First Grow - CFL's - LST - Bagseed - Rubbermaid Stealth Box - Low budget - *PICS*


Active Member
I just took her down for a few more macro shots to see if I could identify anything interesting..

To give you an idea of the kind of magnification I'm working with, here's a shot of a leaf with some damage, in the middle of the picture, the small chunk of leaf that's missing..

and then here's a closeup of that spot.. see the cells that make up the leaf? I'm going to use this method when I test for harvest time and look at the trichomes this way..

Here's another closeup of a new leaf growing out of one of the growth points.. there is a cat hair on the leaf, and possibly some trichomes?

Now here's a closeup of a node and what is clearly a preflower of some sort starting to emerge.. I'm thinking it will be a few more days for me to fully identify it's sex.

Here's an arrow pointing to the preflower just in case you can't see it.



Active Member
Here's a tighter crop of the preflower.. I think the shape looks more like a calyx of a female than a ball of a male.. but it may just be wishful thinking.



Active Member
Tomorrow morning I think will be close to the deciding factor.. I may know tomorrow morning, or tomorrow night. We'll see :(


Well-Known Member
Nice growth for a week Attic, I hope mine turn out at least half that good. I agree the shape does seem to be a bit ladyish, a day or two will hopefully bring her out!:weed:

Hey how you gettin those great close ups? Is it the macro function on your camera?


Active Member
haha dude it's a pretty complicated process... I have an SLR professional camera.. If you take the lens off, flip it around and hold it to the camera in reverse, it acts as a magnifier.. I can get some serious closeups through my backwards lens..


Active Member
No pistils yet this morning.. However the preflowers are certainly bigger. None of them look like balls or a small stem with a ball on the end OR a crab claw, they ALL look like little unopened calyx's.. Here's to hoping.


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Keeping my fingers crossed :smile:

Here's a couple more pictures from today... Hasn't changed TOO much, but it certainly does NOT look like a crab claw or balls. I've attached a picture of a female in early preflowering and a male in early preflowering.. Tell me which one you think looks like mine.

Here's my pictures, not the BEST clarity but I think it gets the point across as to what it looks like:

Here's the picture of the early male and female preflowers. Female on the left, male on the right.

What do you guys think now??


Active Member
here's another shot of EARLY male preflowers. (not my plant) Just to give an additional example of what they look like



Active Member
LOL well there's no clear indication of either sex right now, we'll see what it looks like in a day or two... That last picture I posted isn't my plant.


Active Member
welp the preflowers are still really small this morning, so I'll let them develop all day until this afternoon before i take pics