anything about autos in general. So partitioning off it will be, in case I need to send the photoperiod into flower before the auto is done. She does keep showing me that she is ready for it by throwing out pistils along her stem, but I wanted to give this one a long-ass veg so she can bush out, as she had a really bad start.:rolleyes:
Sounds lije a good plan. I flipped my lights before thw girls were bushy enough and thatll cut my harvest a lot. Also my pots were totally consumed so the plants couldnt really grow like they wanted to. My plan is to swap those 3x 9gal and 1x 7.9 gal pot with 4x 15gal smart pots. Hopefully that amount of soil will be better to cycle and sustain the girls. Also that catastrophic mint cover crop messed up my soil by crowding the rootzone with its roots hah .... live and learn I just wish my yield didnt have to suffer as much hah

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Sounds lije a good plan. I flipped my lights before thw girls were bushy enough and thatll cut my harvest a lot. Also my pots were totally consumed so the plants couldnt really grow like they wanted to. My plan is to swap those 3x 9gal and 1x 7.9 gal pot with 4x 15gal smart pots. Hopefully that amount of soil will be better to cycle and sustain the girls. Also that catastrophic mint cover crop messed up my soil by crowding the rootzone with its roots hah .... live and learn I just wish my yield didnt have to suffer as much hah

ohlol yeah, that's the downside to all this learning by doing thing ;)
But the experience is invaluable! I do hope I have learned a few things about mixing my soils and watering though, as I have just set up a pot in the size you're talking of - with reamended former no-till soil of mine, and Mephisto Cosmic Queen seeds planted in it 2days ago, after the temps from the amendments came back down and all sorts of stuff started sprouting.
My garden this morning:

featuring (clockwise from the left - copycatting here, I love how you always identify what's in your pix!) an experimental comfrey, a chili saved last minute from the outdoor frosts, besaid pot, a micro auto (Berry Bomb, I have no luck with Bomb seeds - but the borage is pretty happy haha), and the photoperiod (northern Lights#5 x Haze), who is starting to bush up a week after she got transplanted into the pot she's in now.
And yes, that girl is only getting flipped when she's strong and sturdy!
Nice nice garden ya got there calliandra ;-) ... i love how ya got it all in there .. veggies n weeds haha ... btw and since i see the straw mulch in the middle, did ya ever use oats hay as mulch? I read somewhere it was high in K ... also how do you layer your mulch with the straw??? Do you at all have any greens going with the browns to reduce nitrogen exhaustion from the soil?? Or just the hayon top?
Cheers calli :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Ah sorry, it's not straw, it's hay, made it myself this summer.
So I'm out of trouble there, nitrogen-robbery-wise haha

When I do add fresh greens, like chopped comfrey or borage, or my green smoothies, I usually add it under the hay, which I have in there mainly to shade from light and keep moisture in, not so much for adding nutrition.
To now! I may be about to change things a bit. Because the humidifier I just added in the closet actually rehydrates the hay a bit, so it becomes more decomposable and will probably need replenishing faster.

I know exactly what you're asking though :mrgreen:
I once ruined a chili plant's health just by mulching her with dry autumn leaves. Yellowing galore!

Thinking on it, seems my solution has been to just use dried greens (like hay instead of straw) ...
But I do want to get back to mulching more myself, so...
I'll very probably do something with the browns before adding them, maybe even soak them in an N-rich solution - soak some neem in water (urine wouldn't work for me in this instance ;) ), or green smoothies (=greenstuffs chopped with water in the blender) - and definitely have the browns mixed up with green stuff.

No idea about oat hay - but I've just begun using oat bran to improve fungal populations in my vermicompost (still verifying this, but after one go looking like it's true)

End of week 10 weekly update (that was yesterday) and today is day 71 of flowering:
The auto will be chopped any day now once i get some free time. As ya can tell im so busy i missed peakin at the girls and updating yesterday.
Anyway...The girls are doing something weird. It looks like the BlueKush (back right) and PE (bottom left) are growing upward again with new growth?! Anyone has ever experienced someyhing like that? (The last 4 shots show how the tips of the colars are growin upward with more sugar leaves). Basically new sugar leaves popping up at the tip of the main colas. I doubt theyre done flowering and revegging or something like that becauze theyre still shooting out more new white pistils. Could it be that the soil is finally getting alive again and feeding the plants again and that theyre happy about that?? Ive been keepin up with teas the last couple weekz.
Another issue ..... I also noticed a while ago that many worms were suddenly escaping the pots ... i didnt make anything of it at first i was too busy and distracted. but now i started wondering maybe the soil was becoming too acidic. I tested with a pH meter and it read at a tad less than 6. I gave each pot less than 1/4 of eggshells and oyster shells flour .... i also put the same amount in a 1.5L bottle, filled it with hot water and shook it good til it got white anf slurry.....i let it cool then watered the 4 pots with it.
Im waiting for the 3 photo period girls to finish theyre taking forever.
Group shot then singles from top left clockwise 1SourD 2BlueKush 3SweetCoffeeRyder and 4PineappleExpressMystery then 2 shots of BlueKush colas and 2 shots of PE colas showin new growth.
Til next update happy growin yall :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :


