New Member
If used in the tea, I suppose enzymes would help break down the molasses quicker, but that really isn't necessary. In fact we want things to unfold on their own in the tea, which is why we let it brew 48 hours. Some microbes wake up in the presents of food, other wake up in the presents of other microbes (cos they are food).
The tea goes bad because after a while it looses it's oxygen and becomes anaerobic. Beneficial microbes tend to be aerobic and die off without oxygen, while pathogenic microbes thrive in an anaerobic environment.
So I can brew a 2 gallon pot like you and keep it bubbling and just dip some out when needed at room temp?
Does this mean it wont go bad as I am supplying oxgen 247 and dropping molasses in every so often?
*EDIT: Found answer few pages in.