Elons Little Plan

Looks like I'll have to check out bluesky, I'm sure lots of others will, especially the movers and shakers and if they switch, Elon will be left with the parlor plus Russian bots. While Elon had his head in the sand his asshole was exposed to the bright sunshine. We will know when he blocks links to it on twitter or purges users who cross post to them as well as twitter. If the news people and celebs move, the rest will follow, and twitter's decline could be rapid.

FAA forcing Elon to do stuff? Nonsense, just buy some republicans who will threaten the budget of the FAA, even shut them down altogether, and the best part is they will do it for chump change.

Why SpaceX Needs New Launch Pads for Starship, and Soon

For all the success of the first Starship launch, the launch pad left a great deal to be desired and could have been the reason why the biggest rocket in history's initial test flight ended in a termination just minutes into the flight. Elon Musk must bear some of the responsibility and he predicted back int 2020 that having no flame trench might not be a good idea. So in this video, we look at the issues the launch caused and how NASA has been doing this for over 56 years without any major problems.
Saw him on Maher's show, Fri. He said there's no shortage of natural resources at all.
Plenty food, water, etc. I love his cock-suredness behavior. Maher just loved him.

I cannot imagine how
cocky i'd be if i was worth just a mill or two, let alone 300 billion. I kinda think that I'd
pretty much know the right way and the right things about life. I'm bad enuf as it is.
considering that until it cleared the tower it was basically a soft 7-kiloton bomb (the fuel weighted less but has higher energy density than TNT, the standard by which kilotons are assigned), and that the FAA knew that, this is so not the worst imagined case.

I wonder if the flight termination was audible from the ground.
From the day-of reporting, it was audible for MILES to ground observers
Saw him on Maher's show, Fri. He said there's no shortage of natural resources at all.
Plenty food, water, etc. I love his cock-suredness behavior. Maher just loved him.

I cannot imagine how
cocky i'd be if i was worth just a mill or two, let alone 300 billion. I kinda think that I'd
pretty much know the right way and the right things about life. I'm bad enuf as it is.

"Desalinization is absurdly cheap"
- E. Musk
He won't settle, till he settles...
He's a free speech absolutist, until he discovers what the words he shat out of his facial anus actually mean, then he isn't a free speech absolutist...
He says he'll have self driving cars, but he never will...
shit's about to catch up to muck...tesla sales are slipping, the new is wearing off of his bullshit, and the smell is starting to spread. He continues to run twitter into the ground, he just about sets off the equivalent of a small nuke next to a nature preserve, and calls it a success...
what is he going to destroy today?
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti...andle-in-ongoing-feud?leadSource=uverify wall

Maybe NPR is trying to convince itself that twitter is still a decent place, even though it's now run by a capricious, fascist authoritarian?
His own rules say you don't have to post to be active, just log in...of course, rules, even those he pulled out of his own ass, have never mattered to muck, why would he start caring about them now?
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-03/musk-threatens-to-reassign-npr-s-twitter-handle-in-ongoing-feud?leadSource=uverify wall

Maybe NPR is trying to convince itself that twitter is still a decent place, even though it's now run by a capricious, fascist authoritarian?
His own rules say you don't have to post to be active, just log in...of course, rules, even those he pulled out of his own ass, have never mattered to muck, why would he start caring about them now?
I’ll take Spite for $800, Alex

It becomes more and more obvious that muck doesn't have a plan, he's relying on his highly questionable skills to make things operate smoothly.
People with a plan don't reverse 90% of everything they do because it turned out to be a stupidly bad idea.
People with a plan don't destroy millions of dollars worth of hardware because they thought they knew what they were fucking doing, when it's apparent they don't have two clues to rub together...
Muck needs a flapper....

"Gulliver is immediately surrounded by a crowd of peculiar looking individuals. Many of them don’t hold their heads up straight. Some are cross-eyed. All wear clothes elaborately decorated with celestial bodies and musical instruments. Amongst these people walk servants carrying a blown bladder filled with little pebbles or peas to flap at the mouths and ears of those around them. Gulliver explains that he later learned that these servants are called “flappers” and they are responsible for striking the mouths of those who should speak and the ears of those they should speak into, for the speakers and listeners are so distracted they would often forget if left to carry on the conversation themselves. The flapper is also responsible for preventing his absent-minded master from tripping over things, bumping into walls, etc.