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Actually, I have seen this before, I think @mattyblade1 had a plant that grew a whole new tier above its main bud. Argh I'm not finding the posts though and my memory...:rolleyes: I think he ended up just chopping the plant after waiting a while to see if she grows the second bud-tier out. Can't remember what his theory was as to why she did it either.
So the bottomline takeaway of all that is: it has happened to cannabis plants before :sleep:lmao not helpful at all, sorry!!

Yeah it IS weird. The plants look pretty ready, have you checked out the trichs from close up? And what does the breeder data say? They're senescing fast too now.. so your best bet may be to ignore that growth and just focus on how the "first generation" buds look to you...

I've been messing with soil and completely confusing myself too much lately to know anything at all at the moment.:dunce:
But just logically, it can't be beneficial microbes reviving (and causing that new foliage to grow) if your worms are leaving too - they wouldn't do that if that were the case. I'd be curious to look at the soil after this round though, maybe it's losing structure? Because you have been replenishing it with foods and reinoculating microbes all this time, after all.

Just my rambly 2cents on a depressingly grey day ;)
Actually, I have seen this before, I think @mattyblade1 had a plant that grew a whole new tier above its main bud. Argh I'm not finding the posts though and my memory...:rolleyes: I think he ended up just chopping the plant after waiting a while to see if she grows the second bud-tier out. Can't remember what his theory was as to why she did it either.
So the bottomline takeaway of all that is: it has happened to cannabis plants before :sleep:lmao not helpful at all, sorry!!

Yeah it IS weird. The plants look pretty ready, have you checked out the trichs from close up? And what does the breeder data say? They're senescing fast too now.. so your best bet may be to ignore that growth and just focus on how the "first generation" buds look to you...

I've been messing with soil and completely confusing myself too much lately to know anything at all at the moment.:dunce:
But just logically, it can't be beneficial microbes reviving (and causing that new foliage to grow) if your worms are leaving too - they wouldn't do that if that were the case. I'd be curious to look at the soil after this round though, maybe it's losing structure? Because you have been replenishing it with foods and reinoculating microbes all this time, after all.

Just my rambly 2cents on a depressingly grey day ;)
Hey there calli and thanks for the 2cents .... i too have seen sativa dominant plants do that ... where they grow more tips of buddage oir of the colas .... but not like this ... wherw the planys look like they're yellowing and finishing then you get beauyifully green single leaves growing on top :-) .... i thought maybe the soil was finally reviving and the plants can pull nutrients out of ot maybe because of the teas im providing .... those worms didnt just leave now. That was like a month ago ... before all this yellowing happened .... accordinf to the breeders those are 9-10 week flowering strains (the sour D and the BlueKush) but they dont lo9k near being done despite the yellowing because theyre all dull of white pistils and I havent even considered checking the trichomes because the girls havent exploded in triches production yet. Rare trichs on sugar leaves and thwyre only on buds but not as dense hah ... still some timw to go it looks like lol

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Quick update:
The sweet coffee ryder got chopped today (shot before chop and after chop). The trimming was easy because the buds are mostly airy and fluffy but it was fun due to the sweet smell .... that plant hermied I saw penises and also seeds in it lol
It also looks like the BlueKush and the PE are reflowering shooting out new green sugar leaves and new pistils and the leaves have more trichomes than the older sugar leaves and buds (3 closeup shots of the BlueKush and 3 of the PE2)

I also placed 2 mystery Tangerine Dream and 2 mystery PE2 seeds in small germinating pots hoping to veg them well while the 3 other girls finish and I recycle the soil in 4 new 15 gal smart pots.
(mystery as in found in buds and dont know full genetics except the mother)

Til next update happy growin yall

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :


