Elons Little Plan

Clinton's trade deal from before that one. Destroyed our manufacturing base. Put us trillions in debt and made unemployment above 10% for the first time since the great depression.
It was a bipartisan deal and automation killed manufacturing jobs. Automation will continue to kill jobs. Blame it on anyone you want but that won't stop automation.
It was a bipartisan deal and automation killed manufacturing jobs. Automation will continue to kill jobs. Blame it on anyone you want but that won't stop automation.
Not all automation. Just go look at everything made elsewhere. They closed a plant that I worked at and shipped it to China. A lot of manufacturing went there, companies could make more profits for their investors. They sold it as the Chinese would make the manual labor type of stuff and we would have all the high level jobs. Sort of saying we are all going to be management and the Chinese the workers. I realized that was bs at the time. Actually we did not do as bad as it could have been. But now I agree to the extent automation is a cause, heck, that is one of the fields I studied. And it will not get better, as an example automating truck driving. Who would have thought?
Lucifarian sex club? Conservatives are extremely preoccupied with sex these days. They're either pointing the finger at others or covering up pedophilia in their church and sexual harassment in the office. If people want to have Luciferian sex or have sex with a Luciferian club or form a club, I will never notice nor care. Kinda rude that I never get an invitation though.
It was a bipartisan deal and automation killed manufacturing jobs. Automation will continue to kill jobs. Blame it on anyone you want but that won't stop automation.
He's Canadian like me, we are more civilized up north and know bullshit when we see it and smell it. Socialism is a dog whistle word for racists and bigots who refuse to form a caring sharing community with those they consider enemies, the "other", Blacks, brown people or liberals.

You use the language of annihilation, unfounded accusations of pedophilia are standard practice for this kind of violence against others, the assassination of innocent of people's character by easily disproven lies repeated incessantly by useful idiots. In Canada we have criminal liable laws and you would get 2 years in federal prison for such bullshit and be sued in civil court for damages. It's that kind of bullshit that gets election workers threatened, it's terrorism, not free speech, no different than shouting FIRE in a crowded theater, there is American law against that too.
Lucifarian sex club? Conservatives are extremely preoccupied with sex these days. They're either pointing the finger at others or covering up pedophilia in their church and sexual harassment in the office. If people want to have Luciferian sex or have sex with a Luciferian club or form a club, I will never notice nor care. Kinda rude that I never get an invitation though.
Why do you care if we expose pedophiles if your not a pedophile? Only pedophiles are offended by exposing pedophiles... lol
It was a bipartisan deal and automation killed manufacturing jobs. Automation will continue to kill jobs. Blame it on anyone you want but that won't stop automation.

Lucifarian sex club? Conservatives are extremely preoccupied with sex these days. They're either pointing the finger at others or covering up pedophilia in their church and sexual harassment in the office. If people want to have Luciferian sex or have sex with a Luciferian club or form a club, I will never notice nor care. Kinda rude that I never get an invitation though.
I guess when your off your meds all kinds of things like the idea that sex cults aren't trying to controll us all start to make sense even tho it's right in front of your eyes that they use that shit to keep you in a vice and turn you against their enemies effectively so you will work for them for free.
Only socialists belive the talking heads. Everyone else knows that socialists live in a fake media bubble that's used to send disinformation about the American political scheme to socialist intelligence services. That way their plan to gain controll over American politics can be foiled by Counter Intelligence Program. Their aren't any corrupt American leaders for your socialist masters to collude with. Those are decoys used to protect the real officials. I'm sure your masters are watching. Tell them to go home. They won't be gaining influence over any actual Americans by infiltrating the Marijuana industry or fludding forums with baseless speculation about plants they never grown or smoked. Also since I know their looking over you shoulders so to speak, they should know that these so called corrupt GOP politicians are just decoys like everyone else they would ever think to target. Therefore you are just wasting all your money trying to make spy rings and controll the American economy because they can't possibly get to "the middle". That's by design. It's designed to be impossible for them to get their Anarcho-Socialist Manchurian Candidates into our actual vital infrastructure and therefore they should save their money for whatever stale socialist snobs do back in Europe because there not going to get what they want from the US. Not even if we have to go to war over it.
When you use the word "socialist" what does it mean? That word as you use it in this diatribe does not match common use.

Trumpers and other radical right wing authoritarians make up their own meanings and use words like "socialist" as an emotional trigger with their own meaning behind it. So, if you are just trolling, don't bother but if you actually are trying to communicate, a translation of the word, socialist, from MAGA to common English is needed.
Lucifarian sex club? Conservatives are extremely preoccupied with sex these days. They're either pointing the finger at others or covering up pedophilia in their church and sexual harassment in the office. If people want to have Luciferian sex or have sex with a Luciferian club or form a club, I will never notice nor care. Kinda rude that I never get an invitation though.
Dude luciferian sex cults are basically into fetishes that involve making Golden state killer porn and somatization of infants. They do "sex magic" that's supposed to hypnotise us using mesmerizing images of traumatizing sex acts. It's called trauma based mind controll.
I guess when your off your meds all kinds of things like the idea that sex cults aren't trying to controll us all start to make sense even tho it's right in front of your eyes that they use that shit to keep you in a vice and turn you against their enemies effectively so you will work for them for free.
It is creepy how your kind dwell on disgusting perverted sexual practices. Liberals rarely mention it, unless it's regarding the kind of sex crimes your kind so often commit. Conservative Christians are the worst in this regard.
When you use the word "socialist" what does it mean? That word as you use it in this diatribe does not match common use.

Trumpers and other radical right wing authoritarians make up their own meanings and use words like "socialist" as an emotional trigger with their own meaning behind it. So, if you are just trolling, don't bother but if you actually are trying to communicate, a translation of the word, socialist, from MAGA to common English is needed.
I'm making a true stereotype joke basically
It is creepy how your kind dwell on disgusting perverted sexual practices. Liberals rarely mention it, unless it's regarding the kind of sex crimes your kind so often commit. Conservative Christians are the worst in this regard.
I'm anti Christian lol but liberals don't like to mention it because their usually in on it. The idea that Jesus died for your sins; essentially that God performed a child sacrafice ritual so that we can be off the hook for our crimes is flagrantly satanic. It's true that Christians pretend to be conservative and are often pedophiles who think God has forgiven them so they can keep going on raping, but Christianity is a moraly liberal religion. They don't even belive in karma, they think God sacrificed his own child so they can be off the hook. So why not join a rape gang and go on a golden state killer mass mind controlled raping spree with your friends right?
I'm anti Christian lol but liberals don't like to mention it because their usually in on it. The idea that Jesus died for your sins; essentially that God performed a child sacrafice ritual so that we can be off the hook for our crimes is flagrantly satanic. It's true that Christians pretend to be conservative and are often pedophiles who think God has forgiven them so they can keep going on raping, but Christianity is a moraly liberal religion. They don't even belive in karma, they think God sacrificed his own child so they can be off the hook. So why not join a rape gang and go on a golden state killer mass mind controlled raping spree with your friends right?
It's just creepy how your kind dwell on that.

Liberals don't, but here you are dwelling on the subject. I mentioned right wing Christians because they are most often the ones who perpetrate crimes of pedophilia or sexual assault of a minor. The thing is, nut jobs of your ilk sometimes get all worked up over lies of this nature and innocent people get hurt. It's not a joke.