Well-Known Member
LoL Johnny I'll agree with that.
and people still oppose gay marriage.
I could be wrong, but I always figured that the main reason why people have so many babies is because sex is so fun and shit just happens due to this.
You are correct sir! It feels fucking great, the sex and moaning and neck kissing and gentle in and out while breasts are bouncing (or..I dont know, pecs) and that incredible sensation that weakens your knees and makes your heart beat 3x faster as you unload your cum into this completely wanting chick.
Then your a dad. WTF!
I'm for gay marriage. But this did make me smile.
I understand it's a controversial question. I think there are some circumstances where it should be OK for you to sterilize your child. Like with the rape case I talked about earlier. She didn't get the choice to not carry the baby herself, she should have the choice to not continue those genes. I'm not for sterilization for population control, I was just asking because someone else I spoke with about the same topic said that they believed that's what we should do, so I want to know what you guys think.
I promise not to sterilize any children. Goodness.
OK so there's always conversations about population control and how we're exhausting the Earth's resources too fast. If a parent of a minor chooses, do you think they should be allowed to have their children sterilized?
I didn't say all that. I was just having this conversation with a few friends and wanted to hear some more opinions. I hear a lot of people say things like rapists should be forcefully sterilized, felons, etc. I didn't mean to get all "but what about the children?!!" I'm just asking people's opinions is all.
But for the record the whole "I don't agree with you, you should just go die" thing is really not helpful in a discussion.
I'm not sure why everyone thinks the world's resources are going to be exhausted. There are many technologies to produce energy and food really shouldn't be an issue (of course it is, but that is by design, ie: US gov't dumping grain into the ocean).
And no, there is no situation where it is OK for you to sterilize your child for them. You have to be a really awful person to do that to someone as innocent as a child, especially your own child.
Except his point was that why is it OK for you to decide who gets to reproduce and who doesn't? Obviously you feel above the people you would forcibly sterilize. If you really feel like the planet is running out of resources and you think forcing your own children to be sterilized is the solution, I suggest you just go ahead and jump off a bridge just in case there's one day where your kids might have to reproduce. It's seriously egotistical and insane to suggest anyone has the power to make that decision for anyone else who is completely innocent (ie: a child). If you want to argue it should be considered for rapists, that's fine, but I'd disagree there as well because the justice system is not infallible.
Ok whoa, you don't have to get hateful. It's a hypothetical question at best, and it was just to have a conversation. I never ever claimed to be the one who should decide who does and does not get to reproduce. For the record, i'm just toking and talking like the thread is intended for. I'm not recruiting people for forceful sterilizations.
Maybe someday the government will start deciding who gets to reproduce and who doesn't so they can control what characteristics are being passed on...
I really do understand how harsh it sounds, but I just don't think it's as black and white as that. I mean, when I say children I'm talking everyone under 18. Another good example besides the rape one: I took care of a girl in a nursing home. She was 16 years old, in there because she tried to kill herself by shooting herself in the head and well...it didn't go as she'd hoped. She could speak but not intelligent conversation. She couldn't even voice her own needs, she'd just spout off random words. So we have a 16 year old defenseless girl. Anybody in the medical field could have predicted what was going to happen to her, and it did. She had a baby by some aide that was supposed to be helping her. Her parents knew she would never be capable of taking care of a child...should they not have been allowed to have her tubes tied?
well what about people with genetic illnsses having kids? we know some conditions are inherited but no one is steralizing people to prevent the spread of these illnesses.
i still think it's crazy to put someone like that through surgery to tie the tubes. how about doing better screening the people they hire!!
I really do understand how harsh it sounds, but I just don't think it's as black and white as that. I mean, when I say children I'm talking everyone under 18. Another good example besides the rape one: I took care of a girl in a nursing home. She was 16 years old, in there because she tried to kill herself by shooting herself in the head and well...it didn't go as she'd hoped. She could speak but not intelligent conversation. She couldn't even voice her own needs, she'd just spout off random words. So we have a 16 year old defenseless girl. Anybody in the medical field could have predicted what was going to happen to her, and it did. She had a baby by some aide that was supposed to be helping her. Her parents knew she would never be capable of taking care of a child...should they not have been allowed to have her tubes tied?