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End of week 11 (day 77 of flowering) update:
Damn it i think the PE2 mystery is revegging and maybe the BlueKush also .... the PE2 has seeded a while ago ... maybe just maybe she is revegging after completing her cycle (flowering and seeding etc) and still being on 12/12??? What do you guys think as to whether or not they are revegging and why that might be the case???? The bluekush on the other hand looks like shes still flowerimg with lots and lots of whitw pistils so i dont know why she's revegging if she really was. SourD is getting fatter and fatter and im very happy about her
Also one of the mystery PE seeds sprouted today (PEX?2) last shot.
Group shot then singles from top left clockwise 1SourD and buds, 2BlueKush and buds, then 4PineappleExpressMystery and buds and lower seeded buds

Till next update happy growin yall :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :


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Cut them and start a new round. You won't get any benefits from keeping them growing. You have nitrogen activating causing revegging. Take that soil and let it compost in buckets for a while. Get fresh starter soil for seedlings, and then use the composted soil to transplant into once your next plants get large enough, like 7-9 nodes. My suspicions are that soil is really 'hot' and needs to be cooled off by letting it breakup clumps of nutes for a while.
Cut them and start a new round. You won't get any benefits from keeping them growing. You have nitrogen activating causing revegging. Take that soil and let it compost in buckets for a while. Get fresh starter soil for seedlings, and then use the composted soil to transplant into once your next plants get large enough, like 7-9 nodes. My suspicions are that soil is really 'hot' and needs to be cooled off by letting it breakup clumps of nutes for a while.
Thanks for the reply buddy .... yeah something is causimg them to do that and im thinking anout chopping the PE2 down first and go from there

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Cut them and start a new round. You won't get any benefits from keeping them growing. You have nitrogen activating causing revegging. Take that soil and let it compost in buckets for a while. Get fresh starter soil for seedlings, and then use the composted soil to transplant into once your next plants get large enough, like 7-9 nodes. My suspicions are that soil is really 'hot' and needs to be cooled off by letting it breakup clumps of nutes for a while.
Thanks for the reply buddy .... yeah something is causimg them to do that and im thinking anout chopping the PE2 down first and go from there

