not really, you guys want to impose your laws on women's bodies and gay's (non) marriages. among other little hypocrisies you guys foster.
Fuck you and your you guys. I don't care whose ass you stick your dick in. In fact, I don't care if your whole neighborhood marries each other. I am anti-abortion personally but pro-choice. And more than anything, I'm for individual freedom.
You can't make an argument without bashing someone by calling them gay (drips with irony when you do this, speaking of hypocrite), you treat all people in the south like it's 150 years ago and the 2% represent the entire population and when you've got nothing else you yell racist. You can be one of the most vile bigots on this site while doing this. Pathetic little man you can be sometimes. Your are full of shit most of your posts and when you are pressed on your shit you call names and start a new thread. Weak minded hack.
But hey, anyone who disagrees with your savior must be this boogeyman republican bible thumping racist mouth breather you saw on MSNBC in a clip a thousand times. That could be the only reason other people don't think like you do, there just couldn't be any other possibilities.
Personal attacks on a forum are fun, I see why you do it now. Was gonna rant longer, then I got high.
You still make me laugh sometimes though, and grow some pretty plants so it's not a total loss