"Musk argued that tech workers—who he characterized as the “laptop class”—were unfair in demanding privileges that other people, like service workers or factory employees, could not enjoy. “You’re going to work-from-home, and you’re going to make everyone else who made your car come work in the factory? You’re going to make people who make your food that gets delivered—they can’t work from home?” Musk asked. “Does that seem morally right?”
“People should get off their goddamn moral high horse with the work-from-home bullshit,” he said. “They’re asking everyone else to not work from home while they do.”
This is about the first thing he's ever said that i agree with, the whole work from home thing has seemed like a horrible idea since they stopped lockdowns.
It IS unfair to everyone else in the work force that can't do it, it was an emergency measure, and the emergency is over.
People today seem to want to stay teenagers forever, living in their parent's homes, working irregular jobs, for irregular pay, and they're all expecting to just take over their parent's homes when they pass away. That's motherfucking pathetic, and will lead to a generation of useless fucking crybabies, which we're already starting to see.
If you have a legitimate health issue, you should be allowed to work from home, otherwise, go to the fucking office, like everyone else.
some people do well working from home, but most people do not...