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Trust me, anyone who tells you cannabis is easy to grow has been super lucky to not be thrown curveballs. I did late round LST this grow and got stress nanners, which now my buds are getting a bit riddled with seeds. Granted the buds look beautiful, but a lot have swollen calyxes, telltale that they're all fairly fertilized with pollen. Need a new phone or camera before I can upload pics of grows.
Must say LST is a great method for altering cannabis growth in a positive manner. Just don't do it after the 12/12 flip or you can be in for bananas.....
Trust me, anyone who tells you cannabis is easy to grow has been super lucky to not be thrown curveballs. I did late round LST this grow and got stress nanners, which now my buds are getting a bit riddled with seeds. Granted the buds look beautiful, but a lot have swollen calyxes, telltale that they're all fairly fertilized with pollen. Need a new phone or camera before I can upload pics of grows.
Must say LST is a great method for altering cannabis growth in a positive manner. Just don't do it after the 12/12 flip or you can be in for bananas.....
Totally agree with you bro ... i thought i got my hydro grows dialed in etc then got a bunch of curveballs in the last hydro run lol including hermies .... then switched to organic soil no till and despite a good first run, the girls hermied with lots of seeds .... then this 2nd cycle of the same soil (trying out a no till style) and baaaam a bunch of issues which lead to hermies and seeded bids again .... problem is that i cant really afford runs like that (not the cost but the anxiety about gwtting caught hah) :-)
Happy growin brother :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
I just took a peek at the girls. That growth is more prominent now. But it doesnt look like the single leaves of reveg. Its more like new shoots with double single leaves and associated pistils too ... it looks like shes reflowering rather than revegging and even all those new leaves are covered with trichomes, a feature thats not even present on the older sugar leaves! This is weird .. i grew many plants befire but this is a first and this thing is affecting most if not all the girls in the groom!
And just to make sure the girls keep flowering while i slowly chop em down, i dropped the day time from 12h to 11hours. Lets see how this goes.
Til next update happy growin yall :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
If you're getting new trichs do whatever makes you happy. I hear ya on the anxiety aspect. Sucks we have to be so secretive about a healthy hobby. I can also atest to any number of factors can lead to hermes. I have yet to have a grow that's completely banana free. Could be chalked up to feminized seeds not being what breeders say they are. You need really stable genetics to get feminized seeds that don't throw bananas. If I could afford it, I'd do regular seeds and make clones before sexing the parent plants. Regular seeds seem to be the way to get solid females that don't cross the fence at some point.
On the other hand I have had hermies that only throw a single bunch on the main stalks where axial limbs sprout from. I don't mind those since you can tweezer them before they drop pollen.
That's the only way to counteract hermies, is to be vigilant and pull pollen sacs at first sight of them. Once they open you're screwed. One pollen sac could potentially give over a hundred seeds if the pollen finds it way in to those sticky buds.
If you're getting new trichs do whatever makes you happy. I hear ya on the anxiety aspect. Sucks we have to be so secretive about a healthy hobby. I can also atest to any number of factors can lead to hermes. I have yet to have a grow that's completely banana free. Could be chalked up to feminized seeds not being what breeders say they are. You need really stable genetics to get feminized seeds that don't throw bananas. If I could afford it, I'd do regular seeds and make clones before sexing the parent plants. Regular seeds seem to be the way to get solid females that don't cross the fence at some point.
On the other hand I have had hermies that only throw a single bunch on the main stalks where axial limbs sprout from. I don't mind those since you can tweezer them before they drop pollen.
That's the only way to counteract hermies, is to be vigilant and pull pollen sacs at first sight of them. Once they open you're screwed. One pollen sac could potentially give over a hundred seeds if the pollen finds it way in to those sticky buds.
Oh im definitely chopping them down....its just theres always a lag between when indecide to do something and finally finding the time and discretion to do so hah .... but yeah i reduced the day time knowing itll be a few days before I get to it.
Yeah man .... ive had some decent runs using feminized seeds ... and then i also had a bunch id runs that hermied hah ... the last 3 runs had at least ine hermie ... surprisingly, 3 runs ago, i had a barneys farm CBD critical cure hermie on me .... i mean she hermied bad ... its like a Chiquita farm bananas all over haha ... but believe it or not it was a sterile hermie with 3 other plants in the groom none of them had a single seed .... last run it was all 3 girls that hermied but the strawberry cough hermied badly with the buds lookin all yellow hahaha but she also gave some amazing buds and an amazing smoke. 2 other girls in the groom hermied too but not as bad ... so i am thinking most the seeds ill get from the ither 2 plants (pineapple express and tangerime dream) are all X Strawberry cough hah ... started collecting them seeds also knowing theyll have some bad genetics .... bit since im running out of feminized ones i decided to keep them. Trying to pop 2 PEx? And 2 TDx? To start over.... will see hiw this run goes lol i know im taking a huge risk with such unknown genetics .... should be fun
Happy growin bro and thanks again :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
If you're getting new trichs do whatever makes you happy. I hear ya on the anxiety aspect. Sucks we have to be so secretive about a healthy hobby. I can also atest to any number of factors can lead to hermes. I have yet to have a grow that's completely banana free. Could be chalked up to feminized seeds not being what breeders say they are. You need really stable genetics to get feminized seeds that don't throw bananas. If I could afford it, I'd do regular seeds and make clones before sexing the parent plants. Regular seeds seem to be the way to get solid females that don't cross the fence at some point.
On the other hand I have had hermies that only throw a single bunch on the main stalks where axial limbs sprout from. I don't mind those since you can tweezer them before they drop pollen.
That's the only way to counteract hermies, is to be vigilant and pull pollen sacs at first sight of them. Once they open you're screwed. One pollen sac could potentially give over a hundred seeds if the pollen finds it way in to those sticky buds.
Oh im definitely chopping them down....its just theres always a lag between when indecide to do something and finally finding the time and discretion to do so hah .... but yeah i reduced the day time knowing itll be a few days before I get to it.
Yeah man .... ive had some decent runs using feminized seeds ... and then i also had a bunch id runs that hermied hah ... the last 3 runs had at least ine hermie ... surprisingly, 3 runs ago, i had a barneys farm CBD critical cure hermie on me .... i mean she hermied bad ... its like a Chiquita farm bananas all over haha ... but believe it or not it was a sterile hermie with 3 other plants in the groom none of them had a single seed .... last run it was all 3 girls that hermied but the strawberry cough hermied badly with the buds lookin all yellow hahaha but she also gave some amazing buds and an amazing smoke. 2 other girls in the groom hermied too but not as bad ... so i am thinking most the seeds ill get from the ither 2 plants (pineapple express and tangerime dream) are all X Strawberry cough hah ... started collecting them seeds also knowing theyll have some bad genetics .... bit since im running out of feminized ones i decided to keep them. Trying to pop 2 PEx? And 2 TDx? To start over.... will see hiw this run goes lol i know im taking a huge risk with such unknown genetics .... should be fun
Happy growin bro and thanks again :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Fuck hermies :( just ruined my complete crop, first grow in garage within tent, heater in tent, no light leaks, temps humidity all good, put mine down to feeding cold water which is stored in tank within garage only thing I could think