Favorite insult.

id rather just call guys pussys...imo if a guy lets me call him a pussy to his face and wont fight he gets no respect from me...or even just call them scared ... men should have a sense of pride and for there manhood to be challenged and not do anything about it makes them cowardly<- another good one
I'd smack the shit out of you if you called me a pussy lol
heres a good example... i had a best friend who i grew up with and we were very close for 17 years...he had the type of personality were he thought he was better then everyone and would look down upon others...he was a mid level drug dealer and had a fair amount of money , and i didnt , so he thought that talking to me anytype of way was acceptable... i wasnt his friend because he had money or because he would treat me to things i never asked for , would just be around so he would look out for me... this dude would get around females and try to make me look bad and himself look like a savior...just pretty much be a douche bag... but this was my best friend ive saved his ass multiple times and fought his battles for him...i guess i was the brawn and he was the brain.... anyways it came to a point were he was talking entirely to much shit and i had enuff after years aof verbal abuse so i walked to his house told him to come outside and an argument insued..... he told me the only reason i was acting hard and getting in his face is because my girlfriend was there and i instantly snapped.... i hit him directly in the jaw he stiffened up like a board and fell directly backwards ...he was out cold... instead of continueing to whoop his ass i just stood over him and begged him to get up... i told him it wasnt fair that he beat me down with words for years and i only got to hit him once , but at this point he was still unconcious , so after 5 mintues i left.... the douchebag told everyone, including me, that he slipped in the gravel since he was wearing brand new jordans and lost traction....i was flabbergasted but what ever i let it ride... we parted ways for a couple years and i let him continue to talk shit.... we met up again at a bar for a mutual friends birthday party and after a few drinks (that i had bought him since i myself had turned a newleaf and was doing well financially, and he got back on the sore subject of his faulty jordans.... he said it was a sucker punch and got all in my face, so i did what any man would do i took off my jacket , handed my illegal contraband to a friend (the bouncer at this bar was an off duty cop) and asked the douchebag former friend if he wanted another shot at me .....he started running his mouth so i hit him with a quick jab and a nice hook combo....again instantly he stiffened up and dropped.....the boucer (cop) seen this and ran over while screaming stop or your going to jail, once he realized dude was bent in half on the ground he said "too late".... the whole bar was dying and i was in hand cuffs, and he was on the ground...after a few minutes he woke up and i yelled over to him tell the cop u slipped on ice lol.... no charges were filed and our friendship had depleted.... that was our last interaction
id rather just call guys pussys...imo if a guy lets me call him a pussy to his face and wont fight he gets no respect from me...or even just call them scared ... men should have a sense of pride and for there manhood to be challenged and not do anything about it makes them cowardly<- another good one
I like it when smaller guys that won't fight bullies simply walk away and burn your house down while you laugh at them at the bar. Ha ha ha.
What is your favorite insult,I had an ex,that took up with this immature prick.,One night at a bar,she came over and talked for a few minutes,just innocuous talk.The next thing I knew,I had this insecure boy toy in my face,telling me I better stay away from HIS Girlfriend.I just looked at him,and with everybody listening,I said"Tell me Son,Have you kissed her yet ?Of course I have!!He said.I just looked at him and said"So how did my dick Taste ?Bastard had the gall to take a swing at me.
Lil Wayne said this same shit in a song in like 2008.
the point of insulting is to get a emotional response over riding common sense making the person strike u allowing u to full vent your anger on them with out going to jail or having to pay medical bills in a civil suit (as long as u stop once the person is no longer able to press it anymore ie hands up /knocked out/crippled and unable to defend self)

to effectively do that u need to go for those key points on the person ......u need to read them figure out what is the weakest link (doing that with family is second nature why those fights leave the deepest scars) some ppl have a natural skills at this i seen it i call it the power of bitch ...they just zero on your problem and then drill until u crack

so i do not have one i repeat all the time .....depends on what i am trying to evoke in the person .......a general one is ........Huh your still talking (u broken off the chat and dismissed what they were saying forcing them to reengage ) at that point u use what u know about them or u keep up with not caring anymore ends in punch in back of head (so if u can not take do not do it)

but in the end u are fighting ......family friend road rage stranger ..........so really your damned if u do or if u do not if the other person can not control temper which most can not
I like to add a military grouping to a general insult. It's good for describing government, management or an opposing football team.


What a platoon of wankers.

Look at that squadron of twats.

Fuck you, you complete battalion of fucktards.

That sort of thing.
army of assholes?